Rehabilitation of “Sinkevitsa” dam and its facilities located in Slavovtsi, Gabrovo. (Q3884628)

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Project Q3884628 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation of “Sinkevitsa” dam and its facilities located in Slavovtsi, Gabrovo.
Project Q3884628 in Bulgaria


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    235,978.33 Bulgarian lev
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    120,348.95 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    277,621.56 Bulgarian lev
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    141,587.0 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    13 February 2019
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    9 June 2021
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    Q3884615 (Deleted Item)
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    42°57'50.00"N, 25°12'43.02"E
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    „Рехабилитация на язовир „Синкевица“ и съоръженията към него, находящ се в кв. Славовци, гр. Габрово“, ще допринесе за подобряване техническото състояние на язовирната стена, с цел привеждане на обекта в изправно състояние и повишаване защитата на населението от наводнения.В проектното предложение са включени строително ремонтни дейности като: възстановаване облицовката на водния откос; възстановяване заскалявката на сухия откос; ремонтни дейности на неизправните части на водовземната кула; подмяна на спирателен кран на основния изпускател; почистване тръбата на основния изпускател от наноси; почистване на преливника и съоръженията към него – преходен участък, бързоток и енергогасител; възстановяване осветлението по короната на стената и достъпа към нея; монтиране на предпазна бариера, забраняваща достъпа на МПС по короната на стената; изграждане на контролно-измервателна система (КИС), с цел измерване водното ниво в язовирното езеро; мерки за осигуряване на ретензионния обем. (Bulgarian)
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    “Rehabilitation of "Sinkevitsa" dam and its facilities located in Slavovtsi, Gabrovo" will contribute to the improvement of the technical condition of the dam in order to bring the site to good condition and increase the protection of the population from flooding. The project proposal includes construction works such as: reconstituting the tiling of the bevel; restoration of the stiffening of the dry bevel; repairs of the defective parts of the water abstraction tower; replacement of the main outlet stopcock; cleaning the pipe of the main discharge from sediments; cleaning of the overflow and its facilities — transition section, rapid and energy extinguisher; restoring the lighting on the crown of the wall and access to it; installation of a safety barrier prohibiting vehicle access to the crown on the wall; construction of a control and measurement system (CIS) in order to measure the water level in the lake; measures to ensure the retension volume. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    «Réhabilitation du barrage "Sinkevitsa" et de ses installations Slavovtsi, Gabrovo" contribuera à l’amélioration de l’état technique du barrage afin de mettre le site en bon état et d’accroître la protection de la population contre les inondations. La proposition de projet comprend des travaux de construction tels que: reconstituer le carrelage du biseau; restauration du raidissement du biseau sec; réparation des parties défectueuses de la tour de captage; remplacement du robinet d’arrêt de sortie principal; nettoyage du tuyau du rejet principal des sédiments; nettoyage du débordement et de ses installations — section de transition, extincteur rapide et énergétique; la restauration de l’éclairage sur la couronne du mur et l’accès à celui-ci; l’installation d’une barrière de sécurité interdisant l’accès du véhicule à la couronne sur le mur; la construction d’un système de contrôle et de mesure (CIS) afin de mesurer le niveau d’eau dans le lac; mesures pour assurer le volume de la rétension. (French)
    3 December 2021
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    „Rehabilitation des Damms "Sinkevitsa" und seiner Einrichtungen in Slavovtsi, Gabrovo" wird zur Verbesserung des technischen Zustands des Staudamms beitragen, um das Gelände zu einem guten Zustand zu bringen und den Schutz der Bevölkerung vor Überschwemmungen zu erhöhen. Rekonstituierung der Kegelung der Schräge; Wiederherstellung der Versteifung der trockenen Schräge; Reparaturen der defekten Teile des Wasserentnahmeturms; Ersatz des Hauptauslasssperrhahns; Reinigung des Rohres der Hauptentladung aus Sedimenten; Reinigung des Überlaufs und seiner Anlagen – Übergangsabschnitt, Schnell- und Energielöscher; Wiederherstellung der Beleuchtung auf der Krone der Wand und Zugang zu ihr; Einbau einer Sicherheitsbarriere, die den Zugang des Fahrzeugs zur Krone an der Wand verbietet; Bau eines Regel- und Messsystems (CIS), um den Wasserstand im See zu messen; Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung des Retensionsvolumens. (German)
    4 December 2021
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