Integrated development Racoviţa (Q3097911)

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Project Q3097911 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated development Racoviţa
Project Q3097911 in Romania


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    4,535,687.41 Romanian Leu
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    907,137.4820000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,774,407.79 Romanian Leu
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    954,881.5580000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    95.0 percent
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    1 April 2021
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    31 December 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este „Dezvoltarea comunitara și cresterea calitatii vietii Comunei Racovita prin asigurarea unei interventii sociale integrale in domenii sociale relevate, respectiv ocupare, servicii sociale si socio-medicale, locuire și favorizarea accesului la informare privin drepturile sociale si cetatenesti a membrilor comunitatii”. Pentru atingerea acestui obiectiv generos, proiectul asigura interventii concentrate si complementare pentru cele 250 de persoane apartinand grupului tinta, respectiv persoane aflate în risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatea ce apartine Strategie de Dezvoltare Locală aprobată de PNDR 2014-2020. Vom oferii o gama ampla de servicii de ocupare (consiliere profesionala si orientare vocationala, medierea muncii, formare profesionala, ucenicie), servicii sociale si socio-medicale (pentru copii, persoane varstnice, familii aflate in dificultate si cu un numar mare de copii, etc.), măsuri de antreprenoriat prin sustinerea educationala a antreprenoriatului, precum si prin sprijnirea sustenabila a procesului de infiintare a unei afaceri inca de la idee pana la punerea in aplicare a acesteia), precum si alte activitati care sa asigure o locuire decenta (reabilitare, consolidare) si acces la drepturi sociale adecvat. Prin ceea ce ne propunem, coroborand toate activitatile proiectului contribuim la atingerea obiectivului specific 5.2. „Reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială din comunitățile marginalizate din zona rurală și orașe cu o populație de până la 20.000 locuitori prin implementarea de măsuri/ operațiuni integrate în contextul mecanismului de DLRC”. Complexitatea proiectului propus atinge obiective asumate de Romania in documentele programatice si in eforturile sale de a promova incluziunea sociala si a combate saracia asa cum sunt stipulate si in prevederile Axei prioritare 5 din POCU. Scopul proiectului nu se abate nici el de la documentele relevante pe baza carora a fost definit POCU si astfel isi propune sa contribuie la scoaterea din starea de saracie si excluziune sociala a unor grupuri marginalizate fragile si care pot fi persoane active social ce pot contribui la bunastarea comunitatii de unde provin, trecand de la etapa de persoana asistata social la persoana activa in societate. Atingerea obiectivului general prin interactiunile interventiilor avute in vedere sunt gandite de o maniera care sa asigure efecte pe termen lung, efecte sociale prin scoaterea din starea de marginalizare a unui numar de 250 persoane si efecte economice prin integrarea pe piata muncii (implicarea in masuri active) a unui numar de 125 persoane, din care 35 vor fi angajate pe piata muncii locale, care initial isi asigurau veniturile doar din prestatii sociale sau munci ocazionale prestate in comunitate. Obiectivul general al proiectului se circumscrie si va facilita implementarea Pachetului Anti-Sărăcie, promovat de Guvernul României, avand in vedere ca pentru (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is “Community development and quality of life of Racovita Commune by ensuring a full social intervention in the relevant social fields, respectively employment, social and socio-medical services, housing and promoting access to information regarding social and citizenship rights of community members”. In order to achieve this generous objective, the project provides concentrated and complementary interventions for the 250 people belonging to the target group, namely people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from the community belonging to the Local Development Strategy approved by the NRDP 2014-2020. We will offer a wide range of employment services (vocational counselling and vocational guidance, work mediation, vocational training, apprenticeship), social and socio-medical services (for children, elderly people, families in need and with a large number of children, etc.), entrepreneurship measures through educational support of entrepreneurship, as well as by sustainably supporting the process of setting up a business from the idea to its implementation), as well as other activities that ensure decent housing (rehabilitation, consolidation) and access to adequate social rights. By what we intend, corroborating all the project activities we contribute to the achievement of specific objective 5.2. “Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from marginalised communities in rural areas and cities with up to 20,000 inhabitants by implementing integrated measures/operations in the context of the CLLD mechanism”. The complexity of the proposed project achieves objectives assumed by Romania in the programmatic documents and in its efforts to promote social inclusion and combat poverty as stipulated in the provisions of Priority Axis 5 of POCU. The purpose of the project also does not deviate from the relevant documents on the basis of which POCU was defined and thus aims to contribute to the removal from poverty and social exclusion of fragile marginalised groups and who can be socially active persons who can contribute to the well-being of the community where they come from, moving from the stage of the socially assisted person to the active person in society. Achieving the general objective through the interactions of the envisaged interventions are thought of in a manner that ensures long-term effects, social effects by removing from the marginalisation state a number of 250 people and economic effects by integrating into the labour market (involving in active measures) a number of 125 people, of which 35 will be employed on the local labour market, who initially provided their income only from social benefits or occasional work performed in the community. The general objective of the project is circumscribed and will facilitate the implementation of the Anti-Poverty Package, promoted by the Romanian Government, considering that for (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Racoviţa, Romania
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