Human resources and competitive business in South, South-West and North-East regions (Q3096425)

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Project Q3096425 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Human resources and competitive business in South, South-West and North-East regions
Project Q3096425 in Romania


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    3,665,229.194 Romanian Leu
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    733,045.8388 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,539,383.9 Romanian Leu
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    907,876.7800000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    29 May 2018
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    28 April 2019
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    47°29'58.13"N, 26°54'16.52"E
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    44°55'39.04"N, 25°27'45.47"E
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    45°8'0.42"N, 23°50'38.51"E
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    44°45'46.08"N, 26°22'12.54"E
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    44°7'11.17"N, 24°40'52.97"E
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    44°46'2.96"N, 26°22'12.25"E
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    45°8'0.42"N, 23°50'38.51"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului: Imbunatatirea capacitatii de adaptare si de raspuns a angajatilor, intreprinderilor si antreprenorilor la dinamica pietei in sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv Turism si ecoturism, Textile si pielarie, Lemn si mobila, Industrii creative, Industria auto si componente, Tehnologia informatiei si comunicatiilor si Sanatate si produse farmaceutice si in corelare cu domeniile de specializare inteligenta identificare in SNCDI, din regiunile Sud Muntenia, Sud-Vest Oltenia si Nord-Est. In cele 12 luni de implementare proiectul faciliteaza dezvoltarea capacitatii de adaptare si raspuns a angajatilor, intreprinderilor si antreprenorilor din sectoarele mentionate prin furnizarea de cursuri calibrate pe nevoile REALE si ACTUALE atat ale angajatorilor, cat si ale grupului tinta. Astfel, proiectul prin activitatile propuse genereaza impact pe termen lung si contribuie in mod direct la obiectivul tematic „Promovarea unor locuri de munca durabile si de calitate si sprijinirea mobilitatii lucratorilor”. Proiectul prevede activitati de constientizare si crestere a interesului angajatorilor pentru participarea angajatilor la programe de pregatire contribuind in mod direct la obiectivul specific 3.8 al programului „Cresterea numarului de angajati care beneficiaza de instrumente, metode, practici etc standard de management al resurselor umane si de conditii de lucru imbunatatite in vederea adaptarii activitatii la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC/domeniilor de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI”. Participarea in comun a reprezentantilor din cele 7 sectoare economice cu potential competitiv la activitatile de formare propuse de proiect faciliteaza transferul de bune practici, stabilirea de parteneriate strategice, crearea unei comunitati de sprijin reciproc. Participantii la cursuri isi vor imbunatati competentele de management/conducere a afacerii/managementul resurselor umane, vor fi capabili sa utilizeze instrumente, metode practici standard de management al redsurselor umane ceea ce va facilita imbunatatirea conditiilor de lucru in intreprinderile din care provin, inclusiv adaptarea actitivitatii la dinamica fiecarui sector, generand astfel beneficii pe termen lung atat pentru cei care participa la cursurile din proiect cat si pentru angajatori si intreprinderile din care provin. Valoarea adaugata a acestui proiect este data si de experienta in fomare a solicitantului, parteneriatele dezvoltate in timp de acesta cu diversi actori locali relevanti pentru industriile adresate prin prezentul proiect. Solicitantul a prevazut in acest proiect intalniri cu angajatorii in cadrul campaniilor de constientizare facilitate de actori relevanti importanti pe plan regional in mediul intreprinderilor din industriile adresate, cum ar fi Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri Arges. Implicarea actorilor locali in sustinerea activitatilor proiectului va genera efecte benefice pe termen l (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project: Improving the adaptability and response of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs to market dynamics in the economic sectors with competitive potential Tourism and ecotourism, Textiles and leather, Wood and furniture, Creative Industries, Automotive and Components, Information and Communications and Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals and in conjunction with the areas of smart identification specialisation in SNCDI, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia and North-East regions. During the 12 months of implementation, the project facilitates the development of the adaptive and responsive capacity of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs in the mentioned sectors by providing courses calibrated on the needs of both the employers and the target group. Thus, the project through the proposed activities generates long-term impact and contributes directly to the thematic objective “Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility”. The project provides activities to raise awareness and increase the interest of employers for the participation of employees in training programs contributing directly to the specific objective 3.8 of the program “Increasing the number of employees benefiting from tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC/SNCDI fields of intelligent specialisation”. Joint participation of representatives from the 7 economic sectors with competitive potential in the training activities proposed by the project facilitates the transfer of good practices, the establishment of strategic partnerships, the creation of a community of mutual support. The participants in the courses will improve their business management/management/human resources management skills, will be able to use tools, standard methods of human resources management practices, which will facilitate the improvement of working conditions in the enterprises from which they originate, including adapting the actitivity to the dynamics of each sector, thus generating long-term benefits both for those participating in the project courses and for the employers and enterprises from which they come from. The added value of this project is also given by the applicant’s experience, the partnerships developed in time with various local actors relevant to the industries addressed by this project. The applicant provided in this project meetings with employers in the framework of awareness campaigns facilitated by relevant regional actors in the business environment of addressed industries, such as the Arges Business People’s Association. The involvement of local actors in supporting the project activities will generate beneficial effects in the term (English)
    14 September 2021
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