Endowment with medical equipment of the outpatient hospital “Prof. Dr. Ioan Puscas” (Q2746210)

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Project Q2746210 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Endowment with medical equipment of the outpatient hospital “Prof. Dr. Ioan Puscas”
Project Q2746210 in Romania


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    6,187,905.02 Romanian Leu
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    1,237,581.004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    8,839,864.31 Romanian Leu
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    1,767,972.8620000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    70.0 percent
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    9 May 2018
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    31 December 2021
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    47°13'45.80"N, 22°47'10.28"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta cresterea accesibilitatii serviciilor medicale pentru populatia Orasului Simleu Silvaniei si din zona rurala deservita, in special pentru populatia supusa riscului de saracie, prin dotarea cu echipamente medicale performante a singurului ambulatoriu public din oras. Comunicatele de presa lansate de Ministerul Sanatatii in ultimii ani subliniaza faptul ca aproximativ 70% dintre pacientii spitalizati pot fi tratati in ambulatoriu putandu-se asigura, in acest regim, consultatii si tramente pentru o gama larga de afectiuni medicale, reducandu-se astfel cheltuielile generate de tratarea acestora (prin evitarea spitalizarii pacientilor) si asigurand un comfort sporit al pacientilor. Serviciile medicale in regim ambulatoriu pot prelua o proportie mare din cazuistica medicala (afectiuni de gravitate mai mica, acute sau cronice) determinand ameliorarea starii de sanatate a pacientilor si implicit cresterea calitatii vietii si sporirea incluziunii sociale deoarece tratamentul in acest regim permite desfasurarea activitatilor cotidiene uzuale, neimplicand izolarea pacientilor prin spitalizare. In acest sens insa, in cadrul acestora, trebuie sa se asigure o infrastructura bine dezvoltata care sa poata raspunde prompt nevoilor pacientilor si sa incurajeze cererea pentru aceste servicii medicale in defavoarea celor spitalicesti. Cu o vechime de peste 30 de ani, ambulatoriul – din cadrul Spitalului Orasenesc “Prof. Dr. Ioan Puscas” – ofera servicii medicale dintr-o gama larga de specializari prin care se adreseaza nevoilor de baza a populatiei in ceea ce priveste serviciile medicale necesare pentru asigurarea sanatatii, respectiv: medicina interna, ORL, oftalmologie, chirurgie generala, obstetrica-ginecologie, pediatrie, ortopedie si traumatologie, neurologie, dermatovenerologie, recuperare: medicina fizica si balneologie, psihiatrie, pneumologie, gastroenterologie si reumatologie. Desi este singurul ambulatoriu public din Simleu Silvaniei, ambulatoriul din cadrul Spitalului Orasenesc “Prof. Dr. Ioan Puscas” majoritate nu a mai beneficiat de investitii majore in echipamente si dotari medicale din anul 2011 (cand a fost implementat un proiect de proiect de modernizare si reabilitare a acestuia, in cadrul POR 2007-2014, axa 3.1 Servicii de sanatate) iar unele dotari si echipamente utilizate sunt detinute din 1986, de la deschiderea ambulatoriului. De asemenea, institutia nu dispune de o serie de echipamente medicale necesare realizarii unor analize si investigatii si care sa permita stabilirea rapida si precisa a diagnosticelor si in vederea stabilirii tratamentelor adecvate. Unele dintre echipamentele medicale sunt folosite in comun, de mai multe specializari sau sunt imprumutate, la nevoie, din cadrul spitatului, ceea ce face ca actul medical sa se realizeze anevoios si ineficient. Totodata, deoarece echipamentele detinute, in prezent, pentru realizarea operatiunii de sterilizare sunt foarte vechi, ambulator (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the accessibility of medical services for the population of Simleu Silvaniei City and in the rural area served, especially for the population at risk of poverty, by equipping with efficient medical equipment the only public outpatient in the city. The press releases launched by the Ministry of Health in recent years emphasise that about 70 % of hospitalised patients can be treated in outpatients by providing, in this regime, consultations and treatments for a wide range of medical conditions, thus reducing the costs generated by their treatment (by avoiding hospitalisation of patients) and ensuring increased patient comfort. Outpatient medical services can take a large proportion of medical casuistics (lower, acute or chronic illnesses) leading to the improvement of patients’ health and thus increasing the quality of life and increasing social inclusion because the treatment in this regime allows regular everyday activities, not involving isolation of patients through hospitalisation. In this regard, however, there must be a well-developed infrastructure that can respond promptly to the needs of patients and encourage the demand for these medical services to the detriment of hospitals. With more than 30 years old, the outpatients – from the “Prof. Dr. Ioan Puscas” City Hospital – offers medical services from a wide range of specialisations addressing the basic needs of the population in terms of medical services needed to ensure health, namely: internal medicine, ENT, ophthalmology, general surgery, obstetrics-gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics and traumatology, neurology, dermatovenerology, recovery: physical medicine and balneology, psychiatry, pneumology, gastroenterology and rheumatology. Although it is the only public outpatient in Simleu Silvaniei, the outpatients within the “Prof. Dr. Ioan Puscas” City Hospital, most of them have not benefited from major investments in medical equipment and equipment since 2011 (when a project was implemented to modernise and rehabilitate it, within the ROP 2007-2014, Axis 3.1 Health Services) and some equipment and equipment used have been owned since 1986, since the outpatient opening. Also, the institution does not have a number of medical equipment necessary to carry out analyses and investigations and to allow rapid and accurate diagnosis and in order to establish the appropriate treatments. Some of the medical equipment is used in common, by several specialisations or is borrowed, if necessary, from the spit, which makes the medical act difficult and inefficient. At the same time, because the equipment currently owned to carry out the sterilisation operation is very old, ambulatory (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Şimleu Silvaniei, Romania
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