Practice – a step towards working life (Q3097327)

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Project Q3097327 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Practice – a step towards working life
Project Q3097327 in Romania


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    2,012,709.77 Romanian Leu
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    402,541.954 Euro
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    2,367,893.87 Romanian Leu
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    473,578.77400000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    11 October 2022
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    47°10'38.10"N, 24°32'28.10"E
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    46°36'23.26"N, 24°37'28.85"E
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    47°47'21.05"N, 22°52'21.22"E
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    45°47'50.60"N, 24°9'6.91"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    46°59'30.84"N, 22°11'26.63"E
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°39'8.32"N, 25°36'36.97"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    46°46'9.77"N, 23°35'23.82"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    45°53'48.05"N, 26°0'36.65"E
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    44°55'36.62"N, 25°28'59.20"E
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    44°57'40.21"N, 23°19'32.45"E
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    46°38'38.72"N, 25°37'12.29"E
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    44°35'45.89"N, 27°12'5.90"E
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    47°40'19.78"N, 24°11'43.69"E
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    44°36'15.19"N, 23°3'9.65"E
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    44°17'29.04"N, 24°27'58.00"E
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    45°6'31.50"N, 26°2'15.43"E
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    47°9'22.36"N, 23°1'9.08"E
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    44°4'5.27"N, 25°11'11.51"E
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    45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E
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    45°2'25.62"N, 24°9'13.93"E
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    Obiectiv general: Implementarea unui model inovativ de facilitare a tranzitiei la viata profesionala activa pentru absolventii de invatamant secundar, la nivelul regiunilor Centru, Nord-Vest, Sud-Muntenia, Sud-Vest Oltenia, Sud-Est, in vederea cresterii ratei acestora de angajabilitate, cu accent in sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate confom SNC si domeniile de spcializare inteligenta conform SNCDI, prin facilitarea activitatilor de practica (stagii, internship, firme simulate) pentru 140 de elevi (ISCED 2 – 3, nivel de calificare 3 - 4). Proiectul va genera un efect pe termen lung vizat in special prin abordarea INTEGRATA, personalizata, individualizata, la nivelul fiecarui membru al grupului tinta, dar si la nivelul fiecarei scoli si comunitati, al operatorilor economici din Regiune, precum si prin constituirea unui cadru partenerial inovativ de informare coordonata (in ambele sensuri, de la companii catre reteaua de unitati de invatamant si invers) privind nevoile de instruire, respectiv nevoile actuale si viitoare ale pietei muncii. Prin inovatiile aduse procesului de consiliere si orientare in cariera, ale stagiilor de practica, utilizand noile tehnologii se urmareste centrarea serviciilor pe nevoile individuale ale participantilor, facilitand accesul acestora la servicii de calitate. Acest efect a fost vizat inca din faza de scriere a propunerii de finantare, fundamentand proiectul pe 3 piloni principali, asteptand generarea unui impact pozitiv pe aceste paliere: 1. La nivelul grupul tinta si al mediului scolar – prin implementarea la nivelul fiecarei scoli a unei analize privind calificarilor prevazute in planurile de invatamant, a structurii si numarului de elevi, mediul de rezidenta, durata pregatirii din planul de invatamant, dar si situatia socio-demografica a comunitatii in care functioneaza scolile, infrastructura, baza materiala de care dispun acestea, dar si alte aspecte relevante care ar putea favoriza cresterea ratei de angajabiliate sau, dimpotriva, a riscului de a abandonului scolar; 2. La nivelul mediului economic/ angajatori – analizand detaliat aspectele ce privesc sectoarele economice vizate de proiect, numarul de angajati si specializarile acestora, in special cele cu potential competitiv identificate confom SNC, dar avand in vedere si dinamica dezvoltarii regionale, in corelatie cu strategiile de dezvoltare regionala asumate. 3. La nivelul comunitatilor – pilon esential in dezvoltarea unor politici coerente pe termen lung s-au avut in vedere identificarea de structuri parteneriale cu scolile, respectiv reprezentantii mediului economic, care sa poata fi activate si potentate pe parcursul ciclului de viata al proiectului. (Romanian)
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    General objective: Implementation of an innovative model of facilitating transition to active professional life for secondary education graduates, at the level of the Central, North-West, South-Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, South-East regions, in order to increase their employability rate, with emphasis in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified SNC confom and the fields of smart spcialisation according to SNCDI, by facilitating the practice activities (traineeships, internships, simulated firms) for 140 students (ISCED 2-3, qualification level 3-4). The project will generate a long-term effect aimed especially through the INTEGRATE approach, personalised, individualised, at the level of each member of the target group, but also at the level of each school and community, economic operators in the Region, as well as by setting up an innovative partnership framework for coordinated information (in both directions, from companies to the network of educational units and vice versa) on training needs, namely current and future needs of the labour market. Through the innovations brought to the process of counseling and career guidance, of internships, using new technologies, we aim to focus the services on the individual needs of the participants, facilitating their access to quality services. This effect was targeted from the drafting phase of the financing proposal, basing the project on 3 main pillars, waiting for the generation of a positive impact on these levels: 1. At the level of the target group and the school environment – by implementing at the level of each school an analysis of the qualifications provided in the education plans, the structure and number of pupils, the residence environment, the duration of the preparation from the education plan, but also the socio-demographic situation of the community in which the schools operate, the infrastructure, the material basis at their disposal, but also other relevant aspects that could favour the increase of the employment rate or, on the contrary, the risk of school abandonment; 2. At the level of the economic environment/employers – analysing in detail the aspects related to the economic sectors targeted by the project, the number of employees and their specialisations, especially those with competitive potential identified by the NCS, but also taking into account the dynamics of regional development, in conjunction with the regional development strategies assumed. 3. At the level of the communities – an essential pillar in the development of coherent long-term policies were considered to identify partner structures with schools, i.e. representatives of the economic environment, that can be activated and potentiated throughout the project lifecycle. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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    Judeţul Sălaj, Romania
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    Judeţul Satu Mare, Romania
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    Judeţul Maramureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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    Judeţul Bihor, Romania
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    Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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