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Project Q101763 in Poland
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Project Q101763 in Poland |
2,234,342.13 zloty
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3,238,177.0 zloty
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69.0 percent
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9 November 2017
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31 December 2019
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Przedsięwzięcie polegać będzie na budowie infrastruktury technicznej , której zadaniem będzie pozyskiwanie energii z OZE jakim jest promieniowanie słoneczne. Farma fotowoltaiczna o docelowej mocy do 0,967 MW zaprojektowana na gruntach ornych w m. Sadykierz, gmina Rzeczyca, powiat tomaszowski, woj. łódzkieUrządzenia, to wolnostojące panele słoneczne wraz z inwerterami, przyłączem elektroenergetycznym oraz stacją transformatorową. Dodatkowymi elementami będą droga techniczna i plac montażowy, ogrodzenie terenu oraz zjazd z drogi.Wytworzona energia elektryczna zostanie w całości wprowadzona do krajowej sieci elektroenergetycznej.Celem głównym projektu jest zwiększenie produkcji energii ze źródeł odnawialnych. Jest on zgodny z poddziałaniem IV.1.2.Osiągnięcie tak opisanego celu przyczyni się do rozwiązania problemów zidentyfikowanych na etapie analizy problemów projektu i pozwoli na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego na obszarze gminy i województwa oraz zmniejszenie negatywnego oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń na życie i zdrowie ludności oraz środowisko.Najszerzej opisaną grupą docelową są wszyscy mieszkańcy RP, będący odbiorcami energii elektrycznej lub jej efektu.Projekt składa się z 4 zadań:Przygotowanie dokumentacji inwestycyjnej.Budowa i odbiór instalacji fotowoltaicznej.Promocja i zarządzanie projektem.Budowa sieci niskiego napięcia - przyłącze do KSE.Projekt jest zgodny z polityką promowania równości mężczyzn i kobiet oraz niedyskryminacji.W trakcie realizacji i po wdrożeniu kobietom i mężczyznom przypisywana będzie taka samą wartość społeczna, równe prawa, obowiązki, dostęp do zasobów. W czasie wyboru dostawców i rekrutacji firma będzie kierować się wyłącznie kompetencjami i umiejętnościami oferentów i kandydatów. Wszystkie osoby związane z projektem będą wynagradzani na podstawie osiąganych efektów. Spółka będzie przestrzegała zasady równouprawnienia kobiet i mężczyzn w tym w zakresie propagowania godzenia pracy i życia osobistego. (Polish)
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The project will consist of the construction of technical infrastructure whose task will be to obtain energy from RES, i.e. solar radiation. Photovoltaic farm with target power up to 0.967 MW designed on arable land in Sadykierz, commune Rzeczyca, district tomaszowski, Łódź VoivodeshipThe devices are free-standing solar panels with inverters, power connection and transformer station. Additional elements will be the technical road and assembly site, fence and exit off the road.The generated electricity will be fully integrated into the national electricity grid.The main objective of the project is to increase the production of renewable energy sources. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of women’s electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to women’s social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to women’s social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for women’s equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to women’s rights.There is equal to the implementation of women’s social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. All persons associated with the project will be remunerated on the basis of the results achieved. The Company will respect the principle of equality between men and women in the area of promoting reconciliation of work and personal life. (English)
17 October 2020
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Le projet consistera en la construction d’infrastructures techniques, dont la tâche sera d’obtenir de l’énergie à partir des SER, c’est-à-dire le rayonnement solaire. Une ferme photovoltaïque d’une capacité maximale de 0,967 MW, conçue sur des terres arables à Sadykierz, la commune de Rzeczyca, le district de Tomaszowski, la voïvodie de Łódź, les appareils sont des panneaux solaires autonomes ainsi que des onduleurs, des connexions électriques et une station de transformation. Les éléments supplémentaires seront la route technique et le site d’installation, la clôture et la sortie de la route.L’électricité produite sera entièrement introduite dans le réseau électrique national.Le principal objectif du projet est d’augmenter la production d’énergie à partir de sources renouvelables. Il est conforme à la sous-action IV.1.2.Atteindre un tel objectif contribuera à résoudre les problèmes identifiés au stade de l’analyse des problèmes du projet et permettra d’accroître la sécurité énergétique dans la zone de la commune et de la voïvodie et de réduire l’impact négatif de la pollution sur la vie et la santé de la population et de l’environnement.Le groupe cible le plus décrit est tous les résidents de la République de Pologne, qui sont consommateurs d’électricité ou de son effet.Le projet se compose de 4 zadań:Przygotowanie documentation d’investissement.Construction et réception de l’installation photovoltaïque.Promotion et gestion du projet.La construction du réseau basse tension — connexion à la KSE.Le projet est compatible avec la mise en œuvre de la politique de promotion de l’égalité des hommes et des femmes. Lors de la sélection des fournisseurs et du recrutement, l’entreprise sera guidée uniquement par les compétences et les aptitudes des soumissionnaires et des candidats. Toutes les personnes impliquées dans le projet seront rémunérées sur la base des résultats obtenus. L’entreprise respectera le principe de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, y compris dans la promotion de la réconciliation entre le travail et la vie personnelle. (French)
1 December 2021
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Das Projekt wird im Bau einer technischen Infrastruktur bestehen, deren Aufgabe darin besteht, Energie aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen zu erhalten, bei dem es um Sonnenstrahlung geht. Eine Photovoltaik-Anlage mit einer Zielkapazität von bis zu 0,967 MW, die auf Ackerland in Sadykierz, der Gemeinde Rzeczyca, dem Bezirk Tomaszowski, der Woiwodschaft Łódź, gebaut wurde, sind freistehende Solarmodule zusammen mit Wechselrichtern, Stromanschluss und Transformatorstation. Weitere Elemente sind die technische Straße und der Installationsstandort, der Zaun und der Ausgang von der Straße.Der erzeugte Strom wird vollständig in das nationale Stromnetz eingebracht.Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Steigerung der Erzeugung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen. Es ist in Übereinstimmung mit der Teilaktion IV.1.2.Die Erreichung eines solchen Ziels wird zur Lösung der Probleme beitragen, die in der Phase der Analyse der Probleme des Projekts festgestellt wurden, und ermöglicht es, die Energieversorgungssicherheit im Gebiet der Gemeinde und Woiwodschaft zu erhöhen und die negativen Auswirkungen der Verschmutzung auf das Leben und die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung und der Umwelt zu verringern.Die beschriebene Zielgruppe sind alle Bewohner der Republik Polen, die Stromverbraucher oder deren Wirkung sind.Das Projekt besteht aus 4 zadań:Przygotowanie Investitionsdokumentation.Bau und Aufnahme von Photovoltaik-Installationen.Förderung und Projektmanagement.Der Bau des Niederspannungsnetzes – Anbindung an die KSE.Das Projekt ist mit der Politik der Nicht-Frauen-Umsetzung und der Umsetzung der Gleichstellung und der Gleichstellung von Männern vereinbar. Bei der Auswahl der Lieferanten und der Rekrutierung wird sich das Unternehmen ausschließlich an den Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten von Bietern und Bewerbern orientieren. Alle an dem Projekt beteiligten Personen werden auf der Grundlage der erzielten Ergebnisse vergütet. Das Unternehmen wird den Grundsatz der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern achten, auch bei der Förderung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben. (German)
7 December 2021
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Het project zal bestaan uit de bouw van technische infrastructuur, die tot taak heeft energie te verkrijgen uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen, dat wil zeggen zonnestraling. Een fotovoltaïsche boerderij met een doelcapaciteit tot 0,967 MW, ontworpen op bouwland in Sadykierz, de gemeente Rzeczyca, het district Tomaszowski, het woiwodschap Łódź, de apparaten zijn vrijstaande zonnepanelen samen met omvormers, stroomaansluiting en transformatorstation. Aanvullende elementen zijn de technische weg en de installatielocatie, het hek en de uitgang van de weg.De opgewekte elektriciteit zal volledig worden ingevoerd in het nationale elektriciteitsnet.Het hoofddoel van het project is de productie van energie uit hernieuwbare bronnen te verhogen. Het is in overeenstemming met subactie IV.1.2.Het bereiken van een dergelijk doel zal bijdragen aan het oplossen van de problemen die zijn vastgesteld in het stadium van de analyse van de problemen van het project en zal het mogelijk maken om de energiezekerheid in het gebied van de gemeente en het woiwodschap te verhogen en de negatieve impact van vervuiling op het leven en de gezondheid van de bevolking en het milieu te verminderen.De meest beschreven doelgroep zijn alle inwoners van de Republiek Polen, die verbruikers van elektriciteit of het effect ervan zijn.Het project bestaat uit 4 zadań:Przygotowanie investeringsdocumentatie.Bouw en ontvangst van fotovoltaïsche installatie.Promotie en projectbeheer.De bouw van het laagspanningsnetwerk — aansluiting op de KSE.Het project is consistent met het beleid van het bevorderen van gelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen.In de loop van de uitvoering van de gelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen. Bij de selectie van leveranciers en werving zal het bedrijf zich uitsluitend laten leiden door de competenties en vaardigheden van inschrijvers en kandidaten. Alle bij het project betrokken personen worden vergoed op basis van de behaalde resultaten. Het bedrijf zal het beginsel van gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen eerbiedigen, onder meer bij het bevorderen van het combineren van werk en privéleven. (Dutch)
17 December 2021
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Il progetto consisterà nella costruzione di infrastrutture tecniche il cui compito sarà quello di ottenere energia da fonti rinnovabili, che è l'irraggiamento solare. Un'azienda fotovoltaica con una capacità fino a 0,967 MW, progettata su terreni coltivabili a Sadykierz, il comune di Rzeczyca, il distretto di Tomaszowski, il voivodato di Łódź, i dispositivi sono pannelli solari indipendenti insieme a inverter, allacciamento e stazione di trasformazione. Ulteriori elementi saranno la strada tecnica e il sito di installazione, la recinzione e l'uscita dalla strada. L'energia elettrica generata sarà completamente introdotta nella rete elettrica nazionale. L'obiettivo principale del progetto è aumentare la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili. È in accordo con la sottoazione IV.1.2.Il raggiungimento di tale obiettivo contribuirà a risolvere i problemi individuati nella fase di analisi dei problemi del progetto e consentirà di aumentare la sicurezza energetica nell'area del comune e del voivodato e ridurre l'impatto negativo dell'inquinamento sulla vita e sulla salute della popolazione e dell'ambiente.Il gruppo target più descritto sono tutti residenti della Repubblica di Polonia, che sono consumatori di energia elettrica o del suo effetto.Il progetto è composto da 4 zadań:Przygotowanie documentazione di investimento.Costruzione e ricezione di impianti fotovoltaici.Promozione e gestione del progetto.La costruzione della rete a bassa tensione — connessione con il KSE.Il progetto è coerente con la politica di promozione della parità tra uomini e donne.In corso di realizzazione di uomini e donne. Durante la selezione dei fornitori e le assunzioni, l'azienda sarà guidata esclusivamente dalle competenze e dalle capacità degli offerenti e dei candidati. Tutte le persone coinvolte nel progetto saranno remunerate sulla base dei risultati raggiunti. L'azienda rispetterà il principio della parità tra donne e uomini, anche nel promuovere la riconciliazione tra lavoro e vita personale. (Italian)
15 January 2022
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El proyecto consistirá en la construcción de infraestructuras técnicas, cuya tarea será obtener energía de las fuentes de energía renovables, que es la radiación solar. Una granja fotovoltaica con una capacidad objetivo de hasta 0,967 MW, diseñada en tierras de cultivo en Sadykierz, la comuna de Rzeczyca, el distrito de Tomaszowski, el Voivodato de Łódż, los dispositivos son paneles solares independientes junto con inversores, conexión de energía y estación de transformadores. Otros elementos serán la carretera técnica y el emplazamiento de instalación, la valla y la salida de la carretera. La electricidad generada se introducirá plenamente en la red eléctrica nacional. El objetivo principal del proyecto es aumentar la producción de energía a partir de fuentes renovables. Se ajusta a la subacción IV.1.2.El logro de este objetivo contribuirá a resolver los problemas identificados en la fase de análisis de los problemas del proyecto y permitirá aumentar la seguridad energética en el área del municipio y el voivodato y reducir el impacto negativo de la contaminación en la vida y la salud de la población y el medio ambiente.El grupo destinatario más descrito son todos los residentes de la República de Polonia, que son consumidores de electricidad o su efecto.El proyecto consta de 4 zadań:Przygotowanie documentación de inversión.Construcción y recepción de la instalación fotovoltaica.Promoción y gestión del proyecto.La construcción de la red de baja tensión — conexión a la KSE.El proyecto es coherente con la aplicación de la mujer y la igualdad de género y la igualdad de género. Durante la selección de proveedores y la contratación, la empresa se guiará únicamente por las competencias y habilidades de los licitadores y candidatos. Todas las personas que participen en el proyecto serán remuneradas en función de los resultados obtenidos. La empresa respetará el principio de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, incluida la promoción de la conciliación entre el trabajo y la vida personal. (Spanish)
18 January 2022
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Projektet vil bestå i opførelse af teknisk infrastruktur, som skal have til opgave at skaffe energi fra vedvarende energikilder, dvs. solstråling. Fotovoltaisk gård med måleffekt op til 0,967 MW designet på agerjord i Sadykierz, kommune Rzeczyca, distrikt tomaszowski, Åódź VoivodeshipAnordningerne er fritstående solpaneler med invertere, strømforsyning og transformatorstation. Yderligere elementer vil være den tekniske vej og samlested, hegn og afgang fra vejen.Den producerede elektricitet vil blive fuldt integreret i det nationale elnet. Hovedformålet med projektet er at øge produktionen af vedvarende energikilder. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Alle personer, der er tilknyttet projektet, aflønnes på grundlag af de opnåede resultater. Selskabet vil respektere princippet om ligestilling mellem mænd og kvinder inden for fremme af forening af arbejdsliv og privatliv. (Danish)
2 July 2022
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Το έργο θα συνίσταται στην κατασκευή τεχνικών υποδομών που θα έχουν ως αποστολή την παραγωγή ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ, δηλαδή την ηλιακή ακτινοβολία. Φωτοβολταϊκό αγρόκτημα με στόχο έως 0,967 MW σχεδιασμένο σε αρόσιμη γη στο Sadykierz, κοινότητα Rzeczyca, περιοχή tomaszowski, ųdÅ° VoivodeshipΟι συσκευές είναι ανεξάρτητοι ηλιακοί συλλέκτες με αναστροφείς, σύνδεση ισχύος και σταθμό μετασχηματιστών. Επιπλέον στοιχεία θα είναι ο τεχνικός δρόμος και ο χώρος συναρμολόγησης, ο φράχτης και η έξοδος από το δρόμο. Η παραγόμενη ηλεκτρική ενέργεια θα ενσωματωθεί πλήρως στο εθνικό δίκτυο ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας. Κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι η αύξηση της παραγωγής ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Όλα τα πρόσωπα που συνδέονται με το σχέδιο αμείβονται με βάση τα επιτευχθέντα αποτελέσματα. Η Εταιρεία θα σέβεται την αρχή της ισότητας μεταξύ ανδρών και γυναικών στον τομέα της προώθησης του συνδυασμού επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής. (Greek)
2 July 2022
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Projekt će se sastojati od izgradnje tehničke infrastrukture čiji će zadatak biti dobivanje energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije, odnosno solarnog zračenja. Fotonaponska farma s ciljnom snagom do 0,967 MW dizajnirana na obradivom zemljištu u Sadykierzu, općini Rzeczyca, okrugu tomaszowski, ÅódÅ' Voivodeship Uređaji su samostojeći solarni paneli s inverterima, priključkom na struju i transformatorskom stanicom. Dodatni elementi bit će tehnička cesta i mjesto montaže, ograda i izlaz s ceste. Proizvedena električna energija bit će u potpunosti integrirana u nacionalnu elektroenergetsku mrežu. Glavni cilj projekta je povećanje proizvodnje obnovljivih izvora energije. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Sve osobe povezane s projektom primit će naknadu na temelju postignutih rezultata. Društvo će poštovati načelo jednakosti muškaraca i žena u području promicanja usklađivanja poslovnog i osobnog života. (Croatian)
2 July 2022
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Proiectul va consta în construirea unei infrastructuri tehnice a cărei sarcină va fi de a obține energie din surse regenerabile, și anume radiații solare. Fermă fotovoltaică cu putere țintă de până la 0,967 MW proiectată pe terenuri arabile în Sadykierz, comuna Rzeczyca, raionul Tomaszowski, Voievodatul ÅódźDispozitivele sunt panouri solare de sine stătătoare cu invertoare, conexiune electrică și stație de transformare. Elemente suplimentare vor fi drumul tehnic și amplasamentul de asamblare, gardul și ieșirea de pe drum.Energia electrică generată va fi complet integrată în rețeaua națională de energie electrică.Obiectivul principal al proiectului este creșterea producției de surse regenerabile de energie. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Toate persoanele asociate proiectului vor fi remunerate pe baza rezultatelor obținute. Compania va respecta principiul egalității între bărbați și femei în domeniul promovării reconcilierii vieții profesionale cu viața personală. (Romanian)
2 July 2022
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Projekt bude pozostávať z výstavby technickej infraštruktúry, ktorej úlohou bude získavanie energie z obnoviteľných zdrojov energie, t. j. slnečného žiarenia. Fotovoltaická farma s cieľovým výkonom do 0,967 MW navrhnutá na ornej pôde v Sadykierz, obec Rzeczyca, okres Tomaszowski, ŠÃ³dÅ° Voivodeship. Zariadenia sú voľne stojace solárne panely s meničmi, napájacími prípojkami a transformátorovou stanicou. Ďalšími prvkami bude technická cesta a miesto montáže, plot a výstup z cesty. Vyrobená elektrina bude plne integrovaná do národnej elektrickej siete. Hlavným cieľom projektu je zvýšiť výrobu obnoviteľných zdrojov energie. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Všetky osoby spojené s projektom budú odmeňované na základe dosiahnutých výsledkov. Spoločnosť bude rešpektovať zásadu rovnosti medzi mužmi a ženami v oblasti podpory zosúladenia pracovného a osobného života. (Slovak)
2 July 2022
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Il-proġett se jikkonsisti fil-kostruzzjoni ta’ infrastruttura teknika li l-kompitu tagħha se jkun li tikseb l-enerġija mis-sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli, jiġifieri r-radjazzjoni solari. Razzett fotovoltajku b’qawwa fil-mira sa 0.967 MW iddisinjat fuq art li tinħadem f’Sadykierz, il-komun Rzeczyca, id-distrett ta’ tomaszowski, ÅódÅ° VoivodeshipL-apparat huwa pannelli solari indipendenti b’invertituri, konnessjoni tal-enerġija u stazzjon tat-transformer. Elementi addizzjonali se jkunu t-triq teknika u s-sit tal-assemblaġġ, iċ-ċint u l-ħruġ mit-triq. L-elettriku ġġenerat se jkun integrat bis-sħiħ fil-grilja tal-elettriku nazzjonali. L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li tiżdied il-produzzjoni ta’ sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Il-persuni kollha assoċjati mal-proġett se jitħallsu fuq il-bażi tar-riżultati miksuba. Il-Kumpanija se tirrispetta l-prinċipju ta ‘ugwaljanza bejn l-irġiel u n-nisa fil-qasam tal-promozzjoni tar-rikonċiljazzjoni tax-xogħol u l-ħajja personali. (Maltese)
2 July 2022
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O projeto consistirá na construção de infraestruturas técnicas cuja função será a obtenção de energia a partir de FER, ou seja, a radiação solar. Quinta fotovoltaica com potência até 0,967 MW projetada em terras aráveis em Sadykierz, comuna Rzeczyca, distrito tomaszowski, ÅódÅ VoivodeshipOs dispositivos são painéis solares independentes com inversores, conexão de energia e estação de transformadores. Os elementos adicionais serão a estrada técnica e o local de montagem, a vedação e a saída da estrada. A eletricidade gerada será totalmente integrada na rede elétrica nacional.O principal objetivo do projeto é aumentar a produção de fontes de energia renováveis. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Todas as pessoas associadas ao projeto serão remuneradas com base nos resultados obtidos. A Companhia respeitará o princípio da igualdade entre homens e raparigas na área de promoção da conciliação do trabalho e da vida pessoal. (Portuguese)
2 July 2022
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Hanke koostuu sellaisen teknisen infrastruktuurin rakentamisesta, jonka tehtävänä on saada energiaa uusiutuvista energialähteistä eli aurinkosäteilystä. Aurinkosähkötila, jonka tavoiteteho on 0,967 MW ja joka on suunniteltu viljelymaalle Sadykierzissä, Rzeczycan kunnassa, tomaszowskin piirikunnassa, ÅódÅ° Voivodeship Laitteet ovat vapaasti seisovia aurinkopaneeleja, joissa on invertterit, sähköliitäntä ja muuntaja-asema. Muita osatekijöitä ovat tekninen tie- ja kokoonpanopaikka, aidat ja poistuminen tieltä. Tuotettu sähkö integroidaan täysin kansalliseen sähköverkkoon. Hankkeen päätavoitteena on lisätä uusiutuvien energialähteiden tuotantoa. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Kaikille hankkeeseen osallistuville henkilöille maksetaan korvaus saavutettujen tulosten perusteella. Yhtiö kunnioittaa miesten ja naisten tasa-arvon periaatetta työ- ja yksityiselämän yhteensovittamisen edistämisessä. (Finnish)
2 July 2022
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Projekt bo sestavljen iz gradnje tehnične infrastrukture, katere naloga bo pridobivanje energije iz obnovljivih virov, tj. sončnega sevanja. Fotovoltaična kmetija s ciljno močjo do 0,967 MW, zasnovana na ornih zemljiščih v Sadykierzu, občini Rzeczyca, okrožnem tomaszowskem, ÅódÅ° VoivodeshipNaprave so samostojne sončne plošče z inverterji, napajalno povezavo in transformatorsko postajo. Dodatni elementi bodo tehnična cesta in mesto montaže, ograja in izstop s ceste. Proizvedena električna energija bo v celoti vključena v nacionalno električno omrežje. Glavni cilj projekta je povečati proizvodnjo obnovljivih virov energije. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Vse osebe, povezane s projektom, bodo plačane na podlagi doseženih rezultatov. Družba bo spoštovala načelo enakosti med moškimi in ženskami na področju spodbujanja usklajevanja poklicnega in zasebnega življenja. (Slovenian)
2 July 2022
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Projekt bude spočívat ve výstavbě technické infrastruktury, jejímž úkolem bude získávání energie z obnovitelných zdrojů, tj. slunečního záření. Fotovoltaická farma s cílovým výkonem do 0,967 MW navržená na orné půdě v Sadykierz, obec Rzeczyca, okres tomaszowski, ųdÅ° VoivodeshipZařízení jsou volně stojící solární panely s měniči, napájecím připojením a transformátorovou stanicí. Další prvky budou technické silniční a montážní místo, plot a výstup ze silnice. Vyráběná elektřina bude plně začleněna do vnitrostátní elektrické sítě. Hlavním cílem projektu je zvýšit výrobu obnovitelných zdrojů energie. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Všechny osoby spojené s projektem budou odměňovány na základě dosažených výsledků. Společnost bude respektovat zásadu rovnosti mezi muži a ženami v oblasti podpory sladění pracovního a osobního života. (Czech)
2 July 2022
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Projektą sudarys techninės infrastruktūros, kurios užduotis bus gauti energiją iš atsinaujinančiųjų energijos išteklių, t. y. saulės spinduliuotės, statyba. Fotoelektros ūkis su tiksline galia iki 0,967 MW, suprojektuotas ariamojoje žemėje Sadykierz, komunoje Rzeczyca, apskrities tomaszowski, ÅódÅ° vaivadijaĮrenginiai yra laisvai pastatomos saulės baterijos su inverteriais, elektros jungtimi ir transformatorine stotimi. Papildomi elementai bus techninė kelio ir surinkimo aikštelė, tvora ir išėjimas iš kelio. Pagaminta elektros energija bus visiškai integruota į nacionalinį elektros tinklą. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – padidinti atsinaujinančiųjų energijos išteklių gamybą. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Visiems su projektu susijusiems asmenims bus atlyginama pagal pasiektus rezultatus. Bendrovė gerbs vyrų ir moterų lygybės principą darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo derinimo skatinimo srityje. (Lithuanian)
2 July 2022
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Projekts ietvers tādas tehniskās infrastruktūras būvniecību, kuras uzdevums būs iegūt enerģiju no AER, t. i., saules starojumu. Fotoelementu saimniecība ar mērķa jaudu līdz 0,967 MW projektēta aramzemē Sadykierz, Rzeczyca komūnā, tomaszowski rajona, ųdÅ° VoivodeshipThe ierīces ir brīvi stāvoši saules paneļi ar invertoru, strāvas pieslēgumu un transformatoru staciju. Papildu elementi būs tehniskais ceļš un montāžas vieta, žogs un izeja no ceļa. Ražotā elektroenerģija tiks pilnībā integrēta valsts elektrotīklā. Projekta galvenais mērķis ir palielināt atjaunojamo energoresursu ražošanu. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Visas ar projektu saistītās personas saņems atlīdzību, pamatojoties uz sasniegtajiem rezultātiem. Uzņēmums ievēros vīriešu un sieviešu līdztiesības principu darba un personīgās dzīves saskaņošanas veicināšanā. (Latvian)
2 July 2022
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Проектът ще се състои в изграждането на техническа инфраструктура, чиято задача ще бъде да се получава енергия от ВЕИ, т.е. слънчева радиация. Фотоволтаична ферма с целева мощност до 0,967 MW, проектирана върху обработваема земя в Садикиерц, община Rzeczyca, област Tomaszowski, ÅódÅ° VoivodeshipУстройствата са свободно стоящи слънчеви панели с инвертори, силова връзка и трансформаторна станция. Допълнителни елементи ще бъдат техническият пътен и монтажен обект, оградата и излизането от пътя. Генерираната електроенергия ще бъде напълно интегрирана в националната електропреносна мрежа. Основната цел на проекта е да се увеличи производството на възобновяеми енергийни източници. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Всички лица, свързани с проекта, ще получат възнаграждение въз основа на постигнатите резултати. Компанията ще спазва принципа на равенство между мъжете и жените в областта на насърчаването на съвместяването на професионалния и личния живот. (Bulgarian)
2 July 2022
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A projekt olyan műszaki infrastruktúra kiépítését foglalja magában, amelynek feladata a megújuló energiaforrásokból származó energia, azaz a napsugárzás. Fotovoltaikus farm célteljesítmény akár 0,967 MW szántóföldön Sadykierz, település Rzeczyca, kerületi tomaszowski, ųdÅ° VoivodeshipAz eszközök szabadon álló napelemek inverterekkel, tápcsatlakozással és transzformátorállomással. További elemek lesznek a műszaki út és az összeszerelés helyszíne, kerítés és kijárat az útról.A termelt villamos energia teljes mértékben integrálódik a nemzeti villamosenergia-hálózatba. A projekt fő célja a megújuló energiaforrások termelésének növelése. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. A projekttel kapcsolatban álló valamennyi személy díjazása az elért eredmények alapján történik. A Társaság tiszteletben tartja a férfiak és nők közötti egyenlőség elvét a munka és a magánélet összeegyeztetésének előmozdítása terén. (Hungarian)
2 July 2022
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Is éard a bheidh sa tionscadal tógáil bonneagair theicniúil a mbeidh sé de chúram air fuinneamh a fháil ó RES, i.e. radaíocht na gréine. Feirm fhótavoltach le spriocchumhacht suas go dtí 0.967 MW atá deartha ar thalamh arúil i Sadykierz, commune Rzeczyca, tomaszowski dúiche, ÅódÅ° VoivodeshipIs iad na feistí painéil gréine saor in aisce le inverters, nasc cumhachta agus stáisiún claochladán. Beidh an leictreachas a ghintear comhtháite go hiomlán san eangach náisiúnta leictreachais.Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail ná táirgeadh foinsí fuinnimh in-athnuaite a mhéadú. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Íocfar gach duine a bhfuil baint acu leis an tionscadal ar bhonn na dtorthaí a baineadh amach. Urramóidh an Chuideachta prionsabal an chomhionannais idir fir agus mná sa réimse a bhaineann le comhréiteach idir obair agus saol pearsanta a chur chun cinn. (Irish)
2 July 2022
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Projektet kommer att bestå av uppförande av teknisk infrastruktur vars uppgift kommer att vara att anskaffa energi från förnybara energikällor, dvs. solstrålning. Solceller gård med måleffekt upp till 0,967 MW designad på åkermark i Sadykierz, kommun Rzeczyca, distrikt tomaszowski, ÅódÅ° VoivodeshipAnordningarna är fristående solpaneler med växelriktare, kraftanslutning och transformatorstation. Ytterligare element kommer att vara den tekniska vägen och monteringsplatsen, staketet och avfarten från vägen.Den genererade elen kommer att integreras fullt ut i det nationella elnätet.Projektets huvudmål är att öka produktionen av förnybara energikällor. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Alla personer som är knutna till projektet kommer att få ersättning på grundval av de resultat som uppnåtts. Bolaget kommer att respektera principen om jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män när det gäller att främja möjligheterna att förena arbete och privatliv. (Swedish)
2 July 2022
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Projekt hõlmab tehnilise infrastruktuuri ehitamist, mille ülesanne on saada energiat taastuvatest energiaallikatest, st päikesekiirgusest. Fotogalvaaniline talu, mille sihtvõimsus on kuni 0,967 MW, mis on projekteeritud põllumaal Sadykierzis, Rzeczyca kommuunis, linnaosas Tomaszowskis, ųdÅ° vojevoodkonnas. Seadmed on eraldiseisvad päikesepaneelid, millel on inverterid, elektriühendus ja trafojaam. Lisaelemendid on tehniline tee ja montaažikoht, tara ja teelt väljumine. Toodatav elekter integreeritakse täielikult riiklikku elektrivõrku. Projekti põhieesmärk on suurendada taastuvate energiaallikate tootmist. It is in line with sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified at the stage of the project analysis and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and the voivodship and to reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target group are all residents of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of the electricity energy or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations will be equal to the value of womenâs electricity, or its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.According to this objective, it will help to solve the problems identified during the analysis of the project and will increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, being the recipients of electricity and its effect.The project consists of 4 tasks:Project is equal to the preparation of investment documentation.Construction and reception of the photovoltaic installation.The project is equal to womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Project for womenâs equal to the cost of Equality of Men.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.Promotion of the project and the reception of photovoltaic installations.According to sub-measure IV.1.2.The achievement of this objective will help solve the problems identified at the stage of the analysis of the project and will allow to increase energy security in the area of the municipality and voivodship and reduce the negative impact of pollution on the life and health of the population and the environment.The most widely described target are all the inhabitants of the Republic of Poland, which are recipients of electricity or its effect.There is equal access to womenâs rights.There is equal to the implementation of womenâs social documentation.Construction and reception of photovoltaic installations.The project is equal to the implementation of the social documentation.Construction and reception At the time of the selection of suppliers and recruitment, the company will be guided solely by the competences and skills of bidders and candidates. Kõiki projektiga seotud isikuid tasustatakse saavutatud tulemuste alusel. Ettevõte austab meeste ja naiste võrdõiguslikkuse põhimõtet töö- ja eraelu ühitamise edendamisel. (Estonian)
2 July 2022
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WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: tomaszowski
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