Construction of tourist villa P+ 1E and enclosure in Techirghiol town", code SMIS 102793, beneficiary SC Karina SEA 98 SRL. (Q2742542)
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Project Q2742542 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Construction of tourist villa P+ 1E and enclosure in Techirghiol town", code SMIS 102793, beneficiary SC Karina SEA 98 SRL. |
Project Q2742542 in Romania |
760,270.9303 Romanian Leu
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1,154,931.1 Romanian Leu
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230,986.22000000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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1 June 2016
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31 October 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in initiere si dezvoltare a serviciilor turistice de baza in cadrul microintreprinderii Karina Sea 98 SRL, prin realizarea unei vile de trei stele cu 20 de locuri de cazare, si promovarea serviciilor turistice pe piata specifica statiunii turistice balneare Techirghiol. Astfel, Karina Sea 98 SRL ataca un sector de activitate cu inalta competitivitate la nivel national, inclusiv exportabil – turismul, cu pondere pe un tip de turism al carei cerere se afla in crestere confirmata de statisticile nationale si locale – turismul balnear si de wellness, si astfel, tintind acest sector in contextul unei analize aprofundate a pietei, Karina Sea 98 SRL va contribui si la consolidarea sectorului de turism din orasul Techirghiol si de pe litoral. Obiectiv general al proiectului deriva din obiectivul microintreprinderii Karina Sea 98 SRL de a dezvolta si diversifica activitatea societatii, de a creste numarul si complexitatea serviciilor prestate, in cadrul unei strategii de parteneriat pe termen lung cu clientii sai – inclusiv prin introducerea, consolidarea si ulterior dezvoltarea serviciilor de turism. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to initiate and develop basic tourist services within the Karina Sea 98 SRL micro-enterprise, by creating a three-star villa with 20 accommodation places, and promoting tourist services on the market specific to the Techirghiol spa resort. Thus, Karina Sea 98 SRL attacks a sector of activity with high competitiveness at national level, including exportable – tourism, with a share of a type of tourism whose demand is on the rise confirmed by national and local statistics – spa and wellness tourism, and thus, targeting this sector in the context of a thorough market analysis, Karina Sea 98 SRL will also contribute to the consolidation of the tourism sector in the city of Techirghiol and on the seaside. The general objective of the project derives from the objective of Karina Sea 98 SRL micro-enterprise to develop and diversify the company’s activity, to increase the number and complexity of the services provided, within the framework of a long-term partnership strategy with its clients – including through the introduction, consolidation and further development of tourism services. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Techirghiol, Romania
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