Improving the quality of life of the population in Sărmaşu by building and endowment of the Sărmașu Recreative Center and modernising the adjacent urban public space (Q2747292)

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Project Q2747292 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Improving the quality of life of the population in Sărmaşu by building and endowment of the Sărmașu Recreative Center and modernising the adjacent urban public space
Project Q2747292 in Romania


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    18,907,394.34 Romanian Leu
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    3,781,478.8680000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    22,243,993.33 Romanian Leu
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    4,448,798.666 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    7 May 2018
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    28 October 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei din orasul Sarmasu prin extinderea infrastructurii recreative si modernizarea spatiului public urban adiacent. Prin realizarea obiectivului tip A - construirea si dotarea Centrului Recreativ Sarmasu se va infiinta primul centru recreativ din orasul Sarmasu unde vor putea fi asigurate urmatoarele servicii: activitati de suport specializat in educare si formare profesionala (educatie non-formala), asistenta si suport specializat in vederea integrarii/reintegrarii sociale (suport emotional, ergoterapie), socializare, activitati culturale si de petrecere a timpului liber (activitati de dezvoltare a abilitatilor practice, activitati interactive, activitati distractive si recreative, jocuri de grup, activitati artistice, etc). Desemenea centrul recreativ va fi deservit de un bazin de inot, completat de o sala fitnes si una de gimanstica, o sala de masaj si o zona de relaxare. Pentru a incuraja activitatile sportive va fi reabilitat si terenul de sport de langa centrul recreativ, situat pe acelasi amplasament. Prin realizarea activitatilor din categoria B - reabilitarea/modernizarea strazilor adiacente se va asigura imbunatatirea gradului de atractivitate si accesibilitate a orasului Sarmasu si imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei prin fluidizarea traficului si travesrasarea localitatii in conditii de siguranta. Abordarea integrata a problemelor orasului Sarmasu, lipsa unui centru recreativ dar si existenta unui spatiu public urban inadecvat, va conduce la solutionara simultana a necesitatilor populatiei din orasul Sarmasu, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea orasului Sarmasu si la imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of the population in the city of Sarmasu by expanding the recreational infrastructure and modernising the adjacent urban public space. By achieving the A-type objective – the construction and endowment of the Sarmasu Recreative Center will be established the first recreational center in the city of Sarmasu where the following services can be provided: support activities specialised in vocational education and training (non-formal education), assistance and specialised support for social integration/reintegration (emotional support, ergotherapy), socialisation, cultural and leisure activities (activities of practical skills development, interactive activities, fun and recreational activities, group games, artistic activities, etc.). Also the recreational center will be served by a swimming pool, complemented by a fitnes and a gimantic hall, a massage room and a relaxation area. To encourage sports activities will be rehabilitated the sports field near the recreational center, located on the same site. By carrying out the activities in category B – rehabilitation/modernisation of adjacent streets will ensure the improvement of the attractiveness and accessibility of Sarmasu and the improvement of the quality of life of the population by fluidising traffic and travesuring the locality safely. The integrated approach to the problems of Sarmasu, the lack of a recreational center and the existence of an inadequate urban public space, will lead to simultaneous resolution of the needs of the population in the city of Sarmasu, thus contributing to the development of Sarmasu and improving the quality of life of the population (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Sărmaşu, Romania
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