No label defined (Q2101045)

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Revision as of 12:45, 9 March 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Wind — Prosperity innovation with the Useful Data Object of this project is to strengthen Danish businesses with data-driven business development in health and welfare. This is done through two Innovation Partnerships focusing on different datasets and different user needs. Overall, they will show how important business opportunities in the use of data can be translated into commercial success. It is expected to increase the turnover of the part...)
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio


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    1,500,000.0 Danish krone
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    195,000.0 Euro
    16 January 2020
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    10,277,800.0 Danish krone
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    1,336,114.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    15.0 percent
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    23 August 2016
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    31 December 2020
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    Welfare Tech
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    55°22'52.0"N, 10°24'4.3"E
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    VIND - VelfærdsInnovation med Nyttige DataFormålet med dette projekt er at styrke danske virksomheder med datadrevet forretningsudvikling inden for sundhed og velfærd. Det gøres gennem to innovationspartnerskaber, der har fokus på forskellige datasæt og forskellige brugerbehov. Samlet vil de vise hvordan de store forretningsmuligheder i brug af data kan omsættes til kommerciel succes. Det forventes at skabe øget omsætning for de deltagende virksomheder og nyttige data til de offentlige bruger så de kan effektivisere sundhed og velfærd for danske borgere. Fem år efter projektet forventes effekten at være 22 mio. kr. i årlig omsætning og 14 nye jobs i virksomhederne. Projektet består af tre udviklingsprojekter, der skal lede frem til nye produkter og services baseret på data. Aktiviteterne fokuserer på brugerinvolvering, udvikling af løsninger og test af løsninger. Dette udviklingsforløb forventes at skabe 2 nye produkter services og koncepter.. (Danish)
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    Wind — Prosperity innovation with the Useful Data Object of this project is to strengthen Danish businesses with data-driven business development in health and welfare. This is done through two Innovation Partnerships focusing on different datasets and different user needs. Overall, they will show how important business opportunities in the use of data can be translated into commercial success. It is expected to increase the turnover of the participating businesses and to provide useful data to public users in order to improve the efficiency of the health and welfare of Danish citizens. Five years after the project, the impact is expected to be DKK 22 million in annual turnover and 14 new jobs in businesses. The project consists of three development projects to lead to new products and services based on data. Activities focus on user involvement, development of solutions and testing of solutions. This trend is expected to create 2 new products services and concepts. (English)
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