Modernisation of Hospital with policlinic Sv. Luká and Galanta, a.s. to increase the productivity and efficiency of the provision of acute health care (Q3101147)

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Revision as of 13:56, 28 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Through the implementation of the project "Modernisation of Hospital with Policlinic Sv. Lukáša Galanta, a.s. to increase the productivity and efficiency of the provision of acute health care" will immediately improve and increase the level of healthcare provision. This is planned to be achieved primarily by building qualified emergency health care in the form of emergency reception with close connection with the unified OAMIS workplace – Depart...)
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Project Q3101147 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Modernisation of Hospital with policlinic Sv. Luká and Galanta, a.s. to increase the productivity and efficiency of the provision of acute health care
Project Q3101147 in Slovakia


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    3,103,289.31 Euro
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    3,650,928.6 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 July 2019
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    1 June 2022
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    Nemocnica s poliklinikou Sv. Lukáša Galanta, a.s.
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    48°11'22.34"N, 17°43'35.98"E
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    Prostredníctvom realizácie projektu „Modernizácia Nemocnice s poliklinikou Sv. Lukáša Galanta, a.s. pre zvýšenie produktivity a efektívnosti poskytovania akútnej zdravotnej starostlivosti“ bezprostredne dôjde ku skvalitneniu a zvýšeniu úrovne poskytovania zdravotnej starostlivosti. Predmetné sa plánuje docieliť primárne vybudovaním kvalifikovanej urgentnej zdravotnej starostlivosti v podobe Urgentného príjmu s úzkym prepojením so zjednoteným pracoviskom OAMIS – Oddelenie anestéziológie a multiodborovej intenzívnej starostlivosti a Oddelením rádiológie, kde plánované investície nadväzujú na už zrealizovanú rekonštrukciu a budú realizované v tesnej blízkosti tak, aby tvorili s Rádiologickým oddelením jeden celok bez zbytočných časových strát pri presune pacientov.  Realizáciou projektu budú dosiahnuté nasledovné merateľné ukazovatele: Odhadované ročné zníženie emisií skleníkových plynov – 7,914 ekviv. CO2; Počet renovovaných verejných budov – 1; Počet zmodernizovaných akútnych všeobecných nemocníc – 1; Podlahová plocha renovovaných verejných budov – 1 851m2; Zníženie ročnej spotreby primárnej energie vo verených budovách – 854 918,99 kWh/rok. (Slovak)
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    Through the implementation of the project "Modernisation of Hospital with Policlinic Sv. Lukáša Galanta, a.s. to increase the productivity and efficiency of the provision of acute health care" will immediately improve and increase the level of healthcare provision. This is planned to be achieved primarily by building qualified emergency health care in the form of emergency reception with close connection with the unified OAMIS workplace – Department of Anesthesiology and Multidisciplinary Intensive Care and the Radiology Department, where planned investments follow up on already completed reconstruction and will be carried out in close proximity to form a single whole with the radiological department without unnecessary time losses when transferring patients.  The following measurable indicators will be achieved through the implementation of the project: Estimated annual greenhouse gas emission reductions – 7.914 equilibrium. CO2; Number of refurbished public buildings – 1; Number of acute general hospitals upgraded – 1; Floor area of renovated public buildings – 1851 m²; Reduction of annual primary energy consumption in public buildings – 854918.99 kWh/year. (English)
    28 September 2021
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