Eco-innovation in construction services (Q80839)

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Project Q80839 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Eco-innovation in construction services
Project Q80839 in Poland


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    758,815.0 zloty
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    182,115.6 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,257,700.0 zloty
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    301,848.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1 February 2018
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    31 July 2018
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    52°48'25.6"N, 21°52'46.6"E
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    Numer_referencyjny_programu_pomocowego: SA.42799(2015/X), pomoc_de_minimis: §42 rozporządzenia Ministra Infrastruktury i Rozwoju z dnia 10 lipca 2015 r. w sprawie udzielania przez Polską Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości pomocy finansowej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014–2020 Przedmiotem projektu „Ekoinnowacje w usługach budowlanych” są proinnowacyjne usługi związane z wdrożeniem ekoinnowacji w budownictwie w przedsiębiorstwie Sławbud” Spółka Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Gałązka poprzez wdrożenie innowacji procesowej wpływającej na usprawnienie pracy oraz zwiększenie zdolności przedsiębiorstwa. Projektem objęte są usługi doradcze w zakresie działalności gospodarczej i zarządzania, jak również zakup aktywów trwałych. W ramach usług doradczych realizowane będą następujące zadania: analiza alternatywnych ścieżek rozwoju poprzez wdrażanie innowacji, uszczegółowienie i ocena wybranej ścieżki rozwoju związanej z wdrażaniem innowacji, pomoc w opracowaniu dokumentacji funkcjonalnej lub technicznej niezbędnej do wdrożenia innowacji, pomoc w procesie przygotowania lub przeprowadzenia negocjacji z dostawcą technologii, doradztwo w procesie przygotowania umowy zakupu technologii pomiędzy dostawcą i odbiorcą technologii, analiza ryzyka wdrożenia innowacji, doradztwo i pomoc w opracowaniu i przeprowadzeniu pilotażowego wdrożenia innowacji, doradztwo, pomoc i szkolenia w pełnym wdrożeniu innowacji, monitorowanie i ocena efektów wdrożenia innowacji, analiza wpływu wdrożenia na środowisko naturalne, doradztwo w zakresie rozwoju zasobów ludzkich związanych z wdrażaniem innowacji oraz pozostałe uzasadnione doradztwo niezbędne do wdrożenia innowacji. W ramach inwestycji początkowej związanej z wdrożeniem innowacji technologicznej w rzeczowe aktywa trwałe planowane do zakupu koparko- ładowarka, ładowarki teleskopowej, ponadto w ramach projektu zostanie zakupiona licencja na system informatyczny wspomagający monitorowanie lokalizacji, zużycia paliwa, olejów. (Polish)
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    Reference number of the aid programme: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on granting financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020 The subject of the project “Eco-innovations in construction services” are pro-innovative services related to the implementation of eco-innovation in construction in Sławbud company Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Branłązka through the implementation of process innovation affecting the improvement of work and capacity of enterprises. The project includes advisory services in the field of economic activity and management, as well as the purchase of fixed assets. The following tasks will be carried out in the advisory services: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (English)
    14 October 2020
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    Reference_Aid_programme: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Article 42 du règlement du ministre des infrastructures et du développement du 10 juillet 2015 relatif à l’octroi par l’Agence polonaise pour le développement de l’entreprise d’une aide financière au titre du programme opérationnel "Croissance intelligente 2014-2020" Le projet "Eco-innovation dans les services de construction" est des services pro-innovants liés à la mise en œuvre de l’éco-innovation dans la construction à Sławbud" Spółka Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Gałązka par la mise en œuvre d’innovations de processus qui améliorent le travail et augmentent la capacité de l’entreprise. Le projet couvre les services de conseil aux entreprises et de gestion ainsi que l’achat d’immobilisations. Les tâches suivantes seront exécutées dans le cadre des services de conseil: l’analyse des voies alternatives à travers la mise en œuvre de l’innovation, la spécification et l’évaluation de la voie de développement sélectionnée liée à la mise en œuvre de l’innovation, l’assistance à l’élaboration de la documentation fonctionnelle ou technique nécessaire à la mise en œuvre de l’innovation, l’assistance au processus de préparation ou de négociation avec le fournisseur de technologies, les conseils dans le processus d’élaboration du contrat d’achat de technologie entre le fournisseur et le destinataire de la technologie, l’analyse du risque de mise en œuvre des innovations, les conseils et l’assistance pour l’élaboration et la conduite de la mise en œuvre pilote d’innovations, conseils, assistance et formation pour la mise en œuvre intégrale des innovations, suivi et évaluation des effets de la mise en œuvre de l’innovation, analyse de l’impact de la mise en œuvre sur l’environnement, conseils sur le développement des ressources humaines liées à la mise en œuvre de l’innovation et autres conseils raisonnables nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de l’innovation. Dans le cadre de l’investissement initial lié à la mise en œuvre de l’innovation technologique dans les immobilisations corporelles prévues pour l’achat d’un chargeur rétrocaveuse, d’un chargeur télescopique, le projet achètera également une licence pour un système informatique permettant le suivi de l’emplacement, de la consommation de carburant et de la consommation d’huile. (French)
    30 November 2021
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    Referenz_Aid_Programm: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: § 42 der Verordnung des Ministers für Infrastruktur und Entwicklung vom 10. Juli 2015 über die Bereitstellung von finanzieller Unterstützung durch die polnische Agentur für Unternehmensentwicklung im Rahmen des operationellen Programms "Intelligentes Wachstum 2014-2020" Gegenstand des Projekts "Ökoinnovation im Bauwesen" sind innovative Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Umsetzung von Ökoinnovationen im Bauwesen in Sławbud" Spółka Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Gałązka durch die Umsetzung von Prozessinnovationen, die die Arbeit verbessern und die Kapazität des Unternehmens erhöhen. Das Projekt umfasst Unternehmens- und Managementberatung sowie den Erwerb von Anlagevermögen. Im Rahmen der Beratungsdienste werden folgende Aufgaben wahrgenommen: Analyse alternativer Wege durch die Umsetzung von Innovation, Spezifikation und Bewertung des ausgewählten Entwicklungspfads im Zusammenhang mit der Umsetzung von Innovation, Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung funktionaler oder technischer Dokumentation zur Umsetzung der Innovation, Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung oder Durchführung von Verhandlungen mit dem Technologieanbieter, Beratung bei der Vorbereitung des Vertrags über den Kauf von Technologie zwischen dem Lieferanten und dem Empfänger der Technologie, Analyse des Risikos der Umsetzung von Innovationen, Beratung und Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Durchführung der Pilotumsetzung von Innovationen, Beratung, Unterstützung und Ausbildung bei der vollständigen Umsetzung von Innovationen, Überwachung und Bewertung der Auswirkungen der Innovationsumsetzung, Analyse der Umweltauswirkungen der Umsetzung, Beratung bei der Entwicklung von Humanressourcen im Zusammenhang mit der Umsetzung von Innovationen und sonstige angemessene Beratung, die für die Umsetzung von Innovationen erforderlich ist. Im Rahmen der ersten Investition im Zusammenhang mit der Umsetzung technologischer Innovationen in Sachanlagen, die für den Kauf von Backhoe-Laderern, Teleskopladern geplant sind, wird das Projekt auch eine Lizenz für ein IT-System erwerben, das die Überwachung des Standorts, des Kraftstoffverbrauchs und des Ölverbrauchs unterstützt. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Referentie_Aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 van de verordening van de minister van Infrastructuur en Ontwikkeling van 10 juli 2015 inzake de verlening door het Poolse Agentschap voor de ontwikkeling van ondernemingen van financiële bijstand in het kader van het operationele programma voor slimme groei 2014-2020 Het onderwerp van het project "Eco-innovatie in de bouwdiensten" is pro-innovatieve diensten in verband met de uitvoering van eco-innovatie bij de bouw in Sławbud" Spółka Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Gałązka door de implementatie van procesinnovaties die de werkzaamheden verbeteren en de capaciteit van het bedrijf vergroten. Het project heeft betrekking op bedrijfs- en managementadviesdiensten en op de aankoop van vaste activa. De volgende taken worden uitgevoerd in het kader van de adviesdiensten: analyse van alternatieve trajecten door de tenuitvoerlegging van innovatie, specificatie en evaluatie van het geselecteerde ontwikkelingstraject in verband met de uitvoering van innovatie, bijstand bij de ontwikkeling van functionele of technische documentatie die nodig is voor de uitvoering van de innovatie, bijstand bij het voorbereiden of voeren van onderhandelingen met de technologieleverancier, advies bij de voorbereiding van het contract voor de aankoop van technologie tussen de leverancier en de ontvanger van de technologie, analyse van het risico van implementatie van innovaties, advies en bijstand bij de ontwikkeling en uitvoering van proefprojecten voor de uitvoering van innovaties; advies, bijstand en opleiding bij de volledige uitvoering van innovaties, monitoring en evaluatie van de effecten van innovatie-implementatie, analyse van de milieueffecten van de uitvoering, advies over de ontwikkeling van menselijke hulpbronnen in verband met de uitvoering van innovatie en ander redelijk advies dat nodig is voor de uitvoering van innovatie. Als onderdeel van de initiële investering in verband met de tenuitvoerlegging van technologische innovatie in materiële vaste activa die gepland zijn voor de aankoop van graaflaadmachines, telescopische lader, zal het project ook een licentie kopen voor een IT-systeem ter ondersteuning van het toezicht op de locatie, het brandstofverbruik en het olieverbruik. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    Riferimento_Aid_programma: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 del regolamento del ministro delle Infrastrutture e dello sviluppo del 10 luglio 2015 relativo alla fornitura, da parte dell'Agenzia polacca per lo sviluppo delle imprese, di assistenza finanziaria nell'ambito del programma operativo per la crescita intelligente 2014-2020 L'oggetto del progetto "Ecoinnovazione nei servizi di costruzione" sono servizi pro-innovativi relativi all'attuazione dell'ecoinnovazione nelle costruzioni a Sławbud" Spółka Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Gałązka attraverso l'attuazione di innovazioni di processo che migliorano il lavoro e aumentano la capacità dell'impresa. Il progetto riguarda i servizi di consulenza aziendale e gestionale nonché l'acquisto di immobilizzazioni. Nell'ambito dei servizi di consulenza saranno svolti i seguenti compiti: l'analisi di percorsi alternativi attraverso l'attuazione dell'innovazione, la specificazione e la valutazione del percorso di sviluppo selezionato in relazione all'attuazione dell'innovazione, l'assistenza nello sviluppo della documentazione funzionale o tecnica necessaria per attuare l'innovazione, l'assistenza nel processo di preparazione o svolgimento dei negoziati con il fornitore della tecnologia, la consulenza nel processo di preparazione del contratto per l'acquisto di tecnologia tra il fornitore e il destinatario della tecnologia, l'analisi del rischio di attuazione delle innovazioni, la consulenza e l'assistenza nello sviluppo e nella conduzione dell'attuazione pilota delle innovazioni, consulenza, assistenza e formazione per la piena attuazione delle innovazioni, monitoraggio e valutazione degli effetti dell'attuazione dell'innovazione, analisi dell'impatto ambientale dell'attuazione, consulenza sullo sviluppo delle risorse umane connesse all'attuazione dell'innovazione e altre consulenze ragionevoli necessarie per l'attuazione dell'innovazione. Nell'ambito dell'investimento iniziale relativo all'attuazione dell'innovazione tecnologica in immobilizzazioni materiali previste per l'acquisto di caricatori telescopici, il progetto acquisirà anche una licenza per un sistema informatico a sostegno del monitoraggio dell'ubicazione, del consumo di carburante e del consumo di petrolio. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    Reference_Aid_programa: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Artículo 42 del Reglamento del Ministro de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo, de 10 de julio de 2015, relativo a la prestación por parte de la Agencia Polaca para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la ayuda financiera en el marco del Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020. El objeto del proyecto "Ecoinnovación en los servicios de construcción" son los servicios proinnovadores relacionados con la aplicación de la ecoinnovación en la construcción en Sławbud" Spółka Jawna S. Gałązka, A. Gałązka mediante la aplicación de innovaciones de procesos que mejoren el trabajo y aumenten la capacidad de la empresa. El proyecto abarca los servicios de asesoramiento empresarial y de gestión, así como la compra de activos fijos. En el marco de los servicios de asesoramiento se llevarán a cabo las siguientes tareas: análisis de vías alternativas a través de la implementación de la innovación, especificación y evaluación de la trayectoria de desarrollo seleccionada relacionada con la implementación de la innovación, asistencia en el desarrollo de la documentación funcional o técnica necesaria para implementar la innovación, asistencia en el proceso de preparación o realización de negociaciones con el proveedor de tecnología, asesoramiento en el proceso de preparación del contrato para la compra de tecnología entre el proveedor y el receptor de la tecnología, análisis del riesgo de implementación de innovaciones, asesoramiento y asistencia en el desarrollo y realización de proyectos piloto de implementación de innovaciones, asesoramiento, asistencia y formación en la plena aplicación de las innovaciones, seguimiento y evaluación de los efectos de la aplicación de la innovación, análisis del impacto medioambiental de la aplicación, asesoramiento sobre el desarrollo de los recursos humanos relacionados con la aplicación de la innovación y otros consejos razonables necesarios para la aplicación de la innovación. Como parte de la inversión inicial relacionada con la implementación de la innovación tecnológica en activos fijos tangibles previstos para la compra de cargadoras retroexcavadoras, cargadoras telescópicas, el proyecto también adquirirá una licencia para un sistema informático que apoye el seguimiento de la localización, el consumo de combustible y el consumo de petróleo. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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    Abiprogrammi viitenumber: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Infrastruktuuri- ja arenguministri 10. juuli 2015. aasta määruse (Poola ettevõtluse arendamise ameti rahalise abi andmise kohta rakenduskava „Intelligent Development 2014–2020“ raames) § 42 Projekti âEUREco-innovatsioon ehitusteenuste valdkonnas on uuenduslikud teenused, mis on seotud ökoinnovatsiooni rakendamisega ehituses SÅawbudi ettevõttes Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka, ettevõtete töö ja suutlikkuse parandamist mõjutavate protsessiinnovatsiooni rakendamise kaudu. Projekt hõlmab nõustamisteenuseid majandustegevuse ja juhtimise valdkonnas ning põhivara ostmist. Nõustamisteenustes täidetakse järgmisi ülesandeid: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Estonian)
    13 August 2022
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    Pagalbos programos nuorodos numeris: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: 2015 m. liepos 10 d. Infrastruktūros ir plėtros ministro potvarkio dėl Lenkijos įmonių plėtros agentūros finansinės paramos teikimo pagal Pažangios plėtros 2014–2020 m. veiksmų programą 42 punktas âEUREco-novacijos statybos paslaugosâ EUR yra naujoviškos paslaugos, susijusios su ekologinių inovacijų įgyvendinimu statyboje įmonėje „Jawna S. GaÅÄzka“, A. BranÄzka įgyvendinant procesų naujoves, turinčias įtakos įmonių darbo ir gebėjimų gerinimui. Projektas apima konsultavimo paslaugas ekonominės veiklos ir valdymo srityse, taip pat ilgalaikio turto pirkimą. Konsultacinėse tarnybose bus vykdomos šios užduotys: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Lithuanian)
    13 August 2022
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    Referentni broj programa potpore: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Članak 42. Uredbe ministra infrastrukture i razvoja od 10. srpnja 2015. o dodjeli financijske pomoći poljske Agencije za razvoj poduzetništva u okviru Operativnog programa Inteligentni razvoj 2014. – 2020. Predmet projekta âEUREco-inovacije u građevinskim uslugamaâEUR su proinovativne usluge povezane s provedbom eko-inovacija u građevinarstvu u SÅawbudu tvrtke Jawna S. GaÄzka, A. BranÅzka kroz provedbu procesnih inovacija koje utječu na poboljšanje rada i kapaciteta poduzeća. Projekt uključuje savjetodavne usluge u području gospodarske djelatnosti i upravljanja, kao i kupnju dugotrajne imovine. Savjetodavne službe obavljat će sljedeće zadaće: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Croatian)
    13 August 2022
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    Αριθμός αναφοράς του προγράμματος ενίσχυσης: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Άρθρο 42 του Κανονισμού του Υπουργού Υποδομών και Ανάπτυξης της 10ης Ιουλίου 2015 για τη χορήγηση χρηματοδοτικής συνδρομής από τον πολωνικό Οργανισμό Ανάπτυξης Επιχειρήσεων στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος Ευφυής Ανάπτυξη 2014-2020 Το αντικείμενο του έργου EUREco-innovations in construction servicesâ EUR είναι φιλοκαινοτόμες υπηρεσίες που σχετίζονται με την υλοποίηση της οικολογικής καινοτομίας στον κατασκευαστικό τομέα στην εταιρεία SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka μέσω της εφαρμογής καινοτομιών διαδικασιών που επηρεάζουν τη βελτίωση της εργασίας και της ικανότητας των επιχειρήσεων. Το έργο περιλαμβάνει συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες στον τομέα της οικονομικής δραστηριότητας και της διαχείρισης, καθώς και την αγορά πάγιων στοιχείων ενεργητικού. Οι συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες θα επιτελούν τα ακόλουθα καθήκοντα: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Greek)
    13 August 2022
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    Referenčné číslo programu pomoci: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: § 42 nariadenia ministra infraštruktúry a rozvoja z 10. júla 2015 o poskytnutí finančnej pomoci Poľskou agentúrou pre rozvoj podnikov v rámci operačného programu Inteligentný rozvoj 2014 – 2020 Predmetom projektu âEUREco-Inovácie v stavebníctve sú proinovatívne služby súvisiace s realizáciou ekologických inovácií v stavebníctve v spoločnosti SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka prostredníctvom implementácie inovácií procesov ovplyvňujúcich zlepšenie práce a kapacity podnikov. Projekt zahŕňa poradenské služby v oblasti hospodárskej činnosti a riadenia, ako aj nákup dlhodobého majetku. V poradenských službách sa budú vykonávať tieto úlohy: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Slovak)
    13 August 2022
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    Tukiohjelman viitenumero: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Infrastruktuuri- ja kehitysministerin 10. heinäkuuta 2015 antaman asetuksen 42 § Puolan yrityskehitysviraston rahoitustuen myöntämisestä älykkään kehittämisen toimintaohjelman 2014–2020 puitteissa âEUREco-innovaatiot rakennuspalveluissa ovat innovatiivisia palveluja, jotka liittyvät rakennusalan ekoinnovoinnin toteuttamiseen SÅawbud-yhtiössä Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka, toteuttamalla prosessi-innovaatioita, jotka vaikuttavat yritysten työn ja kapasiteetin parantamiseen. Hanke sisältää neuvontapalveluja taloudellisen toiminnan ja johtamisen alalla sekä käyttöomaisuuden hankintaa. Neuvontapalveluissa suoritetaan seuraavat tehtävät: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Finnish)
    13 August 2022
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    A támogatási program hivatkozási száma: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: A lengyel Vállalkozásfejlesztési Ügynökség által a 2014–2020 közötti időszakra szóló „Intelligens fejlesztés” operatív program keretében nyújtandó pénzügyi támogatásról szóló, 2015. július 10-i infrastrukturális és fejlesztési miniszter rendeletének 42. §-a Az építési szolgáltatások területén megvalósuló âEUREco-innovációk projekt tárgya a sÅawbudi Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka vállalatnál az ökoinnováció megvalósításához kapcsolódó innovatív szolgáltatások a vállalkozások munkájának és kapacitásának javítását érintő folyamatinnováció megvalósítása révén. A projekt magában foglalja a gazdasági tevékenységgel és irányítással kapcsolatos tanácsadási szolgáltatásokat, valamint a tárgyi eszközök beszerzését. A tanácsadó szolgálatok a következő feladatokat látják el: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Hungarian)
    13 August 2022
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    Referenční číslo programu podpory: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 Nařízení ministra infrastruktury a rozvoje ze dne 10. července 2015 o poskytnutí finanční pomoci Polské agentury pro rozvoj podnikání v rámci Operačního programu Inteligentní rozvoj 2014–2020 Předmětem projektu âEUREco-inovace v oblasti stavebních služeb jsou proinovační služby související s realizací ekologických inovací ve stavebnictví ve společnosti SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÄzka, A. Branžčka prostřednictvím realizace inovace procesů ovlivňující zlepšení práce a kapacity podniků. Součástí projektu jsou poradenské služby v oblasti ekonomické činnosti a řízení, jakož i nákup dlouhodobých aktiv. V poradenských službách budou prováděny tyto úkoly: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Czech)
    13 August 2022
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    Atbalsta programmas atsauces numurs: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Infrastruktūras un attīstības ministra 2015. gada 10. jūlija noteikumu par Polijas Uzņēmumu attīstības aģentūras finansiālā atbalsta piešķiršanu saskaņā ar darbības programmu “Saprātīga attīstība 2014.-2020. gadam”42.punkts Projekta “Ekoinovācijas būvniecības pakalpojumu jomā” priekšmets ir novatoriski pakalpojumi, kas saistīti ar ekoinovāciju ieviešanu būvniecībā SÅawbud uzņēmumā Jawna S. GaÅzka, A. BranÅzka, īstenojot procesu inovāciju, kas ietekmē uzņēmumu darba un kapacitātes uzlabošanu. Projekts ietver konsultāciju pakalpojumus saimnieciskās darbības un vadības jomā, kā arī pamatlīdzekļu iegādi. Konsultāciju dienestos tiks veikti šādi uzdevumi: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Latvian)
    13 August 2022
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    Uimhir thagartha an chláir cabhrach: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 de Rialachán an Aire Bonneagair agus Forbartha an 10 Iúil 2015 maidir le cabhair airgeadais a dheonú ó Ghníomhaireacht na Polainne um Fhorbairt Fiontair faoin gClár Oibríochtúil Forbairt Chliste 2014-2020 Is iad ábhar an tionscadail âEUREco-nuálaíochtaí i seirbhísí tógálaâ EUR seirbhísí pro-nuálaíocha a bhaineann le cur chun feidhme na héiceanuálaíochta i dtógáil i gcuideachta SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka trí nuálaíocht próisis a chur chun feidhme a dhéanann difear d’obair agus cumas fiontar a fheabhsú. Áirítear leis an tionscadal seirbhísí comhairleacha i réimse na gníomhaíochta eacnamaíche agus na bainistíochta eacnamaíche, chomh maith le ceannach sócmhainní seasta. Déanfar na cúraimí seo a leanas sna seirbhísí comhairleacha: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Irish)
    13 August 2022
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    Referenčna številka programa pomoči: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Člen 42 Uredbe ministra za infrastrukturo in razvoj z dne 10. julija 2015 o dodelitvi finančne pomoči s strani poljske agencije za razvoj podjetništva v okviru Operativnega programa Inteligentni razvoj 2014–2020 Predmet projekta âEUREco-Inovacije na področju gradbenih storitev so inovativne storitve, povezane z uvajanjem ekoloških inovacij v gradbeništvu v podjetju SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka z implementacijo procesnih inovacij, ki vplivajo na izboljšanje dela in zmogljivosti podjetij. Projekt vključuje svetovalne storitve na področju gospodarske dejavnosti in upravljanja ter nakup osnovnih sredstev. V svetovalnih službah se bodo izvajale naslednje naloge: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Slovenian)
    13 August 2022
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    Референтен номер на програмата за помощ: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Член 42 от Наредбата на министъра на инфраструктурата и развитието от 10 юли 2015 г. за предоставяне на финансова помощ от Полската агенция за развитие на предприятията по Оперативна програма „Интелигентно развитие“ 2014—2020 г. Обектът на проекта âEUREco-иновации в строителните услуги са про-иновативни услуги, свързани с осъществяването на екоиновации в строителството в SÅawbud компания Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅzka чрез въвеждане на технологични иновации, засягащи подобряването на работата и капацитета на предприятията. Проектът включва консултантски услуги в областта на икономическата дейност и управлението, както и закупуване на дълготрайни активи. В консултантските услуги ще бъдат изпълнявани следните задачи: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Bulgarian)
    13 August 2022
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    Numru ta’ referenza tal-programm ta’ għajnuna: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 tar-Regolament tal-Ministru tal-Infrastruttura u l-Iżvilupp tal-10 ta’ Lulju 2015 dwar l-għoti ta’ assistenza finanzjarja mill-Aġenzija Pollakka għall-Iżvilupp tal-Intrapriżi taħt il-Programm Operazzjonali għall-Iżvilupp Intelliġenti 2014–2020 Is-suġġett tal-proġett EUR â EURco-innovazzjonijiet fis-servizzi tal-kostruzzjoni huma servizzi proinnovattivi relatati mal-implimentazzjoni tal-ekoinnovazzjoni fil-kostruzzjoni fil-kumpanija SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka permezz tal-implimentazzjoni tal-innovazzjoni tal-proċess li taffettwa t-titjib tax-xogħol u l-kapaċità tal-intrapriżi. Il-proġett jinkludi servizzi ta’ konsulenza fil-qasam tal-attività u l-ġestjoni ekonomika, kif ukoll ix-xiri ta’ assi fissi. Il-kompiti li ġejjin ser jitwettqu fis-servizzi ta’ konsulenza: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Maltese)
    13 August 2022
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    Número de referência do programa de ajuda: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: Artigo 42.º do Regulamento do Ministro das Infraestruturas e do Desenvolvimento, de 10 de julho de 2015, relativo à concessão de assistência financeira pela Agência polaca para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial no âmbito do Programa Operacional Desenvolvimento Inteligente 2014-2020. O objeto do projeto «EUREco-inovações em serviços de construção» é um serviço pró-inovador relacionado com a implementação da ecoinovação na construção na empresa de SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅzka, através da implementação da inovação de processos que afeta a melhoria do trabalho e da capacidade das empresas. O projeto inclui serviços de consultoria no domínio da atividade económica e da gestão, bem como a aquisição de ativos fixos. As seguintes tarefas serão desempenhadas nos serviços de aconselhamento: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Portuguese)
    13 August 2022
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    Støtteprogrammets referencenummer: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: § 42 i ministeren for infrastruktur og udvikling af 10. juli 2015 om finansiel støtte fra det polske agentur for virksomhedsudvikling under det operationelle program for intelligent udvikling 2014-2020 Emnet for projektet âEUREco-innovationer inden for bygge- og anlægstjenester er innovative tjenester i forbindelse med gennemførelsen af miljøinnovation inden for byggeri i SÅawbud-virksomheden Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÄzka gennem implementering af procesinnovation, der påvirker forbedringen af virksomhedernes arbejde og kapacitet. Projektet omfatter rådgivning inden for økonomisk aktivitet og forvaltning samt køb af anlægsaktiver. Følgende opgaver vil blive udført i rådgivningstjenesterne: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Danish)
    13 August 2022
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    Numărul de referință al programului de ajutor: SA.42799 (2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 din Regulamentul Ministrului Infrastructurii si Dezvoltării din 10 iulie 2015 privind acordarea de asistenta financiara din partea Agentiei Polone pentru Dezvoltarea Întreprinderii in cadrul Programului Operațional Dezvoltare Inteligenta 2014-2020 Subiectul proiectului âEUREco-inovatii in domeniul serviciilor de constructii sunt servicii pro-inovatoare legate de implementarea ecoinovarii in constructii in cadrul companiei SÅawbud Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka prin implementarea inovatiei proceselor care afecteaza imbunatatirea activitatii si capacitatii intreprinderilor. Proiectul include servicii de consiliere în domeniul activității economice și al managementului, precum și achiziționarea de active fixe. Următoarele sarcini vor fi îndeplinite în cadrul serviciilor de consiliere: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Romanian)
    13 August 2022
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    Stödprogrammets referensnummer: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 i förordningen från ministern för infrastruktur och utveckling av den 10 juli 2015 om beviljande av ekonomiskt stöd från den polska byrån för företagsutveckling inom ramen för det operativa programmet Intelligent utveckling 2014–2020 Ämnet för projektet âEUREco-innovationer inom byggtjänster är pro-innovativa tjänster i samband med genomförandet av miljöinnovation inom byggsektorn i SÅawbud-företaget Jawna S. GaÅÄzka, A. BranÅÄzka genom genomförande av processinnovation som påverkar förbättringen av företagens arbete och kapacitet. Projektet omfattar rådgivningstjänster inom ekonomisk verksamhet och förvaltning samt köp av anläggningstillgångar. Följande uppgifter kommer att utföras inom rådgivningstjänsterna: analysis of alternative development pathways through innovation implementation, detailing and evaluating selected innovation pathways, assisting in developing functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovations, assistance in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, advice in the process of preparing a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of innovation implementation, relevant innovation advice and assistance in designing and conducting pilot implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovation, other natural innovation implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of innovations, advice and assistance in the development and pilot implementation of innovation, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the innovation impacts, by means of innovation implementation, by detailing and evaluating the chosen development pathway for the implementation of innovation, assistance in developing and evaluating the chosen development pathway, assisting in developing the functional or technical documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation, assisting in the preparation or negotiation process with the technology provider, consulting in the process of the preparation of a technology purchase agreement between the supplier and the recipient of the technology, risk analysis of the implementation of innovation, advice and assistance in the development and piloting of innovation implementation, advice, assistance and training in full implementation of innovations, monitoring and evaluation of the related innovation impacts, advising and evaluating the implementation of innovations, advice, assistance and training in the full implementation of innovation, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on innovations, through Innovation Implementation, Specification and Evaluation of the selected Innovation Implementation Path, assisting in the development of the Innovation Procurement or Technical Documentation for the Performance of Innovation, Supporting in Preparing or Negoting with the Technology Provider, Consulting and Needed in the process of the Purchase of the Technology Purchase between the Provider and recipient of the Technology, the Risk Analysis of Innovation Implementation, Advice and Support in Development and As part of the initial investment related to the implementation of technological innovation in tangible fixed assets planned to purchase a backhoe loader, a telescopic loader, a licence will be purchased under the project for an IT system supporting monitoring of location, fuel consumption, oils. (Swedish)
    13 August 2022
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