Increase the competitiveness of SC Recmet SRL (Q2742022)

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Project Q2742022 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Increase the competitiveness of SC Recmet SRL
Project Q2742022 in Romania


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    979,685.46 Romanian Leu
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    195,937.092 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,824,855.91 Romanian Leu
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    364,971.18200000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.54 percent
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    16 April 2018
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    31 October 2019
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    45°34'47.21"N, 26°21'12.35"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea competitivitatii, productivitatii si a avantajelor competitive ale SC RECMET SRL pe piata producatorilor de dispozitive de conexiune pentru fire si cabluri electrice si electronice. Obiectivul general al proiectului corespunde obiectivelor Programului Operational Regional - A.P. 2 ”Îmbunătăţirea competitivităţii întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii”, prioritatea de investiții 2.2. ”Sprijinirea creării și extinderea capacităților avansate de producție și dezvoltarea serviciilor”. Obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie la atingere obiectivului specific al axei prioritare 2, proiectul contribuind la “îmbunătățirea competitivității economice prin creșterea productivității muncii” la nivelul RECMET SRL, într-un sector competitiv identificat în Strategia Națională pentru Competitivitate, respectiv cel aferent CAEN 2733 – Fabricarea dispozitivelor de conexiune pentru fire si cabluri electrice si electronice). Prin obiectivul sau general, proiectul va contribui atat la dezvoltarea RECMET SRL (IMM) prin îmbunătățirea capacităților avansate de dezvoltare a produselor companiei, cat si la cresterea competitivității economiei din Regiunea Sud Est și si a celei naționale, RECMET activand pe piata nationala. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin intermediul obiectivelor specifice. Implementarea proiectului va asigura inovarea de proces si de produse, asigurand astfel obtinerea unor produse semnificativ imbunatatite, cu o calitate superioara, asigurand astfel dezvoltarea durabila a companiei si alinierea la cerintele pietei. Investitia vizeaza retehnologizarea RECMET SRL prin achizitia de echipamente mai eficiente energetic raportat la capacitatea lor de productie, fapt probat atat prin specificatiile tehnice ale utilajelor noi, modern, ce vor fi incluse in fluxul productiv cat si prin mentiunile ofertantilor echipamentelor in cadrul ofertelor indicative ce fundamenteaza pretul ofertat. De asemenea, RECMET va asigura din resurse proprii (cheltuieli neeligibile) eficientizarea iluminatului în spațiile de producţie prin utilizarea de becuri economice. Utilajele prevazute a fi achizitionate prin proiect asigura optimizarea fluxului tehnologic prin reducerea costurilor de productie, un raport competitiv calitate-pret al produselor ce se vor realiza ca urmare a investitiei. Proiectul asigura deasemenea, minimizarea la sursă a deșeurilor generate si creșterea gradului de recuperare și reciclare a deșeurilor: - prin achizitia maşinii de electroeroziune cu fir se va asigura tăierea în mod precis a formelor şi reperelor metalice ceea ce va asigura reducerea pierderilor si a deseurilor generate; - prin achizitia masinii debitare cu plasma – inalta definitie se asigura o debitare exacta a pieselor, asigurand astfel reducerea pieselor neconforme si utilizarea superioara a materiei prime; - prin achizitia masinii pentru debavurat care continua procesele tehnologice anterioare (intra in fluxul (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness, productivity and competitive advantages of SC RECMET SRL on the market of connection devices for electrical and electronic wires and cables. The general objective of the project corresponds to the objectives of the Regional Operational Programme – A.P.2 “Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises”, investment priority 2.2. “Support the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and development of services”. The general objective of the project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of Priority Axis 2, the project contributing to “improving economic competitiveness by increasing labour productivity” at the level of RECMET SRL, in a competitive sector identified in the National Strategy for Competitiveness, namely the one related to CAEN 2733 – Manufacture of connection devices for electrical and electronic wires and cables). Through its general objective, the project will contribute both to the development of RECMET SRL (SME) by improving the advanced capabilities of the company’s product development, as well as to increasing the competitiveness of the economy in the South East and the national region, and RECMET is active on the national market. The overall objective of the project will be achieved through the specific objectives. The implementation of the project will ensure process and product innovation, thus ensuring the obtaining of significantly improved products with a superior quality, thus ensuring the company’s sustainable development and alignment with market requirements. The investment targets the retrofitting of RECMET SRL through the acquisition of more energy efficient equipment in relation to their production capacity, which is proved both by the technical specifications of the new, modern machinery, which will be included in the production flow as well as by the mentions of the equipment bidders in the indicative offers that substantiate the offered price. RECMET will also ensure from its own resources (ineligible expenditure) the efficiency of lighting in production premises by using energy-saving bulbs. The equipment planned to be purchased through the project ensures the optimisation of the technological flow by reducing production costs, a competitive quality-price ratio of the products that will be achieved as a result of the investment. The project also ensures the minimisation at source of waste generated and increased recovery and recycling of waste: — the acquisition of the wire electroerosion machine will ensure precise cutting of metal shapes and parts, which will ensure the reduction of losses and waste generated; — by acquiring the plasma cutting machine – high definition ensures an accurate cutting of the parts, thus ensuring the reduction of non-compliant parts and the superior use of the raw material; — by purchasing the deburring machine that continues the previous technological processes (enter the stream) (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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