Learning – Performance Generator (Q3096869)

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Project Q3096869 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Learning – Performance Generator
Project Q3096869 in Romania


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    284,941.26 Romanian Leu
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    56,988.25200000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    670,450.0 Romanian Leu
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    134,090.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    42.5 percent
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    1 November 2019
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    14 December 2021
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    CEMACON - S.A.
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    46°46'9.77"N, 23°35'23.82"E
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    47°10'35.36"N, 23°4'15.85"E
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    47°12'28.12"N, 22°54'56.09"E
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    Cresterea competitivitatii si consolidarea pozitiei CEMACON SA pe piata nationala a Constructiilor (producerea si comercializarea de caramizi si blocuri ceramice), precum si in domeniul Energiei, mediului si schimbarilor climatice prin dezvoltarea de programe de formare profesionala pentru 170 de angajati proprii din Departamentul de Productie si din Departamentele Suport in scopul cresterii performantelor in plan profesional. Pe piata producerii si comercializarii de blocuri ceramice din Romania, asadar in sectorul economic competitiv Constructii, activeaza sapte producatori mai importanti, respectiv: Wienerberger Romania, Brikston, Cemacon SA, Soceram SA, Siceram SA, Macofil SA si Euro Poroton SA. În Romania, Wienerberger Romania detinte 4 unitati de productie, Cemacon SA detine doua unitati de productie la Zalau si Recea, iar ceilalti producatori detin cate o unitate de productie. Pe aceasta piata mai activeaza un numar redus de producatori mici si, totodata, sunt prezente importuri si achizitii intracomunitare. Astfel, compania care activeaza in baza coduluiCAEN principal 2332 - Fabricarea caramizilor, tiglelor si a altor produse pentru constructii, din argila arsa, se afla pe locul doi la nivel national. Pentru o companie productiva, FABRICA reprezinta inima afacerii, locul in care se creeaza avantajul competitiv pe care il prezinta departamentele comerciale clientilor si care furnizeaza produsele in jurul carora se construieste intreaga poveste. Odata cu brandul EVOCERAMIC, am pozitionat in piata produsele CEMACON SA ca produse premium, iar preocuparea noastra principala, a tuturor, este ca produsele care ies de pe linia de fabricatie sa aiba o calitate impecabila. Valoarea totala a investitiilor aduse in menenteanta si imbunatatirea liniei de productie de la fabrica Recea pentru anul 2018 este de 2.385.000 Euro, prin inaugurarea la sfarsitul anului 2018 a fabricii de buiandrugi. In ceea ce priveste domeniul de specializare inteligenta Energie, Mediu si schimbari climatice, pentru care CEMACON SA are 2 coduri CAEN autorizate 3832 - Recuperarea materialelor reciclabile sortate; 3811 - Colectarea deseurilor nepericuloase, prin politica de Mediu a companiei au fost setate cateva obiective de mediu care sunt intelese si insusite de fiecare angajat: implementarea si certificarea Sistemului de Management de Mediu in conformitate cu cerintele standardului SR EN ISO 14001: 2005; aplicarea masurilor adecvate pentru limitarea impactului negativ asupra mediului; gestionarea eficienta a materiilor prime, materialelor, resurselor natural si energetice in procesele de productie; reducerea gazelor cu efect de sera; prevenirea si reducerera cantitatilor de deseuri generate si gestionarea - valorificarea efiecienta a acestora. Noi, la CEMACON, credem in constructii evoluate si vrem sa devenim lider incontestabil pe piata de caramizi din Romania, iar CEMACON sa fie sinonim pentru constructii evoluate. Investim constant în tehnologie si cercetare pentru a (Romanian)
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    Increase competitiveness and strengthen the position of CEMACON SA on the national construction market (production and marketing of bricks and ceramic blocks), as well as in the field of Energy, Environment and Climate Change by developing training programs for 170 own employees from the Production Department and Support Departments in order to increase performance in professional terms. On the market for the production and sale of ceramic blocks in Romania, so in the competitive economic sector Constructii, seven more important manufacturers are active, namely: Wienerberger Romania, Brikston, Cemacon SA, Soceram SA, Siceram SA, Macofil SA and Euro Poroton SA. In Romania, Wienerberger Romania holds 4 production units, Cemacon SA owns two production units in Zalau and Recea, and the other producers own a production unit. On this market a small number of small producers are active and, at the same time, intra-Community imports and acquisitions are present. Thus, the company operating on the basis of main CAEN code 2332 – Manufacture of bricks, tiles and other construction products, made of burnt clay, ranks second at national level. For a productive company, FABRICA is the heart of the business, the place where it creates the competitive advantage that commercial departments present to customers and that supplies the products around which the whole story is built. With the EVOCERAMIC brand, we positioned CEMACON SA products in the market as premium products, and our main concern, of all, is that the products leaving the production line have an impeccable quality. The total value of investments brought to the maintenance and improvement of the production line at the Recea plant for 2018 is EUR 2385000, with the inauguration at the end of 2018 of the buiandrugi factory. Regarding the field of intelligent specialisation Energy, Environment and Climate Change, for which CEMACON SA has 2 authorised CAEN codes 3832 – Recovery of sorted recyclable materials; 3811 – The collection of non-hazardous waste through the company’s environmental policy has been set several environmental objectives that are understood and learned by each employee: implementation and certification of the Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 14001: 2005; the application of appropriate measures to limit the negative impact on the environment; efficient management of raw materials, materials, natural and energy resources in production processes; greenhouse gas reduction; preventing and reducing the amounts of waste generated and managing – efficiently capitalising on them. We, at CEMACON, believe in evolved constructions and want to become an undeniable leader on the brick market in Romania, and CEMACON to be synonymous for evolved constructions. We constantly invest in technology and research to (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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    Vârşolţ, Romania
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    Municipiul Zalău, Romania
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