UVAS (Q4038992)
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Project Q4038992 in Sweden
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English | UVAS |
Project Q4038992 in Sweden |
16,167,606.52 Swedish krona
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24,130,756.0 Swedish krona
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1 June 2015
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30 June 2018
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Regional utveckling
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Q4038960 (Deleted Item)
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Education represents one of the most important preconditions for youths opportunities to worklife. Youths who lack completed high school education, immigrants or people with work disabilities are at high risk of long-term unemployment and future labormarket related problems. 11% of the youths who leave elimentary school within the county of Jämtland are not qualified to a national high school programme. Approximately 20% of all students have not completed their high school education before the year they turn 20, which is more than the national numbers. Complete high school grades represents a precondition for being able to get a job or apply for higher education. There are 1 398 male and female youths in the group of 16-25-year-olds who neither work or study. The aim of the project is to decrease the high youth unemployment in the region and through proven methods support those youths who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) to find their own way to work or studies. The project will find the youths who are not in employment, education or training through outreaching activities, establish a contact with them and map their needs and preconditions. This will be done in order to offer suitable individually adjusted activities where the youths are supported and activated as well as starts their way towards work or studies. When the youths are ready they will early be matched towards the labor market or to suitable education. The project shall decrease the segregation of the labor market caused by gender in the county of Jämtland by increasing the possibilities of young men and women to choose profession/education based on interest and decrease the influence of gender roles. The project shall also strengthen the establishment of young disabled men and women on the labormarket and in educations through strengthened individual support to disabled and information to employers about disabilities. (Swedish)
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Education represents one of the most important preconditions for youths opportunities to worklife. Youths who lac completed high school education, immigrants or people with work disabilities are at high risk of long-term unemployment and future labormarket related problems. 11 % of the youths who leave elimentary school within the county of Jämtland are not qualified to a national high school programme. Approximately 20 % of all students have not completed their high school education before the year they turn 20, which is more than the national numbers. Complete high school grades represent a precondition for being able to get a job or apply for higher education. There are 1 398 male and female youths in the group of 16-25-year-olds who neither work or study. The aim of the project is to decrease the high youth unemployment in the region and through proven methods support those youths who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) to find their own way to work or studies. The project will find the youths who are not in employment, education or training through outreaching activities, establish a contact with them and map their needs and preconditions. This will be done in order to offer suitable individually adjusted activities where the youths are supported and activated as well as starting their way towards work or studies. When the youths are ready they will early be matched towards the labor market or to suitable education. The project shall decrease the segregation of the labor market caused by gender in the county of Jämtland by increasing the possibilities of young men and women to choose profession/education based on interest and decrease the influence of gender roles. The project shall also strengthen the establishment of young disabled men and women on the labormarket and in educations through strengthened individual support to disabled and information to employers about disabilities. (English)
25 January 2022
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L’éducation constitue l’une des conditions préalables les plus importantes pour permettre aux jeunes d’accéder à la vie professionnelle. Les jeunes qui n’ont pas terminé leurs études secondaires, les immigrants ou les personnes handicapées au travail courent un risque élevé de chômage de longue durée et de problèmes futurs liés au marché du travail. 11 % des jeunes qui quittent l’école secondaire dans le comté de Jämtland ne sont pas qualifiés pour un programme national d’enseignement secondaire. Environ 20 % de tous les élèves n’ont pas terminé leurs études secondaires avant l’année où ils ont 20 ans, ce qui est plus que les chiffres nationaux. L’obtention d’un diplôme d’études secondaires est une condition préalable à la possibilité d’obtenir un emploi ou de postuler à l’enseignement supérieur. Il y a 1 398 jeunes hommes et femmes dans le groupe des jeunes de 16 à 25 ans qui ne travaillent ni n’étudient. L’objectif du projet est de réduire le taux élevé de chômage des jeunes dans la région et, grâce à des méthodes éprouvées, d’aider les jeunes qui ne suivent pas d’emploi, d’éducation ou de formation (NEET) à trouver leur propre façon de travailler ou d’étudier. Le projet permettra de trouver les jeunes qui ne sont pas en situation d’emploi, d’éducation ou de formation par le biais d’activités de sensibilisation, d’établir un contact avec eux et de cartographier leurs besoins et leurs conditions préalables. Il s’agira d’offrir des activités adaptées aux besoins des jeunes dans le cadre desquelles les jeunes sont soutenus et activés et de commencer leur chemin vers le travail ou les études. Lorsque les jeunes seront prêts, ils seront rapidement jumelés au marché du travail ou à une éducation appropriée. Le projet permettra de réduire la ségrégation du marché du travail causée par le sexe dans le comté de Jämtland en augmentant les possibilités pour les jeunes hommes et femmes de choisir une profession ou une éducation en fonction de l’intérêt et de diminuer l’influence des rôles de genre. Le projet renforcera également la création de jeunes hommes et femmes handicapés sur le marché du travail et dans les établissements d’enseignement en renforçant le soutien individuel aux handicapés et l’information des employeurs sur les handicaps. (French)
25 January 2022
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