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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
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English | No label defined |
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio |
7,455,698.0 Danish krone
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15,926,918.0 Danish krone
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47.0 percent
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6 February 2018
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31 May 2021
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Den Sociale Kapitalfond Management ApS
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Social inklusion gennem vækstpartnerskaberFormål er at få personer med begrænset eller ingen tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet integreret i arbejdsfællesskabet via beskæftigelsesfremmende aktiviteter. Projektet gennemføres i hele Danmark. Målet er at demonstrere en effektfuld og skalerbar metode til at få udsatte ledige i beskæftigelse. Målgruppen er udsatte personer langt fra arbejdsmarkedet og små og mellemstore socialøkonomiske virksomheder. Projektets hovedaktiviteter Projektet bygger bro mellem dem, der har de ledige jobs og de mennesker, der via opkvalificering og uddannelse, kan bestride jobbene. Brobygning sker via partnerskaber ml. kommune, 2.aktør og socialøkonomisk virksomhed.Projektet er bygget op om fire sammenhængende hovedaktiviteter. 1. Udsattes kvalificering 2. Virksomheders sociale acceleratorforløb 3. Partnerskab ml kommune, 2.aktør og socialøkonomisk virksomhed 4. Ny resultatafhængig og bæredygtig betalingsmodel I programmet simuleres resultatopgørelse- og betalingsstrømme så vi ved projektafslutning kan vurdere, hvorvidt det samlede initiativ har været en økonomiske gevinst. Kommunerne kan derfor tage stilling til, om de kommunale besparelser kan finansiere (Danish)
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Social inclusion through growth partnership Objective is to have people with little or no link to the labour market integrated into the work community through employment-enhancing activities. The project is implemented across Denmark. The aim is to demonstrate a power-full and scalable way of getting exposed to employment. The target group is vulnerable people far from the labour market and small and medium sized social economy enterprises. The project’s main activities are designed to build bridges between those who have the jobs and people who are able to challenge jobs through upskilling and training. The building is done through the partnerships. the municipality, the 2th actor and the social economy enterprise. the project is structured around four coherent main activities. 1 The 2 Qualification was postponed. Corporate social accelerators 3. Municipality of Partnership, 2.Economic and Social Economy, 4. New performance-based and sustainable payment model In the programme, performance accounting and payment flows are simulated at project completion, to assess whether the overall initiative has been a financial gain. Municipalities can therefore decide whether the municipal savings can be financed; (English)
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