Smart Start-UP – Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in South Muntenia (Q3096937)

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Project Q3096937 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Smart Start-UP – Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in South Muntenia
Project Q3096937 in Romania


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    15,310,910.6 Romanian Leu
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    3,062,182.12 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    18,121,660.84 Romanian Leu
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    3,624,332.168 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    84.49 percent
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    1 December 2017
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    30 November 2020
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    43°58'12.79"N, 25°19'43.86"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    44°51'26.03"N, 24°52'18.98"E
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    44°56'30.30"N, 26°1'25.14"E
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    44°55'36.37"N, 25°27'46.15"E
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    44°43'1.20"N, 26°37'56.68"E
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    44°5'25.66"N, 26°38'26.52"E
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    44°33'48.96"N, 27°21'42.66"E
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    44°58'59.05"N, 25°38'43.30"E
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    44°6'30.06"N, 24°59'42.76"E
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    43°46'44.80"N, 24°52'35.80"E
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    45°7'32.52"N, 25°44'5.28"E
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    44°22'13.04"N, 27°50'12.48"E
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    45°16'25.57"N, 25°2'47.69"E
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    45°8'48.95"N, 24°40'40.73"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie dezvoltarea spiritului antreprenorial si generarea unui numar crescut locuri de munca si de afaceri cu profil nonagricol in Regiunea Sud Muntenia, prin formare profesionala, dezvoltarea de competente antreprenoriale si manageriale si sprijin acordat persoanelor cu varsta peste 18 de ani, care doresc sa initieze o activitate independenta in aceasta regiune.Proiectul va genera efecte pozitive pe termen lung atat la nivelul grupului tinta, asupra comunitatilor economice din regiune si, prin diseminarea rezultatelor, poate genera un impact major la nivelul altor regiuni de dezvoltare, altor categorii de grup tinta. Datorita serviciilor integrate pentru sprijinirea initierii si dezvoltarii de activitati independente, membrii grupului tinta isi vor dezvolta cunostinte si abilitati necesare care ii vor ajuta in a deveni, pe termen lung, antreprenori de succes. La aceasta vor contribui capacitatile si expertiza celor 3 parteneri angrenati in proiect. Actiunile dezvoltate prin proiect vor genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung prin: - Cresterea capacitatilor antreprenoriale ale categoriilor de grup tinta incluse in proiect, prin masuri adaptate pe specificul persoanelor implicate(angajati, persoane inactive); - Cresterea spiritului antreprenorial la nivel de regiune, prin campanii cu larga adresabilitate; - Cresterea spiritului antreprenorial prin sustinerea unei competitii transparente si complexe intre diferite planuri de afaceri; - Cresterea numarului de persoane care dobandesc competente antreprenoriale, prin cursuri de formare antreprenoriale acreditate ANC; - Cresterea numarului de societati infiintate in regiune prin subventionarea a 72 de idei de afaceri; - Formarea unui nucleu de entitati juridice competente, care, prin activitatile de consultanta/mentorat de care beneficiaza prin proiect, vor dobandi un know-how usor transferabil catre alte persoane interesate de angajarea pe cont- propriu; - Cresterea ocuparii la nivel de Regiune, prin infiintarea a cel putin 144 de noi locuri de munca; - Cresterea economiei locale/regionale, prin dezvoltarea de afaceri de success; - Cresterea bugetului local/national prin plata de taxe si impozite; - Realizarea de modele de inovare sociala, transferabile catre alte sectoare/regiuni/bussines-uri; - Cresterea numarului de persoane implicate in actiuni ce isi propun dezvoltarea componentei de inovare sociala, prin actiuni specific desfasurate in centre prevazute special in proiect; - Cresterea promovarii de măsuri de dezvoltare durabilă, utilizare şi calitate TIC si consolidare a cercetării, a dezvoltării tehnologice și/sau a inovării, prin includerea de activități specifice la nivelul planurilor de afaceri selectate; - Crearea unei baze de date complexe, cu metodologii, analize si modele, toate realizate in urma implementarii proiectului. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is the development of the entrepreneurial spirit and the generation of an increased number of non-agricultural jobs and businesses in South Muntenia Region, through professional training, the development of entrepreneurial and managerial skills and support for people over the age of 18, who want to initiate an independent activity in this region. The project will generate long-term positive effects both at the level of the target group, on the economic communities in the region and, by disseminating the results, it can generate a major impact on the level of other development regions, other target groups. Thanks to integrated services to support the initiation and development of independent activities, the members of the target group will develop the necessary knowledge and skills that will help them to become successful entrepreneurs in the long term. The capacities and expertise of the 3 partners involved in the project will contribute to this. The actions developed through the project will generate a long-term positive effect by: — Increasing the entrepreneurial capacities of the target group categories included in the project, through measures adapted to the specifics of the persons involved (employees, inactive persons); — Increasing the entrepreneurial spirit at regional level, through campaigns with wide addressability; — Increasing the entrepreneurial spirit by supporting a transparent and complex competition between different business plans; — Increasing the number of people acquiring entrepreneurial skills, through entrepreneurial training courses accredited by NCAs; — Increasing the number of companies established in the region by subsidising 72 business ideas; — The formation of a core of competent legal entities, which, through the consultancy/mentorship activities that benefit from the project, will acquire an easily transferable know-how to other persons interested in hiring on their own; — Increasing the occupation at regional level, by establishing at least 144 new jobs; Growth of the local/regional economy, through successful business development; — Increasing the local/national budget through the payment of taxes and duties; — Making social innovation models transferable to other sectors/regions/bussines; — Increasing the number of people involved in actions aimed at developing the social innovation component, through specific actions carried out in centers specifically provided for in the project; — Increase the promotion of sustainable development measures, use and quality ICT and strengthen research, technological development and/or innovation, by including specific activities at the level of selected business plans; — Creating a complex database with methodologies, analysis and models, all made after project implementation. (English)
    16 September 2021
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