Structuring the export sector – Action programme 2021 (Q6835637)

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Revision as of 09:09, 13 October 2024 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): Trata-se do programa de ação de 2021 do Club Export Réunion, cujo objetivo é a estruturação e consolidação do setor das «exportações».)
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Project RE0029961 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Structuring the export sector – Action programme 2021
Project RE0029961 in France


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    154,563.77 Euro
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    193,204.7 Euro
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    80.0 percent
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    5 January 2021
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    31 December 2021
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    Il s agit du programme d actions 2021 du Club Export Réunion dont la finalité est la structuration et la consolidation de la filière « export ». notamment par l accompagnement des entreprises dans cette démarche d ouverture à l international (French)
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    Това е програмата за действие за 2021 г. на Клуб Експорт Реюнион, чиято цел е структурирането и консолидирането на сектора на износа. (Bulgarian)
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    Jedná se o akční program klubu Export Réunion na rok 2021, jehož cílem je strukturování a konsolidace odvětví „vývozu“. (Czech)
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    Dette er 2021-handlingsprogrammet for Club Export Réunion, hvis formål er at strukturere og konsolidere eksportsektoren. (Danish)
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    Es handelt sich um das Aktionsprogramm 2021 des Club Export Réunion, dessen Ziel die Strukturierung und Konsolidierung des Exportsektors ist. (German)
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    Πρόκειται για το πρόγραμμα δράσης 2021 της Λέσχης Εξαγωγών Ρεϋνιόν, στόχος του οποίου είναι η διάρθρωση και η εδραίωση του τομέα των «εξαγωγών». (Greek)
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    This is the 2021 action programme of the Club Export Réunion whose aim is the structuring and consolidation of the “export” sector. (English)
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    Se trata del programa de acción 2021 del Club Export Réunion cuyo objetivo es estructurar y consolidar el sector «exportador». (Spanish)
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    See on Club Export Réunioni 2021. aasta tegevusprogramm, mille eesmärk on „ekspordi“ sektori struktureerimine ja konsolideerimine. (Estonian)
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    Tämä on Club Export Réunionin vuoden 2021 toimintaohjelma, jonka tavoitteena on ”vientialan” jäsentäminen ja vakiinnuttaminen. (Finnish)
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    Is é seo clár gníomhaíochta 2021 an Chlub Easpórtála La Réunion a bhfuil sé mar aidhm leis an earnáil “onnmhairiú” a struchtúrú agus a chomhdhlúthú. (Irish)
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    Riječ je o akcijskom programu za 2021. kluba Export Réunion čiji je cilj strukturiranje i konsolidacija „izvoznog” sektora. (Croatian)
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    Ez a Club Export Réunion 2021. évi cselekvési programja, amelynek célja az exportágazat strukturálása és megszilárdítása. (Hungarian)
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    Si tratta del programma d'azione 2021 della Club Export Réunion, il cui obiettivo è la strutturazione e il consolidamento del settore "export". (Italian)
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    Tai 2021 m. „Export Reunion“ klubo veiksmų programa, kurios tikslas – „eksporto“ sektoriaus struktūrizavimas ir konsolidavimas. (Lithuanian)
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    Šī ir Club Export Réunion 2021. gada rīcības programma, kuras mērķis ir “eksporta” nozares strukturēšana un konsolidācija. (Latvian)
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    Dan huwa l-programm ta’ azzjoni tal-2021 tal-Club Export Réunion li l-għan tiegħu huwa l-istrutturar u l-konsolidazzjoni tas-settur tal-“esportazzjoni”. (Maltese)
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    Dit is het actieprogramma 2021 van de Club Export Réunion, dat tot doel heeft de sector „export” te structureren en te consolideren. (Dutch)
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    Trata-se do programa de ação de 2021 do Club Export Réunion, cujo objetivo é a estruturação e consolidação do setor das «exportações». (Portuguese)
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    Acesta este programul de acțiune pentru 2021 al Clubului Export Réunion, al cărui scop este structurarea și consolidarea sectorului „exportului”. (Romanian)
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    Toto je akčný program Club Export Réunion na rok 2021, ktorého cieľom je štruktúrovanie a konsolidácia „vývozného“ sektora. (Slovak)
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    To je akcijski program kluba Export Réunion za leto 2021, katerega cilj je strukturiranje in konsolidacija „izvoznega“ sektorja. (Slovenian)
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    Detta är 2021 års handlingsprogram för Club Export Réunion, vars syfte är att strukturera och konsolidera ”exportsektorn”. (Swedish)
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    8 June 2023
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    La Réunion
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    7 December 2023
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