No label defined (Q3270619)

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Revision as of 10:22, 12 October 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim is to raise people’s practical skills in the labour market and to reconcile the supply of education with the needs of the labour market. In particular, the project will help to acquire, improve and deepen the competences that individuals need at the level of jobs due to changed and new technologies and the nature of work, especially in areas that will make a significant contribution to improving the competitiveness of the economy. The p...)
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Project Q3270619 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3270619 in Slovakia


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    484,106.2 Euro
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    1 January 2017
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    31 December 2022
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    Cilj je dvigniti praktično usposobljenost posameznikov na trgu dela ter uskladiti ponudbo izobraževanja s potrebami trga dela. S projektom se bo predvsem pripomoglo k pridobivanju, izboljševanju in poglabljanju tistih kompetenc, ki jih posamezniki potrebujejo na ravni delovnih mest zaradi spremenjenih in novih tehnologij ter narave dela še posebej na področjih, ki bodo pomembno prispevala k večji konkurenčnosti gospodarstva. Namen projekta je z ustreznimi strokovnimi rešitvami podpreti hitrejše prepoznavanje potreb po izobraževanju v podjetjih in razvoj programov usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja. Promoviralo se bo novo obliko nadaljnjega poklicnega izobraževanja med podjetji in zaposlenimi, kar bo prispevalo k hitrejši nadgradnji kompetenc zaposlenih in s tem večji konkurenčnosti posameznih podjetij. Čezmejni vplivi niso predvideni. (Slovenian)
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    The aim is to raise people’s practical skills in the labour market and to reconcile the supply of education with the needs of the labour market. In particular, the project will help to acquire, improve and deepen the competences that individuals need at the level of jobs due to changed and new technologies and the nature of work, especially in areas that will make a significant contribution to improving the competitiveness of the economy. The purpose of the project is to support faster identification of training needs in enterprises and the development of training and upskilling programmes through appropriate professional solutions. A new form of continuing vocational training between companies and employees will be promoted, which will contribute to the faster upgrading of employees’ competences and thus to increasing the competitiveness of individual companies. No transboundary impacts are foreseen. (English)
    12 October 2021
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