Formal and non-formal education for sustainable development in the Centre region (Q3097034)
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Project Q3097034 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Formal and non-formal education for sustainable development in the Centre region |
Project Q3097034 in Romania |
7,927,720.1 Romanian Leu
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9,326,729.38 Romanian Leu
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1,865,345.8760000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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11 April 2018
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10 April 2021
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1. Reducerea și prevenirea abandonului școlar timpuriu, promovarea educatiei incluzive, prin interventii integrate de învățare formale, non formale si informale la nivelul educatiei (anteprescolar, preșcolar, primar, secundar, adultilor) din urmatoarele comunitati defavorizate aferente regiunii Centru: Band, Ceuas, Deaj, Haranglab, Sighisoara, Apalina – Reghin, Gornesti (inclusiv structura Peris), Dumbravioara si Ernei. Raportat la obiectivul general, persoanele ale caror nevoi stau la baza acestui proiect provin din categoriile delimitate de GS-CG, copii si elevi, comunitati dezavantajate din mediul rural, roma si persoane care au abandonat scoala. In baza analizei de nevoi elaborata, a reiesit necesitatea de a sprijini creșterea a accesului egal la resurse educationale si materiale si de a oferi suport educational integrat membrilor grupului tinta al proiectului astfel incat, pe termen lung, proiectul sa contribuie la reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu. In acest fel, proiectul, prin activitățile propuse și rezultatele urmărite, va contribui la creșterea accesului la invatamant al copiilor si elevilor din medii cu probleme social-economice, dar si la cresterea capacitatii administrative a scolii și implicit a instituțiilor incluse în proiect prin parteneriate, care vor putea deveni astfel modele de bună practica in dezvoltarea și implementarea sistemului educational incluziv integrat la nivel de unitate scolara. Prin intermediul intreventiei, contributia la prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu (ca parte a prioritatii de investitii 10i) si la asigurarea de oportunitati educationale (cf. OS 6.2 si 6.3 al GS-CG) vor fi asigurata prin: - Programe educationale complementare (pentru ciclurie educationale: anteprescolar, prescolar, primar si gimnazial) care vor dezvolta competente de baza pentru copiii aflati in situatii de vulnerabilitate socio-economica si care vor contribui, pe termen lung, la cresterea sanselor de performante educationale in cadrul sistemului public de educatie, oferind o pregatire temeinica la nivelul abilitatilor si cunostintelor - Servicii conexe de mentorat/consiliere asigurata pentru beneficiarii proiectului, inclusiv pentru parinti (de ex.: sesiunile parentale), prin intermediul carora oportunitatile de participare la educatia formala vor fi sporite. In aceeasi masura, proiectul contribuie la promovarea accesului egal la invatamant prescolar, primar si secundar de calitate (ca parte a prioritatii de investitii 10i si in conformitate cu OS 6.2, OS 6.3 si OS 6.6 al GS-CG) prin: - Investitii in capacitarea cadrelor didactice (metodologii abordari educationale integrate puse la dispozitie; participare sesiuni de instruire; oferire de burse si subventii de performanta) astfel incat cunostintele si practicile legate de educatia incluziva si interculturalitate sa fie puse in practica in scolile tinta, pe de o parte, iar resursa umana sa poata aplica toate cunostintele invatate in cadrul proiectulu (Romanian)
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1. Reducing and preventing early school leaving, promoting inclusive education, through integrated interventions of formal, non-formal and informal learning at the level of education (preschool, preschool, primary, secondary, adults) in the following disadvantaged communities related to the Centre region: Band, Ceuas, Deaj, Haranglab, Sighisoara, Apalina – Reghin, Gornesti (including Peris structure), Dumbravioara and Ernei. In relation to the general objective, the people whose needs underpin this project come from the categories defined by GS-CG, children and pupils, disadvantaged communities in rural areas, Roma and people who have left school. Based on the needs analysis developed, it emerged the need to support the increase of equal access to educational and material resources and to provide integrated educational support to the members of the target group of the project so that, in the long term, the project contributes to the reduction and prevention of early school leaving. In this way, the project, through the proposed activities and the results pursued, will contribute to increasing the access to education of children and pupils from backgrounds with social and economic problems, but also to increase the administrative capacity of the school and implicitly of the institutions included in the project through partnerships, which will thus become good practice models in the development and implementation of the inclusive educational system integrated at school level. Through the intervention, the contribution to the prevention of early school leaving (as part of the investment priority 10i) and to the provision of educational opportunities (cf. OS 6.2 and 6.3 of GS-CG) will be ensured by: — Complementary educational programmes (for educational cycles: preschool, preschool, primary and secondary school) that will develop basic skills for children in socio-economic vulnerability situations and who will contribute, in the long term, to increasing the chances of educational performance within the public education system, providing a thorough training in skills and knowledge – related mentoring/advice services provided for project beneficiaries, including for parents (e.g.: parental sessions), through which opportunities to participate in formal education will be increased. To the same extent, the project contributes to promoting equal access to preschool, primary and secondary quality education (as part of investment priority 10i and in accordance with OS 6.2, OS 6.3 and OS 6.6 of GS-CG) by: — Investments in the empowerment of teachers (integrated educational approaches made available; participation of training sessions; offering scholarships and performance grants) so that knowledge and practices related to inclusive education and interculturality are put into practice in target schools, on the one hand, and the human resource can apply all the knowledge learned within the project (English)
16 September 2021
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Band, Romania
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Ernei, Romania
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Gorneşti, Romania
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Municipiul Reghin, Romania
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Municipiul Sighişoara, Romania
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Mica, Romania
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