Extension and modernisation of the public lighting system in Piatra Neamt: Cetatea Neamtului Street, 1 December 1918, Mihai Viteazu Street, Stefan cel Mare Square, Republicii Boulevard, Mihai Eminescu Street, Orhei Street, Valeni area (Q2741332)

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Project Q2741332 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Extension and modernisation of the public lighting system in Piatra Neamt: Cetatea Neamtului Street, 1 December 1918, Mihai Viteazu Street, Stefan cel Mare Square, Republicii Boulevard, Mihai Eminescu Street, Orhei Street, Valeni area
Project Q2741332 in Romania


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    4,264,545.82 Romanian Leu
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    852,909.1640000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,017,112.71 Romanian Leu
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    1,003,422.542 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    29 August 2019
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    31 December 2021
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    Obiectivul principal este realizarea unui sistem de iluminat public modern, eficient energetic (un climat luminos confortabil, cu un consum minim de energie utilizand corpuri de iluminat fiabile in tehnologie LED, interconectate intr-un sistem de telegestiune), care sa genereze mai putine emisii de CO2 fata de cel existent, in concordanta cu legislatia in vigoare respectiv scăderea anuală a emisiilor cu peste 40% echivalent tone CO2, reprezentand eficienta energetica a sistemului nou, comparativ cu cea a sistemului existent extins ipotetic cu puncte luminoase ca cele existente. Data fiind pozitia geografica, problemele de mediu, de calitate a aerului, apei, solului sunt unele din temele prioritare abordate in Strategia privind dezvoltarea durabila a orasului. In acest document sunt delimitate si analizate nevoile exprimate de locuitorii orasului si din perspectiva de mediu si sunt propuse solutii de rezolvare a acestora: o Reducerea emisiilor de CO2 generate la nivelul orasului prin cresterea eficientei/performantei energetice o Modernizarea si dezvoltarea infrastructurii sistemului de iluminat o Modernizarea energetica a cladirilor publice, rezidentiale, a echipamentelor/ instalatiilor o Implementarea standardelor de performanta energetica o Dezvoltarea competentelor in domeniul eficientei energetice o Promovarea principiilor eficientei energetice. Administratia locala, ca nivel de guvernanta cel mai apropiat de cetateni, este cel mai bine plasata pentru a aborda chestiunile legate de clima intr-un mod cuprinzator, structurile de guvernanta locala a oraselor detinand un rol crucial in atenuarea efectelor schimbarilor climatice, cu atat mai mult cu cat 80% din consumul de energie si emisiile de CO2 sunt asociate cu activitatile urbane. In acest context, autoritatea locala care este atat consumator cat si furnizor de servicii publice locale, dar si organismul de reglementare locala, de consultanta pentru cetateni, constituie elementul motor dintr-o comunitate si poate propune si sustine actiuni care sa duca la cresterea eficientei energetice pentru teritoriul pe care il administreaza. Eficienta energetica constituie un element esential in asigurarea durabilitatii utilizarii resurselor de energie si valorificarii potentialului considerabil de crestere a economiilor de energie al cladirilor, al transporturilor, al produselor si proceselor. Potentialul existent de economisire rentabila a energiei include atat economiile din sectorul aprovizionarii cu energie, cat si cele din sectorul utilizatorilor finali. In acest context, modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al orasului, vine ca o necesitate de adaptare a orasului la cresterea numarului de gospodarii, dar si la noile cerinte de sprijinire a eficientei energetice, a gestionarii inteligente a energiei si a utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabile in infrastructurile publice si in sectorul locuintelor. (Romanian)
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    The main objective is to achieve a modern, energy efficient public lighting system (a comfortable luminous climate, with a minimum energy consumption using reliable lighting fixtures in LED technology, interconnected in a telemanagement system), which generates fewer CO2 emissions than the existing one, in accordance with the legislation in force and the annual decrease of emissions by more than 40 % CO2-equivalent, representing the energy efficiency of the new system, compared to that of the existing system hypothetically extended with light points like the existing ones. Given the geographical position, environmental, air quality, water and soil issues are some of the priority themes addressed in the Sustainable Development Strategy of the city. In this document, the needs expressed by the inhabitants of the city and from the environmental perspective are defined and analysed and solutions are proposed: O Reduction of CO2 emissions generated at city level by increasing energy efficiency/performance o Modernisation and development of lighting system infrastructure o Energy modernisation of public buildings, residential buildings, equipment/installations an Implementation of energy performance standards a Development of competences in the field of energy efficiency o Promote the principles of energy efficiency. The local administration, as the level of government closest to the citizens, is best placed to address climate issues in a comprehensive way, with the local governance structures of cities playing a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change, especially as 80 % of energy consumption and CO2 emissions are associated with urban activities. In this context, the local authority which is both a consumer and a provider of local public services, but also the local regulatory body, consulting for citizens, is the engine element in a community and can propose and support actions that will increase energy efficiency for the territory it manages. Energy efficiency is an essential element in ensuring the sustainability of the use of energy resources and capitalising on the considerable potential to increase the energy savings of buildings, transports, products and processes. The existing cost-effective energy saving potential includes savings in both the energy supply sector and the end-user sector. In this context, the modernisation of the city’s public lighting system comes as a necessity to adapt the city to the increase in the number of households, but also to the new requirements to support energy efficiency, smart energy management and the use of renewable energy in public infrastructure and in the housing sector. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Piatra Neamţ, Romania
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