Increasing the competitiveness of Hoceanu HGH SRL by establishing a new wood processing section (Q2746304)

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Project Q2746304 in Romania
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Increasing the competitiveness of Hoceanu HGH SRL by establishing a new wood processing section
Project Q2746304 in Romania


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    3,221,612.39 Romanian Leu
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    644,322.4780000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,413,046.05 Romanian Leu
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    1,082,609.21 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    20 April 2017
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    30 November 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului ”Cresterea competitivitatii societatii HOCEANU HGH SRL prin infiintarea unei noi sectii de prelucrare a lemnului” este cresterea competitivitatii societatii prin dezvoltarea activitatii corespunzatoare codului CAEN 1610 – Taierea si rindeluirea lemnului. Proiectul propus isi va aduce contributia in mod direct la atingerea obiectivului Prioritatii de investitie 2.2 - Sprijinirea crearii si extinderea capacitatilor avansate de productie si dezvoltare a serviciilor, intrucat prin dotarea unui IMM cu utilaje de ultima generatie va creste nivelul calitativ si cantitativ al productiei sale determinand direct cresterea competitivitatii acestuia pe piata de profil. Deasemenea proiectul va contribui la atingerea obiectivelor de dezvoltarea ale Regiunii de Nord Vest, dezvoltarea sectorului prelucrarea lemnului si fabricarea de mobila fiind identificat in Planul de Dezvoltare 2014-2020 al Regiunii Nord Vest, ca sector de specialitate, cu potetential competitiv ridicat demonstrat. Prezentul proiect isi va aduce contributia si la atingerea obiectivelor formulate in Strategia Nationala pentru Competitivitate, in care sectorul este identificat cu potential de specializate inteligenta si unul dintre cele 10 sectoare de viitor care se doresc a fi promovate. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project “Enhancing the competitiveness of HOCEANU HGH SRL by setting up a new wood processing department” is to increase the company’s competitiveness by developing the activity corresponding to the CAEN code 1610 – cutting and planing of wood. The proposed project will contribute directly to achieving the objective of investment priority 2.2 – Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production and service development capabilities, as by equipping an SME with the latest generation machinery will increase the qualitative and quantitative level of its production directly increasing its competitiveness on the profile market. The project will also contribute to achieving the development objectives of the North West Region, the development of the woodworking and furniture manufacturing sector being identified in the North West Region’s Development Plan 2014-2020, as a specialised sector with high competitive potency demonstrated. This project will also contribute to achieving the objectives set out in the National Strategy for Competitiveness, in which the sector is identified with the potential of intelligent specialists and one of the 10 sectors of the future that want to be promoted. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Negreşti-Oaş, Romania
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