Relaxing and leisure area in Ovidiu city (Q2742746)

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Project Q2742746 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Relaxing and leisure area in Ovidiu city
Project Q2742746 in Romania


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    4,455,972.59 Romanian Leu
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    891,194.518 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,242,320.68 Romanian Leu
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    1,048,464.1359999999 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    24 April 2018
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    31 July 2020
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    45°51'7.20"N, 23°12'19.62"E
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    Scopul investitiei este amenajarea unei zone de relaxare si de agrement pe malul lacului Siutghiol si respectiv pe terenul amplasat paralel cu canalul in orasul Ovidiu. Aceasta investitie se înscrie în viziunea de dezvoltare a orasului şi va conduce la creşterea calităţii vieţii cetăţenilor orasului Ovidiu prin transformarea zonei de maximă circulabilitate din oras în spaţiu pentru promenadă şi petrecerea timpului liber. Amenajarea unei zone de agrement este necesara deoarece populatia nu beneficiaza de existenta unui alt loc de agrement pe perioada verii, in afara Parcului de recreere (White Parc) de pe malul lacului, construit tot pe fonduri europene. Numarul de locuitori care beneficiaza de implementarea proiectului – reprezinta practic toti locuitorii orasului, dar prin atractivitatea functiunilor complementare Parcului si Debarcaderului se preconizeaza atragerea multor vizitatori de pe litoral (in perioada verii) si chiar din Constanta, oras aflat in apropiere. Realizarea obiectivului de investitie va duce la dezvoltarea turismului in orasul Ovidiu si in imprejurimi. Obiectivul general al proiectului este creşterea calităţii vieţii prin ridicarea gradului de confort urban şi îmbunătăţirea factorilor de mediu in orasul Ovidiu. Pe termen scurt, pentru a realiza sus-mentionatele contributii la obiectivele generale ale Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020, se propun urmatoarele obiective specifice: 1) Dezvoltarea zonelor de recreere si miscare in aer liber si diversificarea posibilitatilor de petrecere a timpului liber Masuri: -imbunatatirea conditiilor pentru dezvoltare durabila a orasului prin modernizarea peisagistica a zonelor urbane, acest lucru ducand la cresterea calitatii vietii in zona de actiune a proiectului -imbogatirea biodiversitatii prin plantarea unor arbori deosebiti si ornamentali, specii adaptate conditiilor climatice locale, si prin recrearea unui ecosistem aluvial. -instalarea elementelor de mobilier urban (cosuri de gunoi, banci...). -valorizarea si sensibilizarea populatiei asupra patrimoniului natural. 2) Cresterea suprafetelor de spatii verzi din orasul Ovidiu Masuri: - ameliorarea climatului si a calitatii aerului datorita crearii unei zone racoroase, umbrite si a maririi cantitatii de plante ce produc oxigen. - mentinerea si dezvoltarea functiilor de protectie a spatiilor verzi prin ameliorarea calitatii vegetatiei in zona. - crearea unui mediu sanatos. - accesul liber la recreere in cele 2 zone de relaxare si de agrement 3) Cresterea numarului beneficiarilor prin diversificarea si cresterea calitatii serviciilor oferite Masuri: - crearea unor noi ‘centre de interes’, motor pentru organizarea unor activitati legate de turism/artizanat/valorizarea produselor locale... - organizarea de spectacole, concerte, expozitii in zona de relaxare creata prin proiect - cresterea atractivitatii zonei si a fluxului turistic. 4) Asigurarea nediscriminarii, tratamentului egal, transparentei, eficientei u (Romanian)
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    The purpose of the investment is to set up a relaxing and recreational area on the shore of Lake Siutghiol and on the land located parallel to the canal in the city of Ovidiu. This investment is part of the city’s development vision and will lead to increasing the quality of life of Ovidiu citizens by transforming the city’s maximum circulability area into space for promenade and leisure. The arrangement of a recreational area is necessary because the population does not benefit from the existence of another leisure place during the summer, outside the recreation park (White Parc) on the lake, also built on European funds. The number of inhabitants benefiting from the implementation of the project – represents virtually all the inhabitants of the city, but the attractiveness of the complementary functions of Park and Landing is expected to attract many visitors from the seaside (in summer) and even from Constanta, nearby town. Achieving the investment objective will lead to the development of tourism in the city of Ovidiu and in the surroundings. The general objective of the project is to increase the quality of life by increasing the degree of urban comfort and improving environmental factors in the city of Ovidiu. In the short term, in order to achieve the above-mentioned contributions to the general objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, the following specific objectives are proposed: 1) Development of outdoor recreation and movement areas and diversification of leisure possibilities Measures: —improving the conditions for sustainable development of the city through landscape modernisation of urban areas, this leading to increased quality of life in the action area of the project – enriching biodiversity by planting special and ornamental trees, species adapted to local climatic conditions, and by recreating an alluvial ecosystem. —installation of urban furniture elements (trash bins, benches...). valorisation and awareness of the population on the natural heritage. 2) Increase of green space surfaces in the city of Ovidiu Measures: — improving the climate and air quality due to the creation of a cool, shaded area and increasing the amount of oxygen-producing plants. — maintaining and developing functions of protection of green spaces by improving the quality of vegetation in the area. — creating a healthy environment. — free access to recreation in the 2 relaxation and leisure areas 3) Increasing the number of beneficiaries by diversifying and increasing the quality of the services offered Measures: — creation of new ‘centres of interest’, engine for organising activities related to tourism/crafts/valorisation of local products... — organising performances, concerts, exhibitions in the relaxation area created by the project – increasing the attractiveness of the area and the tourist flow. 4) Ensuring non-discrimination, equal treatment, transparency, efficiency (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Ovidiu, Romania
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