Innovative solutions for propulsion, energy and safety components of transport vehicles (Q3106418)
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Project Q3106418 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Innovative solutions for propulsion, energy and safety components of transport vehicles |
Project Q3106418 in Slovakia |
8,400,263.21 Euro
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16,536,667.0 Euro
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50.8 percent
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9 January 2019
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6 January 2023
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Žilinská univerzita v Žiline
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Q3121969 (Deleted Item)
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Navrhovaný projekt rieši vysoko aktuálnu spoločenskú tému vývoja a nasadzovania unikátnych technológií pre dopravné prostriedky z hľadiska pohonu, akumulácie a distribúcie energie ako základný predpoklad dekarbonizácie dopravy a dopravných systémov. Principiálne ide o modernizáciu alternatívnych pohonných systémov z hľadiska vlastného riešenia hybridizácie a elektrifikácie pohonu ako aj akumulácie energie pre tieto systémy. V súvislosti s týmto globálnym cieľom sa pristúpi k riešeniu parciálnych úloh, pričom sa jedná o VaV nových akumulačných modulov, nových spôsobov normovaného nabíjania, zavádzania nových postupov na tepelný a bezpečnostný manažment a v konečnom dôsledku pôjde o identifikáciu praktického využívania v širokom aplikačnom spektre.Hlavné aktivity združujú nasledovné témy pre výskum a vývoj:Inovatívna hybridizácia pohonných systémov pre dopravné prostriedky a systémyPerspektívne systémy na akumuláciu a distribúciu elektrickej energie dopravných prostriedkovBezpečnostný a tepelný manažment systémov pohonných a energetických súčastí dopravných prostriedkovPosúdenie ekonomických a spoločenských aspektov moderných materiálov a technológií v priemyselnej výrobe, štatistické prognózovanieOčakávaný prínos z hľadiska medzinárodného uplatnenia je možné konkretizovať v podobe:výskumu nových materiálov a komponentov použiteľných vo výrobe dynamických častí automobiluvýskumu energetického manažment automobilov s ohľadom na predĺženie životnosti a zvýšenie spoľahlivosti jednotlivých dynamických častí, s cieľom celkového zníženia hmotnosti, zvýšenia účinnosti a zníženia emisií.výskumu nových batériových boxov pre elektrický a hybridný pohon vozidiel, zvyšujúcich výkon a predlžujúcich životnosť autobatérií ako aj ich účinnosťvýskumu nových inovatívnych postupov riešenia kolíznych situácií dopravných z pohľadu ochrany posádky a činnosti zásahových zložiek s uvažovaním negatívneho dopadu alternatívnych riešení pohonného systémukomplexný model kvantifikácie ekonomických vplyvov alternatívnych pohonných systémov v podmienkach Slovenska,výskum kľúčových vzťahov, identít, tautológií a kauzalít, ktoré sa týkajú problematiky elektromobility (Slovak)
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The proposed project addresses the highly topical social theme of the development and deployment of unique technologies for means of transport in terms of propulsion, storage and distribution of energy as a basic precondition for the decarbonisation of transport and transport systems. In principle, it is about modernising alternative propulsion systems in terms of their own hybridisation, electrification and energy storage solutions for these systems. In the context of this global objective, partial tasks will be addressed, involving the R & D of new accumulation modules, new standardised charging modes, the introduction of new thermal and safety management procedures, and ultimately identifying practical use in a wide application spectrum.Main activities bring together the following themes for research and vývoj:Inovatívna hybridisation of propulsion systems for vehicles and systemsPerfective systems for the accumulation and distribution of electric power systems for vehicles, enhancing the efficiency of the vehicle’s individual vehicle efficiency, and thermal management of propulsion and energy components of transport meansAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle system’s expected benefits from the point of view of the new components of the vehicle, and the improvement of the efficiency of the vehicle’s spare parts in terms of performance and thermal performance of propulsion and energy components of transport meansAssessment of the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle system’s expected benefits from the point of view of new vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of applicable performance of vehicle propulsion and energy componentsAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecastingThe expected benefits from the point of view of new vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle propulsion and energy componentsAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle’s electric power supply and distribution systems, the improvement of vehicle efficiency reduction and the thermal management of propulsion and energy components of transport vehiclesAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting for vehicle refuelling and dispensing, and the objective of reducing the efficiency of the vehicle components in terms of use, and the objective of improving the economic performance of vehicle components.Assessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistically forecasting the expected benefits from the point of view of the new components of the vehicle in terms of international application; (English)
28 September 2021
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Le projet proposé aborde le thème social hautement actuel du développement et du déploiement de technologies uniques pour les moyens de transport en termes de propulsion, de stockage et de distribution d’énergie, condition préalable essentielle à la décarbonisation des systèmes de transport et de transport. En principe, il s’agit de moderniser les systèmes de propulsion alternatifs en termes de solutions d’hybridation, d’électrification et de stockage d’énergie propres à ces systèmes. Dans le cadre de cet objectif global, des tâches partielles seront abordées, impliquant la R & D de nouveaux modules d’accumulation, de nouveaux modes de charge normalisés, l’introduction de nouvelles procédures de gestion thermique et de sécurité et, en fin de compte, l’identification pratique dans un large éventail d’applications.Les principales activités regroupent les thèmes suivants pour la recherche et l’hybridation des systèmes de propulsion des véhicules et des systèmes de propulsion des véhicules. (French)
27 November 2021
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Das vorgeschlagene Projekt befasst sich mit dem hochaktuellen sozialen Thema der Entwicklung und Einführung einzigartiger Technologien für Transportmittel in Bezug auf Antrieb, Speicherung und Verteilung von Energie als Grundvoraussetzung für die Dekarbonisierung von Verkehrs- und Verkehrssystemen. Grundsätzlich geht es darum, alternative Antriebssysteme in Bezug auf ihre eigenen Hybridisierungs-, Elektrifizierungs- und Energiespeicherlösungen für diese Systeme zu modernisieren. Im Rahmen dieses globalen Ziels werden Teilaufgaben behandelt, darunter die F & E neuer Akkumulationsmodule, neue standardisierte Ladesysteme, die Einführung neuer thermischer und sicherheitstechnischer Verfahren und schließlich die Ermittlung der praktischen Nutzung in einem breiten Anwendungsspektrum.Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten vereinen die folgenden Themen für die Forschung und vývoj:Inovatívna Hybridisierung von Antriebssystemen für Fahrzeuge und SystemeVerbesserung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Aspekte moderner Werkstoffe und Technologien in der industriellen Produktion, statistische Vorhersage der erwarteten Vorteile des Fahrzeugsystems und der Energieeffizienz von Fahrzeugen. (German)
29 November 2021
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Het voorgestelde project heeft betrekking op het zeer actuele sociale thema van de ontwikkeling en toepassing van unieke technologieën voor vervoermiddelen op het gebied van voortstuwing, opslag en distributie van energie als basisvoorwaarde voor het koolstofarm maken van vervoer- en vervoerssystemen. In principe gaat het om het moderniseren van alternatieve aandrijfsystemen in termen van hun eigen hybridisatie-, elektrificatie- en energieopslagoplossingen voor deze systemen. In de context van deze algemene doelstelling, zullen partiële taken worden aangepakt, waarbij wordt uitgegaan van de O & O van nieuwe voertuigefficiëntiemodules, nieuwe gestandaardiseerde oplaadmodi, de invoering van nieuwe procedures voor thermisch en veiligheidsbeheer en uiteindelijk het praktische gebruik in een breed toepassingsspectrum wordt bepaald.Belangrijkste activiteiten omvatten de volgende onderzoeksthema’s en vývoj:Inovatívna hybridisatie van aandrijfsystemen voor voertuigen en systemenPerfectieve systemen voor de accumulatie en distributie van elektrische energiesystemen voor voertuigen, het verbeteren van de efficiëntie van de individuele voertuigefficiëntie en het thermisch beheer van de aandrijf- en energiecomponenten van vervoermiddelen (Dutch)
4 December 2021
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Il progetto proposto affronta il tema sociale di grande attualità dello sviluppo e della diffusione di tecnologie uniche per i mezzi di trasporto in termini di propulsione, stoccaggio e distribuzione dell'energia quale prerequisito fondamentale per la decarbonizzazione dei sistemi di trasporto e di trasporto. In linea di principio, si tratta di modernizzare i sistemi di propulsione alternativi in termini di soluzioni di ibridazione, elettrificazione e stoccaggio dell'energia per questi sistemi. In the context of this global objective, partial tasks will be addressed, involving the R & D of new accumulation modules, new standardised charging modes, the introduction of new thermal and safety management procedures, and ultimately identifying practical use in a wide application spectrum.Main activities bring together the following themes for research and vývoj:Inovatívna hybridisation of propulsion systems for vehicles and systemsPerfective systems for the accumulation and distribution of electric power systems for vehicles, enhancing the efficiency of the vehicle’s individual vehicle efficiency, and thermal management of propulsion and energy components of transport meansAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle system’s expected benefits from the point of view of the new components of the vehicle, and the improvement of the efficiency of the vehicle’s spare parts in terms of performance and thermal performance of propulsion and energy components of transport meansAssessment of the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle system’s expected benefits from the point of view of new vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of applicable performance of vehicle propulsion and energy componentsAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecastingThe expected benefits from the point of view of new vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle propulsion and energy componentsAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle’s electric power supply and distribution systems, the improvement of vehicle efficiency reduction and the thermal management of propulsion and energy components of transport vehiclesAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting for vehicle refuelling and dispensing, and the objective of reducing the efficiency of the vehicle components in terms of use, and the objective of improving the economic performance of vehicle components.Assessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistically forecasting the expected benefits from the point of view of the new components of the vehicle in terms of international application; (Italian)
12 January 2022
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El proyecto propuesto aborda el tema social de gran actualidad del desarrollo y el despliegue de tecnologías únicas para los medios de transporte en términos de propulsión, almacenamiento y distribución de energía como condición previa básica para la descarbonización de los sistemas de transporte y transporte. En principio, se trata de modernizar los sistemas de propulsión alternativos en términos de sus propias soluciones de hibridación, electrificación y almacenamiento de energía para estos sistemas. In the context of this global objective, partial tasks will be addressed, involving the R & D of new accumulation modules, new standardised charging modes, the introduction of new thermal and safety management procedures, and ultimately identifying practical use in a wide application spectrum.Main activities bring together the following themes for research and vývoj:Inovatívna hybridisation of propulsion systems for vehicles and systemsPerfective systems for the accumulation and distribution of electric power systems for vehicles, enhancing the efficiency of the vehicle’s individual vehicle efficiency, and thermal management of propulsion and energy components of transport meansAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle system’s expected benefits from the point of view of the new components of the vehicle, and the improvement of the efficiency of the vehicle’s spare parts in terms of performance and thermal performance of propulsion and energy components of transport meansAssessment of the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle system’s expected benefits from the point of view of new vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of applicable performance of vehicle propulsion and energy componentsAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecastingThe expected benefits from the point of view of new vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle efficiency and performance in terms of vehicle propulsion and energy componentsAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting of the vehicle’s electric power supply and distribution systems, the improvement of vehicle efficiency reduction and the thermal management of propulsion and energy components of transport vehiclesAssessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistical forecasting for vehicle refuelling and dispensing, and the objective of reducing the efficiency of the vehicle components in terms of use, and the objective of improving the economic performance of vehicle components.Assessing the economic and social aspects of modern materials and technologies in industrial production, statistically forecasting the expected benefits from the point of view of the new components of the vehicle in terms of international application; (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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