Kindergarten SNP 742 Čadca – increasing capacity, energy efficiency and building and technical adjustments of the area (Q3108993)

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Revision as of 15:01, 28 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the present project is to increase the training of children of kindergartens and to ensure quality pre-primary education contributing to the management of compulsory education.Specific objectives of the project are as follows: Extend the existing capacity of the Nursery School SNP 742 Čadca (hereinafter referred to as “MŠ”) by superstructure and reconstruction; Implement structural and technical adaptations to the premises...)
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Project Q3108993 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Kindergarten SNP 742 Čadca – increasing capacity, energy efficiency and building and technical adjustments of the area
Project Q3108993 in Slovakia


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    589,538.72 Euro
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    693,574.96 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    11 January 2017
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    4 January 2019
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    Mesto Čadca
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    49°26'21.30"N, 18°45'56.70"E
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    Hlavným cieľom predkladaného projektu je zvýšenie zaškolenosti detí materských škôl a zabezpečenie kvalitného predprimárneho vzdelania prispievajúceho k zvládnutiu povinnej školskej dochádzky.Špecifické ciele projektu sú nasledovné: Rozšíriť existujúcu kapacitu Materskej školy SNP 742 Čadca (ďalej len “MŠ”) nadstavbou a rekonštrukciou; Realizovať stavebno-technické úprav areálu MŠ; Obstarať materiálno-technické vybavenie MŠ; Zvýšiť energetickú hospodárnosť budov MŠ.Uvedené špecifické ciele budú naplnené prostredníctvom realizácie štyroch hlavných aktivít projektu v súlade s výzvou:Aktivita 1 - Rozširovanie existujúcej kapacity MŠ nadstavbou a rekonštrukciou Aktivita 2 - Realizácia stavebno-technických úprav areálu MŠAktivita 3 – Obstaranie materiálno-technického vybavenia MŠAktivita 4 - Zvyšovanie energetickej hospodárnosti budov MŠ V rámci podporných aktivít projektu bude realizované riedenie projektu. Miestom realizácie projektu je Materská škola SNP 742 Čadca.Realizáciou projektu sa zvýši kapacita MŠ o 35 miest, zníži sa energetická náročnosť a skvalitnia sa podmienky predprimáreho vzdelávania v interiéri i exteriéri MŠ. (Slovak)
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    The main objective of the present project is to increase the training of children of kindergartens and to ensure quality pre-primary education contributing to the management of compulsory education.Specific objectives of the project are as follows: Extend the existing capacity of the Nursery School SNP 742 Čadca (hereinafter referred to as “MŠ”) by superstructure and reconstruction; Implement structural and technical adaptations to the premises of the Ministry of Education; Procure the material and technical equipment of the Ministry; To increase the energy performance of MŠ buildings.The specified specific objectives will be fulfilled through the implementation of the four main activities of the project in accordance with výzvou:Aktivita 1 – Extension of existing capacity of the Ministry of Education by superstructure and reconstruction Action 2 – Implementation of construction and technical adaptations of the MŠAktivita 3 – Procurement of material and technical equipment MŠAactivity 4 – Increasing the energy efficiency of the buildings of the Ministry of Education As part of the project’s supporting activities, dilution of the project will be implemented. The place of implementation of the project is Materská School SNP 742 Čadca.The implementation of the project will increase the capacity of the secondary school by 35 seats, reduce energy intensity and improve the conditions of preprimary education in the interior and exterior of the school. (English)
    28 September 2021
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