Implementation of an innovative technology for the production of aluminium joinery, including computerisation of production management, in order to introduce a company’s offer on the domestic and foreign passive housing market. (Q123032)
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Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of an innovative technology for the production of aluminium joinery, including computerisation of production management, in order to introduce a company’s offer on the domestic and foreign passive housing market. |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
187,600.0 zloty
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469,000.0 zloty
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40.0 percent
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1 May 2019
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31 December 2019
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Projekt polega na wdrożeniu w przedsiębiorstwie Wnioskodawcy innowacji procesowej w obszarze stolarki aluminiowej oraz innowacji produktowej polegającej na wprowadzeniu do oferty nowych, innowacyjnych produktów do stosowania w budownictwie pasywnym. Zakres rzeczowy projektu dotyczy zakupu sterowanego komputerowo centrum obróbczego CNC do frezowania i owiercania profili aluminiowych o wysokim stopniu innowacyjności. Efektem realizacji projektu będzie podniesienie poziomu technologicznego i konkurencyjności firmy, rozwój działalności eksportowej a także wpływ na rozwój gospodarki regionalnej i krajowej. (Polish)
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The project involves the implementation in the company of the Applicant of process innovation in the area of aluminium carpentry and product innovation consisting of introducing new, innovative products for use in passive construction. The material scope of the project concerns the purchase of a computer-controlled CNC machining center for milling and drilling of aluminum profiles with a high degree of innovation. The result of the project will be to increase the level of technology and competitiveness of the company, the development of export activities as well as the impact on the development of the regional and national economy. (English)
21 October 2020
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