No label defined (Q3102973)

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Revision as of 13:30, 15 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the implemented project is to create and ensure the condition of independent and free life of citizens dependent on the help of the company, in the natural home environment through the home care service. As part of the project, we plan to spread in the region of the Žilina self-governing region social service of domestic care and employ 38 qualified full-time caregivers for 23 months. Due to the consequences of population a...)
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Project Q3102973 in Slovakia
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Project Q3102973 in Slovakia


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    423,453.0 Euro
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    498,180.0 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 February 2019
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    1 December 2020
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    Daria o.z.
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    49°12'23.87"N, 18°46'19.88"E
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    Hlavným ciežom realizovaného projektu je vytvorenie a zabezpečenie podmienokna nezávislý a slobodný život občanov odkázaných na pomoc spoločnosti,v prirodzenom domácom prostredí prostredníctvom domácej opatrovatežskej služby.V rámci projektu plánujeme rozšíri v regióne Žilinského samosprávneho kraja sociálnuslužbu domácej opatrovatežskej starostlivosti a zamestna pre 38kvalifikovaných opatrovateliek na plný pracovný úväzok počas 23 mesiacov. Vzhžadomna dôsledky starnutia populácie spojené i s predlžujúcim sa vekom a nárastom počtustarších žudí odkázaných na pomoc a starostlivos, považujeme za potrebné vytvárapodmienky pre dostupnos a udržatežnos kvalitnej domácej opatrovatežskejslužby. Realizáciou projektu sa začne napĺňa myšlienka poskytovania komplexnejopatrovatežskej služby ZP osobám a odkázaným na pomoc seniorom v ich domácom prostredí.  Ciežomnaplnenia projektu je vytváranie podmienok, aby žudia odkázaní na sociálne službyneboli izolovaní od rodiny. Nepretrhli sa ich sociálne väzby s príbuznými aširším spoločenstvom, neboli nútení k spoločnému žitiu v inštitucionálnej starostlivosti.Realizáciou tohto projektu chceme zabezpeči dosiahnutie špecifického cieža určeného"Výzvou POS"; .Prechod z inštitucionálnej na komunitnú starostlivos. (Slovak)
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    The main objective of the implemented project is to create and ensure the condition of independent and free life of citizens dependent on the help of the company, in the natural home environment through the home care service. As part of the project, we plan to spread in the region of the Žilina self-governing region social service of domestic care and employ 38 qualified full-time caregivers for 23 months. Due to the consequences of population ageing, linked to the ageing age and the increase in the number of old people requiring assistance and care, we consider it necessary to create conditions for the availability and retention of high-quality domestic nursing services. The implementation of the project will begin to fulfill the idea of providing comprehensive guardianship service to persons and dependent to help seniors in their home environment.  The aim of fulfilling the project is to create the conditions for people dependent on social services not to be isolated from the family. They did not break their social ties with related airim community, they were not forced to share in institutional care. By implementing this project, we want to ensure the achievement of the specific objective set by the “Call of POS”; .Transition from institutional to community care. (English)
    15 September 2021
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