Fit – Training – Idea for Transformation (Q3097931)

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Project Q3097931 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Fit – Training – Idea for Transformation
Project Q3097931 in Romania


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    3,854,855.56 Romanian Leu
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    770,971.1120000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,608,180.86 Romanian Leu
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    921,636.1720000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.65 percent
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    14 June 2021
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    13 June 2023
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    46°9'39.78"N, 21°16'55.13"E
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    45°7'37.67"N, 22°4'37.70"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului constă în îmbunătățirea/dezvoltarea competențelor profesionale a angajaților din Regiunea Vest, prin creșterea gradului de conștientizare a importanței conceptului de învățare pe tot parcursul vieții și prin furnizarea de programe de formare profesională continuă, cu accent pe angajații cu un nivel scăzut de calificare, cu vârsta de peste 40 ani si /sau din zone rurale defavorizate. Proiectul are astfel un mare impact la nivelul Regiunii Vest, deoarece își propune formarea profesională a unui număr mare de persoane (658 angajați) în contextul creșterii adaptabilității acestora pe piața muncii. În contextul economic actual, indiferent de domeniul lor de activitate, firmele se confrunta cu doua tipuri de probleme: adaptarea la nevoile clientilor si fidelizarea acestora, iar pe de alta parte cresterea competitivitatii, in special prin retehnologizare. Adoptarea noilor tehnologii de productie si utilizarea de noi materii prime si materiale, au condus la remodelarea si redefinirea continutului ocupatiilor dominante. In alta ordine de idei, firmele trebuie sa realizeze un echilibru permanent intre nevoile organizatiei, privind productivitatea, calitatea produselor sau serviciilor, termenele stranse de livrare, in conditii de satisfacere a pretentiilor crescande ale clientilor și nevoile si interesele angajatilor privind salarizarea, ameliorarea competentelor profesionale, crearea unui mediu organizational propice dezvoltarii personale si profesionale, precum si mentinerea unui echilibru intre viata profesionala si cea personala a angajatilor. In acest context, una dintre solutiile de raspuns la aceste nevoi, este cresterea participarii angajatilor la formarea pe tot parcursul vietii, imbunatatirea calitatii fortei de munca, dezvoltarea unor parteneriate intre invatamantul tehnic de specialitate, intreprinderile beneficiare si sectorul de cercetare, o mai buna corelare a educatiei din scoli cu cerintele pietei muncii, incurajarea initiativei private si a utilizarii unor metode inovative in toate sectoarele de activitate economica, precum si a unei economii bazate pe eficienta utilizarii resurselor, in vederea cresterii competitivitatii economice a intreprinderilor. In acest context, actiunile cheie care pot sustine adaptarea lucratorilor si a intreprinderilor la schimbare, au in vedere sprijinul pentru dezvoltarea activitatilor in domeniile cu potential mare de crestere, cresterea importantei industriilor creative, utilizarea surselor de energie verde, protectia mediului, dezvoltarea competentelor in domeniul auto si TIC, iar pe de alta parte, sensibilizarea angajatorilor cu privire la respectarea principiilor de egalitate de sanse, egalitate de gen, concilierea vietii profesionale cu cea personala, adaptarea la noile cuceriri stiintifice, tehnice si tehnologice, cresterea adaptabilitatii angajatilor prin participarea la programe de formare profesionala continua, care sa furnizeze competentele necesare practicarii ocu (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve/develop the professional skills of employees in the West Region, by raising awareness of the importance of the concept of lifelong learning and by providing continuous vocational training programs, with a focus on low-skilled employees over the age of 40 and/or in disadvantaged rural areas. The project thus has a great impact at the level of the West Region, as it aims to train a large number of people (658 employees) in the context of increasing their adaptability on the labour market. In the current economic context, regardless of their field of activity, firms face two types of problems: adapting to customers’ needs and their loyalty, and on the other hand increasing competitiveness, especially through retrofitting. The adoption of new production technologies and the use of new raw materials and materials led to reshaping and redefining the content of dominant occupations. In other news, companies must achieve a permanent balance between the needs of the organisation, regarding productivity, quality of products or services, tight delivery times, in conditions of satisfying the increasing demands of customers and the needs and interests of employees regarding pay, improving professional skills, creating an organizational environment conducive to personal and professional development, as well as maintaining a balance between professional and personal life of employees. In this context, one of the solutions for responding to these needs is to increase employee participation in lifelong training, improve the quality of the workforce, develop partnerships between specialised technical education, beneficiary enterprises and research sector, better match school education with labour market requirements, encourage private initiative and use innovative methods in all sectors of economic activity, as well as an economy based on resource efficiency, in order to increase the economic competitiveness of enterprises. In this context, the key actions that can support the adaptation of workers and enterprises to change, take into account the support for the development of activities in areas with high growth potential, the growth of the importance of creative industries, the use of green energy sources, environmental protection, the development of skills in the field of automotive and ICT, and on the other hand, raising employers’ awareness of respecting the principles of equal opportunities, gender equality, reconciling professional and personal life, adapting to new scientific, technical and technological conquests, increasing the adaptability of employees by participating in continuous training programs, providing the necessary skills for practicing the practice (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Arad, Romania
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    Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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    Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Romania
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