Crown Cool’s Servotion (Q2728403)
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Project Q2728403 in Croatia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Crown Cool’s Servotion |
Project Q2728403 in Croatia |
1,404,612.04 Croatian kuna
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1,578,393.12 Croatian kuna
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85.0 percent
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28 February 2017
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8 June 2018
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Crown cool d.o.o.
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Ulaganjima u informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju želimo ojačati i optimizirati poslovanje poduzeća Crown cool d.o.o., smještenog u potpomognutoj općini Beli Manastir, Osječko-Baranjska županija. Ulaganjem u materijalnu i nematerijalnu imovinu povezanu s uvođenjem novih i poboljšanjem postojećih IKT rješenja integrirat ćemo poslovne funkcije, optimizirati poslovne procese, poboljšati produktivnost rada, tržišni položaj poduzeća, osigurati konkurentsku poziciju i učinkovito poslovanje. (Croatian)
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Investing in information and communications technology we want to strengthen and optimise the activities of Crown cool d.o.o., located in the assisted municipality of Belli Manastir, Osijek-Baranja County. By investing in tangible and intangible assets to integrate new and improve existing ICT solutions, we will integrate business functions, optimise business processes, improve labour productivity, market position of companies, compete on business and operate efficiently. (English)
3 June 2021
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En investissant dans les technologies de l’information et de la communication, nous voulons renforcer et optimiser les activités de Crown cool d.o.o., située dans la municipalité assistée de Beli Manastir, dans le comté d’Osijek-Baranjska. En investissant dans des actifs corporels et incorporels associés à l’introduction de nouvelles solutions TIC et à l’amélioration de celles-ci, nous intégrerons les fonctions commerciales, optimiserons les processus commerciaux, améliorerons la productivité du travail, la position sur le marché de l’entreprise, assureront une position concurrentielle et une entreprise efficace. (French)
29 November 2021
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Durch Investitionen in Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie wollen wir das Geschäft von Crown cool d.o.o. in der unterstützten Gemeinde Beli Manastir, Osijek-Baranjska County, stärken und optimieren. Durch Investitionen in materielle und immaterielle Vermögenswerte im Zusammenhang mit der Einführung neuer und verbesserter bestehender IKT-Lösungen werden wir Geschäftsfunktionen integrieren, Geschäftsprozesse optimieren, die Arbeitsproduktivität, die Position des Unternehmens am Markt verbessern, Wettbewerbsposition und effizientes Geschäft sicherstellen. (German)
29 November 2021
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