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Project Q3099659 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3099659 in Romania


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    19,328,081.69 Romanian Leu
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    3,865,616.3380000005 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    30,317,872.3 Romanian Leu
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    6,063,574.460000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    63.75 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    31 December 2021
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    Implementarea unui Sistem de Masurare Inteligent (SMI) pentru 10.016 consumatori casnici si non-casnici mici dintr-o zona omogena urbana din Municipiul Iasi, in vederea reducerii consumului de energie la nivelul locuintelor. Implementarea proiectului propus, in cadrul careia se vor realiza investitii in infrastructura energetica a companiei, contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific 6.3 Reducerea consumului mediu de energie electrica la nivelul locuintelor. Contributia proiectul la realizarea obiectivului specific a Programului este justificata de faptul ca, in urma realizarii investitiei propuse, in cadrul companiei va fi implementat un sistem de masurare inteligenta care va asigura infrastructura necesara pentru elaborarea de strategii de analiza a datelor si de educare a consumatorilor pentru reducerea consumului individual la nivelul locuintelor. Prin implementarea sistemului de masurare inteligenta Solicitantul respecta reglementarile legislatiei in vigoare (Legea nr. 123 / 2012, modificata pe data de 01.01.2015-in care au fost transpuse cerintele Directivei 2012/27/UE, precum si PN-SMI stabilit de ANRE, prin care, pana la finalul anului 2026, se urmareste atingerea unui prag minim de 80% a implementarii contoarelor inteligente. Implementarea contorizarii inteligente va schimba, pe termen mediu si lung, perspectiva cu privire la rolul clientului in piata de energie, cu privire la eficienta energetica a retelei electrice de distributie, si cu privire la gestionarea si utilizarea volumului mare de date provenite de la contoarele inteligente. Sistemul MDM vine in intampinarea noilor necesitati ale Solicitantului oferind capacitati de procesare a volumului ridicat de date din sistemul de contorizare inteligent. Sistemul raspunde, totodata, si la reglementarile in vigoare cu privire la separarea entitatilor de distributie si furnizare a energiei electrice, oferind acestor din urma agenti o forma (limitata) de acces la informatii, in functie de obiectul de activitate. Implementarea Sistemului MDM este absolut necesara deoarece contribuie la: a) Respectarea cerintelor legislative, in ceea ce priveste descentralizarea furnizarii de energie. b) Crearea unui punct unic de colectare a datelor de masura si imbunatatirea transferului si managementului acestor date. c) Cresterea flexibilitatii pentru noi dezvoltari cu impact asupra mediului IT din organizatie (extinderi corespunzatoare cresterii numarului de contoare inteligente montate). d) Generarea rapoartelor predefinite pentru clienti. e) Reducerea si depistarea zonelor cu pierderi, tehnice si non-tehnice, prin intermediul unui management eficient al balantelor energetice si prin oprirea disfunctionalitatilor in masurare. f) Crearea premiselor pentru facturarea pe intervale orare (functionalitate imperios necesara pentru cresterea eficientei energetice si echilibrarea / uniformizarea consumului pe intervale orare). g) Analiza curbelor de sarcina si estimarea cererii de energie e (Romanian)
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    Implementation of an Intelligent Measurement System (MIS) for 10.016 small household and non-household consumers in a homogeneous urban area in the municipality of Iasi, in order to reduce the energy consumption at home level. The implementation of the proposed project, within which investments in the company’s energy infrastructure will be made, contributes to the achievement of specific objective 6.3 Reduction of the average electricity consumption at housing level. The contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objective of the Programme is justified by the fact that, following the realisation of the proposed investment, an intelligent measurement system will be implemented within the company that will provide the necessary infrastructure for the development of data analysis strategies and consumer education to reduce individual consumption at home level. By implementing the intelligent measurement system, the applicant complies with the regulations of the legislation in force (Law No 123/2012, amended on 1 January 2015 – in which the requirements of Directive 2012/27/EU were transposed, as well as the NP-SMI established by ANRE, which, by the end of 2026, aims to achieve a minimum threshold of 80 % for the implementation of smart meters. The implementation of smart metering will change, in the medium and long term, the perspective of the customer’s role in the energy market, regarding the energy efficiency of the electricity distribution network, and the management and use of the large volume of data from smart meters. The MDM system meets the new needs of the Applicant by offering high data processing capabilities from the intelligent metering system. The system also responds to the regulations in force regarding the separation of electricity distribution and supply entities, providing these latter agents with a (limited) form of access to information, depending on the object of activity. The implementation of the MDM system is absolutely necessary because it contributes to: b) Creating a single point of collection of measurement data and improving the transfer and management of such data. c) Increasing flexibility for new developments with impact on the IT environment in the organisation (extensions corresponding to the increase in the number of smart meters mounted). d) Generate predefined reports for customers. e) Reduction and detection of loss areas, technical and non-technical, by means of an efficient energy balance management and by stopping the malfunctions in measurement. f) Creating the prerequisites for billing on time intervals (imperious functionality necessary for increasing energy efficiency and balancing/uniforming consumption per hour intervals). g) Analysis of load curves and estimation of energy demand e (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Iaşi, Romania
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