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Project Q2743872 in Romania
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Project Q2743872 in Romania


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    18,139,470.75 Romanian Leu
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    3,627,894.1500000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    21,340,553.87 Romanian Leu
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    4,268,110.774 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1 March 2018
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    29 December 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este dezvoltarea infrastructurii educationale din cadrul Faculattii de Educatie Fizica si Sport, Universitatea din Craiova prin reabilitarea, extinderea si modernizarea unor spatii care vor fi dedicate unor procese de invatamant. Scopul acestor actiuni este acela al asigurarii unui suport structural necesar dezvoltarii competenţelor profesionale și a capacității de integrare socio-profesională, realizarea condiţiilor pentru o pregătire profesională de calitate şi relevantă pentru nevoile pieţei muncii, adaptate nivelului de dezvoltare tehnologică şi cerinţelor specifice impuse de necesitatea formarii unor specialist in domeniul recuperarii medicale in concordanta cu cerintele pietii europene a muncii. In acelasi timp dezvoltarea infrastructurii destinate pregatirii si formarii specialistilor din domeniul sportului, ceea ce permite acestora dobandirea unor abilitati sociale utilizabile in sfera performantei sportive, dar si in domeniul integrarii sociale si al promovarii starii de sanatate in randul populatiei. Racordarea infrastructurii, prin modernizarea si echiparea facilitatilor conexe, la necesitatile activitatii de cercetare din domeniul sportului de performanta si al reabilitarii medicale, care sa permita studentilor dezvoltarea unor protocoale de interventie bazate pe fundamente stiintifice. Investitiile in infrastructura sub aspecul spatiilor educationale si al dotarii vor intensifica legătura dintre cercetare și piața forței de muncă, dat fiind necesitatea imbunatatirii cunostintelor teoretice si practice studentilor cu implicatii in obtinerea unor competente profesionale si stiintifice, care le vor permite intrarea in competitive pe piata muncii la nivel european. Obtinerea unei infrastructurii de inalt nivel tehnologic va permite dezvoltarea unor programe educationale care vor atrage un numar mare de student si de asemenea integrarea lor in activitatea de cercetare. Atingerea unor standarde academice de nivel european, prin intermediul si cu ajutorul unei dotari corespunzatoare si in spatii educationale modernizate, va spori rata de angajabilitate a absolventilor din domeniul sportului si kinetoterapiei. In acelasi timp studenții vor dobandi competențe cros-disciplinare.Colaborarea cu universitati din strainatate, mobilitatile studentilor si cadrelor didactice, impun modernizarea si crearea unor conditii care sa permita dezvoltarea unor studii multicentrice cu impact aplicativ, dar si cu impact asupra activitatii de cercetare. Aceste investiții vor urmări infrastructura destinată modernizării și internaționalizării celor doua specializarii ale facultatii, precum si internationalizarea centrului de cercetari din cadrul facultatii, investind în infrastructura de cercetare și inovare și în materiale didactice. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to develop the educational infrastructure within the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Craiova through rehabilitation, extension and modernisation of spaces that will be dedicated to educational processes. The purpose of these actions is to ensure a structural support necessary for the development of professional skills and the capacity for socio-professional integration, to achieve the conditions for a quality vocational training relevant to the needs of the labour market, adapted to the level of technological development and the specific requirements imposed by the need to train specialists in the field of medical recovery in accordance with the requirements of the European labour market. At the same time, the development of infrastructure for the training and training of sports specialists, which allows them to acquire social skills that can be used in the field of sports performance, but also in the field of social integration and health promotion among the population. Connecting the infrastructure, by upgrading and equipping related facilities, to the needs of research activity in the field of performance sport and medical rehabilitation, allowing students to develop intervention protocols based on scientific foundations. Investments in infrastructure under the aspect of educational spaces and endowment will intensify the link between research and the labour market, given the need to improve the theoretical and practical knowledge of students with involvement in obtaining professional and scientific skills, which will allow them to enter into competitive labour market at European level. Obtaining a high technological infrastructure will allow the development of educational programs that will attract a large number of students and also their integration into the research activity. Reaching academic standards at European level, through and with the help of appropriate equipment and in modernised educational spaces, will increase the employability rate of sports and physiotherapy graduates. At the same time students will acquire cross-disciplinary competences. Collaboration with universities abroad, mobility of students and teachers, require modernisation and creation of conditions that allow the development of multicentre studies with applicative impact, but also impact on the research activity. These investments will aim to modernise and internationalise the two faculty specialisations, as well as the internationalisation of the research center within the faculty, investing in research and innovation infrastructure and teaching materials. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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