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Project Q2745518 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q2745518 in Romania


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    12,266,436.23 Romanian Leu
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    2,453,287.2460000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    14,431,101.46 Romanian Leu
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    2,886,220.2920000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    27 December 2017
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    30 September 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei in Orasul Valea lui Mihai, printr-o abordarea integrata a problemelor astfel incat sa se asigure dezvoltarea echilibrata si cresterea atractivitatii orasului. Prezentul proiect contribuie la realizarea Obiectivului specific 13.1 al Prioritatii de Investitii 9b prin urmatoarele: - Edificarea unei noi gradinite in Orasul Valea lui Mihai; - Modernizarea strazilor Ady Endre, Izvorului, Vorosmarty Mihaly, respectiv intersecțiile cu drumurile adiacente afectate (intersectia Strazii Izvorului cu Strada Bancii; intersectia strazii Izvorului cu Strada Breslelor; intersectia Strazilor Ady Endre / Vorosmarty Mihaly cu Strada Republicii). Prin edificarea unei gradinite in Orasul Valea lui Mihai se faciliteaza accesul la o educatie de calitate pentru 200 de copiii. Prin noua infrastructura educationala prescolara se va oferi copiilor conditiile necesare si optime pentru participarea la actul educational intr-un mod modern, echivalent cerintelor si nevoilor actuale. Nevoile copiilor sunt in primul rand de educatie, socializare si de a creste intr-un mediu de viata armonios. Infrastructura educationala este esentiala pentru educatie, dezvoltarea timpurie a copiilor, pentru construirea de abilitati sociale si a capacitatii de integrare sociala. Serviciile educationale oferite comunitatii se va reflecta atat pe temen mediu cat si pe termen lung prin calitatea vietii locuitorilor. Sistemul de educatie raspunde unor nevoi si cerinte pe care copilul le are in raport cu necesitatile societatii, educatia fiind importante pentru viitorul tinerilor. Modernizarea strazilor Ady Endre, Izvorului, Vorosmarty Mihaly, respectiv intersecțiile cu drumurile adiacente afectate (intersectia Strazii Izvorului cu Strada Bancii; intersectia strazii Izvorului cu Strada Breslelor; intersectia Strazilor Ady Endre / Vorosmarty Mihaly cu Strada Republicii) contribuie la imbunatatirea spatiilor publice urbane din Orasul Valea lui Mihai. Este importanta dezvoltarea infrastructurii rutiere a orasului pentru a putea oferi locuitorilor conditii mai bune de trai. Conform Strategie de dezvoltare a Orasului Valea lui Mihai 57.58% din populatie considera ca starea drumului reprezinta o problema foarte grava, 30.42% din populatie considera ca starea drumului reprezinta o problema grava, 5.62% din populatie considera ca starea drumului reprezinta o problema putin grava. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of the population in Valea lui Mihai City, through an integrated approach to problems so as to ensure balanced development and increase the attractiveness of the city. This project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective 13.1 of the Investment Priority 9b through the following: Building a new kindergarten in Valea lui Mihai City; Modernisation of the streets Ady Endre, Izvorului, Vorosmarty Mihaly, respectively the intersections with the affected adjacent roads (intersection of Spring Street with Bank Street; intersection of Izvorului Street with Breslelor Street; Ady Endre/Vorosmarty Mihaly Street Intersection with Republic Street). Building a kindergarten in Valea lui Mihai City facilitates access to quality education for 200 children. The new preschool educational infrastructure will provide children with the necessary and optimal conditions for participation in the educational act in a modern way, equivalent to current requirements and needs. Children’s needs are primarily education, socialisation and growing up in a harmonious living environment. Educational infrastructure is essential for education, early development of children, for building social skills and capacity for social integration. Educational services offered to the community will be reflected both in the medium and long term by the quality of life of the inhabitants. The education system meets some needs and requirements that the child has in relation to the needs of society, education being important for the future of young people. Modernisation of the streets Ady Endre, Izvorului, Vorosmarty Mihaly and the intersections with the adjacent affected roads (intersection of the Izvorului Street with Bank Street; intersection of Izvorului Street with Breslelor Street; Ady Endre/Vorosmarty Mihaly Street Intersection with Republic Street) contributes to the improvement of urban public spaces in Valea lui Mihai City. It is important to develop the city’s road infrastructure in order to provide residents with better living conditions. According to the Development Strategy of Valea lui Mihai City 57.58 % of the population consider that the state of the road is a very serious problem, 30.42 % of the population consider that the state of the road is a serious problem, 5.62 % of the population consider that the state of the road is a little serious problem. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Valea Lui Mihai, Romania
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