Placing long-term unemployed citizens on the labour market using non-state employment services (Q3108390)

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Revision as of 14:45, 28 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the national project (hereinafter referred to as "the NP") is to improve the labour market situation of long-term unemployed citizens, to increase the employability and employment of long-term unemployed citizens and to restore their working habits. Partial objectives:- Provision of specific services to long-term unemployed citizens in order to increase their employability and employment, and to actively assist in the place...)
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Project Q3108390 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Placing long-term unemployed citizens on the labour market using non-state employment services
Project Q3108390 in Slovakia


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    861,162.57 Euro
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    1,013,132.44 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2017
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    6 January 2019
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    Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Hlavným cieľom národného projektu (ďalej len „NP“) je zlepšenie postavenia dlhodobo nezamestnaných občanov na trhu práce, zvýšenie zamestnateľnosti a zamestnanosti dlhodobo nezamestnaných občanov a obnova ich pracovných návykov.Čiastkové ciele:-  Poskytnutie špecifických služieb dlhodobo nezamestnaným občanom za účelom zvýšenia ich zamestnateľnosti a zamestnanosti a  aktívna pomoc pri umiestnení dlhodobo nezamestnaných občanov na trhu práce prostredníctvom agentúr dočasného zamestnávania (ďalej len „ADZ“),  podľa § 29 zákona č. 5/2004 Z. z. o službách zamestnanosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej len „zákon o službách zamestnanosti)-              Zintenzívnenie spolupráce úradov práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny (ďalej len „úrad“) s ADZ pri zamestnávaní dlhodobo nezamestnaných občanov.Očakávaný stavS ohľadom na doterajšie výsledky ADZ a motivovaním ADZ prostredníctvom finančného príspevku predpokladáme, že sa do realizácie tohto NP podarí zapojiť cca 5 tis. dlhodobo nezamestnaných občanov (výberová fáza prostredníctvom úradov). Predpokladáme, že z uvedeného počtu sa prostredníctvom ADZ počas trvania 30 mesiacov podarí umiestniť na pracovnom trhu  cca 2 513 dlhodobo nezamestnaných občanov najmenej na obdobie 6 mesiacov. (Slovak)
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    The main objective of the national project (hereinafter referred to as "the NP") is to improve the labour market situation of long-term unemployed citizens, to increase the employability and employment of long-term unemployed citizens and to restore their working habits. Partial objectives:- Provision of specific services to long-term unemployed citizens in order to increase their employability and employment, and to actively assist in the placement of long-term unemployed citizens on the labour market through temporary employment agencies (hereinafter referred to as "the ADA"), pursuant to Section 29 of Act No 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services and amending certain acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Employment Services Act) – Intensification of cooperation between employment offices, social Affairs and Family (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") with TEAs in the employment of long-term unemployed citizens. Expected stateIn view of the results of the TEA to date and by motivating the TEA through a financial contribution, we expect that about 5 thousand long-term unemployed citizens (selection phase through the authorities) will be involved in the implementation of this NP. We assume that out of this number, some 2 513 long-term unemployed citizens will be placed on the labour market for at least 6 months by the TEA for a period of 30 months. (English)
    28 September 2021
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