Increasing the productivity and export potential of 3A Steel Ltd. (Q3834774)
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Project Q3834774 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increasing the productivity and export potential of 3A Steel Ltd. |
Project Q3834774 in Bulgaria |
299,076.75 Bulgarian lev
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390,950.0 Bulgarian lev
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0.77 percent
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17 October 2019
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29 December 2020
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Основната цел на проектното предложение е:Повишаване на конкурентоспособността и експортния потенциял на 3А Стийл ООД.Подцелите на проектното предложение са свързани с изпълнението ан следните резултати:Назначаване на 6 нови служители.Увеличаване на производителността на предприятието с най-малко 35%,;Повишаване на ефективността на производствените разходи с около 6%;След проекта се очаква продажбите да нарастнат с 13% за първата година, след което ръстът ще се стабилизира трайно на около 4% годишно.Целта и подцелите ще бъдат изпълнени чрез дейност: Подкрепа за общи производствени инвестиции за подобряване на производствения капацитет за растеж чрез ефективното и ефикасно използване на факторите на производство и чрез изграждането на възможности за възприемане и адаптиране на европейски и международни знания и технологии.Дейността ще бъде изпълнена чрез внедряване на два броя роботизирана система за заваряване на метални калъпи за изливане на бетонни блокове тип “Лего”.Въвеждането на новото оборудване също така ще осигури:Намаляване на консумацията на енергия с над 70% в следствие от наличието на автоматизирани системи за контрол.В резултат от наличието на специален регулатор ще се намали използването на защитни газове - аргон и въглероден диоксид с до 50%, което пък ще намали замърсяването на атмосферата.Производството на 3А Стийл ООД, както и дейностите по проекта попадат в "мехатроника и чисти технологии", "проектиране и производство на високо-технологични продукти и/или участие в над-национална производствена верига". Металните калъпи за изливане на бетонни блокове тип "лего" са инструмент за производството на крайния продукт, който се прави в Холандия. Прецизността необходима при изработването на стоманените калъпи изисква високо технологично производство, а самите бетонни блокочета позволяват чисто и бързо строителство, без да се уврежда сериозно околната среда. (Bulgarian)
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The main objective of the project proposal is: Increasing the competitiveness and export potential of 3A Steel Ltd. The objectives of the project proposal are related to the implementation of the following results: Appointment of 6 new employees. Increasing the productivity of the enterprise by at least 35 %,;Increasing the efficiency of the production costs by about 6 %;After the project, sales are expected to increase by 13 % for the first year, after which the growth will stabilise permanently at about 4 % per year.The objective and sub-targets will be implemented through activity: Support for common productive investments to improve the production capacity for growth through the effective and efficient use of production factors and by building opportunities for the adoption and adaptation of European and international knowledge and technologies. The activity will be implemented through the implementation of two robotic welding system of metal molds for pouring concrete blocks “Lego”. The introduction of the new equipment will also provide: Reducing energy consumption by more than 70 % as a result of the availability of automated control systems. As a result of the presence of a special regulator will reduce the use of protective gases — argon and carbon dioxide by up to 50 %, which will reduce energy consumption by more than 70 % as a result of the availability of automated control systems. As a result of the presence of a special regulator will reduce the use of protective gases — argon and carbon dioxide by up to 50 %, which will reduce the pollution of the atmosphere, which will reduce the pollution of the atmosphere.The production of the project and the project “Production” and “Products” and “Products” Ltd. will reduce the use of protective gases — argon and carbon dioxide by up to 50 %, which will reduce energy consumption by more than 70 % as a result of the availability of automated control systems. As a result of the presence of a special regulator will reduce the use of protective gases — argon and carbon dioxide by up to 50 %, which will reduce the pollution of the atmosphere, which will reduce the pollution of the atmosphere.The production and the project are “Producted” and “Producted” and “Producted” Ltd. “Production” and “Products 3” and “Production” Ltd. will reduce the use of protective gases — argon and carbon dioxide by up to 50 %, which will reduce energy consumption by more than 70 % as a result of the availability of automated control systems. As a result of the presence of a special regulator will reduce the use of protective gases — argon and carbon dioxide by up to 50 %, which will reduce the pollution of the atmosphere, which will reduce the pollution of the atmosphere and the project “Production” and “Production” and the “Production” and the “Production” activities. Metal moulds for pouring concrete blocks “lego” are a tool for the production of the final product, which is made in the Netherlands. The precision required for the construction of steel moulds requires high technological production, and the concrete blocks themselves allow for clean and quick construction without seriously damaging the environment. (English)
2 December 2021
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L’objectif principal de la proposition de projet est: l’augmentation de la compétitivité et du potentiel d’exportation de 3A Steel Ltd. Les objectifs de la proposition de projet sont liés à la mise en œuvre des résultats suivants: Nomination de 6 nouveaux employés. Augmentation de la productivité de l’entreprise d’au moins 35 %;Accroître l’efficacité des coûts de production d’environ 6 %;Après le projet, les ventes devraient augmenter de 13 % pour la première année, après quoi la croissance se stabilisera définitivement à environ 4 % par an.L’objectif et les sous-objectifs seront mis en œuvre par l’activité: En outre, l’activité sera mise en œuvre par la mise en œuvre de deux systèmes de soudage robotique de moules métalliques pour verser des blocs concrets «Lego». L’introduction des nouveaux équipements permettra également: la réduction de la consommation d’énergie de plus de 70 % en raison de la disponibilité des systèmes de contrôle automatisé. Les moules métalliques pour verser des blocs de béton «lego» sont un outil pour la production du produit final, fabriqué aux Pays-Bas. La précision requise pour la construction de moules en acier nécessite une production technologique élevée, et les blocs de béton eux-mêmes permettent une construction propre et rapide sans nuire gravement à l’environnement. (French)
3 December 2021
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