Cross-cutting Project Platforms 2016 — lipidomics (Q3695541)
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Project Q3695541 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Cross-cutting Project Platforms 2016 — lipidomics |
Project Q3695541 in France |
173,604.24 Euro
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396,894.54 Euro
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43.74 percent
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18 March 2016
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31 October 2018
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Université de Bourgogne
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Acquisition d'un équipement UHPLC-HRMS dédié à l’analyse haut débit de lipides afin de faire une recherche non ciblée (ou profiling) de biomarqueurs lipidiques, c'est-à-dire à cartographier et comparer l’ensemble des lipides constitutifs d’une population présentant une pathologie (sujets atteints de cancers digestifs, maladies cardiovasculaires, neurodégénératives, infections, diabète …) par rapport à une population témoin. (French)
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Acquisition of a UHPLC-HRMS equipment dedicated to high-throughput lipid analysis in order to carry out non-targeting research (or profiling) of lipid biomarkers, i.e. to map and compare all the lipids constituting a population with a pathology (subjects with digestive cancers, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, infections, diabetes...) in relation to a control population. (English)
22 November 2021
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Erwerb von UHPLC-HRMS-Geräten für die Lipid-Breitbandanalyse zur nicht gezielten Suche (oder Profiling) von Lipid-Biomarkern, d. h. zur Kartierung und zum Vergleich aller Lipide, die in einer Population mit Pathologie leben (Personen mit Verdauungskrebs, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, Infektionen, Diabetes...) mit einer Kontrollpopulation. (German)
1 December 2021
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Aankoop van een UHPLC-HRMS-apparatuur gewijd aan high-throughput lipide analyse met het oog op het uitvoeren van niet-gerichte onderzoek (of profilering) van lipide biomarkers, d.w.z. om alle lipiden die een populatie vormen in kaart te brengen en te vergelijken met een pathologie (personen met spijsverteringskanker, hart- en vaatziekten, neurodegeneratieve ziekten, infecties, diabetes...) in relatie tot een controlepopulatie. (Dutch)
6 December 2021
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Acquisizione di un'apparecchiatura UHPLC-HRMS dedicata all'analisi lipidica ad alto rendimento al fine di effettuare ricerche non mirate (o profilazione) di biomarcatori lipidici, vale a dire per mappare e confrontare tutti i lipidi che costituiscono una popolazione con una patologia (soggetti con tumori digestivi, malattie cardiovascolari, malattie neurodegenerative, infezioni, diabete...) in relazione ad una popolazione di controllo. (Italian)
13 January 2022
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Adquisición de un equipo UHPLC-HRMS dedicado al análisis de lípidos de alto rendimiento para llevar a cabo investigaciones (o perfiles) no focalizados de biomarcadores lipídicos, es decir, para mapear y comparar todos los lípidos que constituyen una población con una patología (sujetos con cánceres digestivos, enfermedades cardiovasculares, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, infecciones, diabetes...) en relación con una población control. (Spanish)
14 January 2022
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