For better production capacity and competitiveness in “Automation of Discrete Production — Smolyan” OOD (Q3835543)

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Project Q3835543 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
For better production capacity and competitiveness in “Automation of Discrete Production — Smolyan” OOD
Project Q3835543 in Bulgaria


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    220,150.0 Bulgarian lev
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    112,276.5 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    370,000.0 Bulgarian lev
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    188,700.0 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    0.59 percent
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    10 December 2020
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    10 December 2021
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    41°37'24.82"N, 24°35'29.00"E
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    Проектното предложение предвижда инвестиция в ново модерно оборудване: - CNC вертикален обработващ център - 1 бр.След закупуване на технологичното оборудване ще се опрости производствения процес, ще се увеличат индивидуалните поръчки на компанията, които ще се изпълняват с високо качество и прецизност и ще се повиши гъвкавостта и ефективността на производствения процес, което от своя страна ще направи компанията още по-конкурентоспособна при висококачественото и навременно изпълнение на всяка една поръчка за всеки клиент, както в България, така и в чужбина. Проектът ще се изпълнява в производствения цех на "Автоматизация на Дискретното Производство - Смолян" ООД в гр. Смолян, кв. Невястата и ще е със срок за изпълнение 12 месеца. Общата стойност на направените инвестиции ще е 370 000.00 лв. без ДДС. (Bulgarian)
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    The project proposal provides for investment in new modern equipment: — CNC vertical machining center — 1 pcs.After the purchase of the technological equipment will simplify the production process, will increase the individual orders of the company, which will be executed with high quality and precision and will increase the flexibility and efficiency of the production process, which in turn will make the company even more competitive in the high quality and timely execution of each order for each customer, both in Bulgaria and abroad. The project will be implemented in the production workshop of “Automation of Discrete Production — Smolyan” OOD in the town of Smolyan, Her Bride will have a 12-month deadline. The total value of the investments made will be BGN 370 000.00 excluding VAT. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    La proposition de projet prévoit des investissements dans de nouveaux équipements modernes: — Centre d’usinage vertical CNC — 1 pcs.Après l’achat de l’équipement technologique simplifiera le processus de production, augmentera les commandes individuelles de la société, qui sera exécutée avec une haute qualité et précision et augmentera la flexibilité et l’efficacité du processus de production, ce qui rendra la société encore plus compétitive dans la haute qualité et l’exécution opportune de chaque commande pour chaque client, tant en Bulgarie qu’à l’étranger. Le projet sera mis en œuvre dans l’atelier de production «Automation de la production discrète — Smolyan» OOD dans la ville de Smolyan, Sa Mariée aura un délai de 12 mois. La valeur totale des investissements réalisés s’élèvera à 370 000,00 BGN hors TVA. (French)
    3 December 2021
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    Der Projektvorschlag sieht Investitionen in neue moderne Geräte vor: — CNC vertikale Bearbeitungszentrum – 1 Stück.Nach dem Kauf der technologischen Ausrüstung wird den Produktionsprozess vereinfachen, die einzelnen Aufträge des Unternehmens erhöhen, die mit hoher Qualität und Präzision ausgeführt werden und die Flexibilität und Effizienz des Produktionsprozesses erhöhen, was wiederum das Unternehmen in der hohen Qualität und rechtzeitigen Ausführung jedes Auftrags für jeden Kunden, sowohl in Bulgarien als auch im Ausland, noch wettbewerbsfähiger machen wird. Das Projekt wird in der Produktionswerkstatt „Automation of Discrete Production – Smolyan“ OOD in der Stadt Smolyan umgesetzt, Ihre Braut wird eine Frist von 12 Monaten haben. Der Gesamtwert der getätigten Investitionen beträgt 370 000,00 BGN ohne Mehrwertsteuer. (German)
    4 December 2021
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