Training of specialists involved in the provision of medical services for the prevention of premature birth and for the care of premature newborn in order to reduce infant mortality and morbidity (Q3096417)

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Project Q3096417 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Training of specialists involved in the provision of medical services for the prevention of premature birth and for the care of premature newborn in order to reduce infant mortality and morbidity
Project Q3096417 in Romania


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    5,356,366.857 Romanian Leu
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    1,071,273.3714 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,343,749.93 Romanian Leu
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    1,268,749.986 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    8 December 2017
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    7 August 2020
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    Scopul proiectului vizeaza cresterea gradului de competitivitate precum si imbunatatirea competentelor profesionale ale 500 de specialisti din regiunile Bucuresti Ilfov, Centru, Sud Muntenia si Sud Est, implicati in activitati medicale de ingrijire a gravidei cu risc de nastere prematura si a nou nascutului prematur. Obiectivul general il reprezinta cresterea capacitatii de preventie, diagnostic si tratament in vederea reducerii mortalitatii infantile si a riscului de deces neonatal prin dezvoltarea competentelor a 500 de specialisti din domeniile obstetrica-ginecologie si neonatologie ca urmare a participarii la 10 sesiuni de formare, inclusiv la sesiuni de simulare a unor activități clinice si la schimburi de bune practici conferinte/congrese/workshopuri, Obiectivul general va determina cresterea gradului de specializare a profesionistilor din sistemul sanitar, de la regional ( fiind vizate 4 regiuni), judetean si local in vederea implementarii prioritatilor Strategiei Nationale de Sanatate, in sensul identificarii si reducerii riscului de deces neonatal si a mortalitatii infantile, prin acumularea de noi cunostinte in domeniile neonatologie si obstetrica-ginecologie prin participarea la 10 sesiuni de formare ( 8 grupe pentru asistente medicale si 2 grupe pentru medici, grupele incluzand 50 de participanti structurati in 2 serii de cate 25 de participanti) si la schimburi de bune practici conferinte/congrese/workshopuri. Pe termen lung, principalul rezultat de impact al proiectului consta in imbunatatirea serviciilor medicale de preventie, diagnostic si tratament pentru nou nascutul prematur, scazand astfel mortalitatea infantila si crescand calitatea vietii noului nascut. Obiectivul general vizeaza profesionistii din domeniul medical, cu specializare si experienta de lucru in subdomeniile neonatologie si obstetrica – ginecologie, pentru specializarea in sensul identificarii gravidei cu risc de nastere prematura si reducerii riscurilor de mortalitate a nou nascutului prematur, prin acumularea de noi cunostinte ca urmare a formarii profesionale specializate si a transferului de bune practici. (Romanian)
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    The aim of the project is to increase competitiveness as well as to improve the professional skills of 500 specialists from Bucharest Ilfov, Centru, South Muntenia and South East regions, involved in medical care activities for pregnant women at risk of premature birth and premature newborn. The general objective is to increase the capacity of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in order to reduce child mortality and the risk of neonatal death by developing the competencies of 500 specialists in the fields of obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology as a result of participating in 10 training sessions, including simulation sessions of some clinical activities and exchanges of good practices conferences/congress/workshops, the general objective will determine the increase of the degree of specialisation of the professionals in the healthcare system, from the regional (targeting 4 regions), county and local groups, in order to implement the priorities of the National Health Strategy, in the sense of identifying and reducing the risk of infantry, in the sense of identifying and reducing the risk of infantry, in order to increase the capacity of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in order to reduce the risk of child mortality and the risk of neonatal death by developing the competences of 500 specialists in the fields of obstetrics/workshops in the fields of obstetrics/workshops, the general objective will determine the increase in the degree of specialisation of the professionals in the healthcare system, from the regional (targeting 4 regions), county and local, in order to implement the priorities of the National Health Strategy, in the sense of identifying and reducing the risk of infantry, in the sense of identifying and reducing the risk of children’s risk. In the long term, the main impact result of the project is to improve the medical services of prevention, diagnosis and treatment for the premature newborn, thus lowering infant mortality and increasing the quality of life of the newborn. The general objective is aimed at medical professionals, with specialisation and work experience in neonatology and obstetric subareas – gynecology, for specialisation in the sense of identifying pregnant women at risk of premature birth and reducing mortality risks of the newborn premature, by accumulating new knowledge as a result of specialised professional training and transfer of good practices. (English)
    14 September 2021
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