Construction of a kindergarten with extended schedule on 23 Posts Street. (Q2743487)

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Revision as of 15:14, 14 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Increase the quality of educational infrastructure at the level of Ploiesti in order to ensure increased access to early education and support parents’ participation in the labour market, modern infrastructure which, in the long term, thus ensuring the prerequisites of economic competitiveness and sustainable development since the first educational link. Romanian consumers are becoming more and more attentive to the price-quality ratio, more sel...)
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Project Q2743487 in Romania
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Construction of a kindergarten with extended schedule on 23 Posts Street.
Project Q2743487 in Romania


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    2,436,363.16 Romanian Leu
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    2,866,309.59 Romanian Leu
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    573,261.918 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 November 2019
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    Creșterea calității infrastructurii educationale la nivelul municipiului Ploiesti în vederea asigurării accesului sporit la educaţie timpurie şi sprijinirea participării părinţilor pe piaţa forţei de muncă, infrastructură moderna care, pe termen lung, asigurand astfel premisele competitivitatii economice si dezvoltarii durabile inca din prima veriga educationala. Consumatorii romani devin tot mai atenti la raportul pret-calitate, mai selectivi in alegerea locatiei potrivite pentru copii si mai educati in ceea ce priveste serviciile oferite. In acest fel concurenta devine mai intensa in randul gradinitelor, calitatea serviciilor oferite pentru a satisface pe deplin necesitatile consumatorului – in acest caz, a parintilor care vor sa se intoarca pe piata fortei de munca, fiind esentiala in conditiile in care acestia acorda o atentie deosebita tuturor detaliilor atunci cand este vorba despre copii lor, fiind dispusi sa investeasca prioritar in dezvoltarea copiilor, chiar uneori in detrimentul propriilor persoane. Asadar, numai o abordare sinergica intre crearea/mentinerea de locuri si asigurarea unei calitati adecvate a procesului de educatie a prescolarilor poate fi cheia succesului pentru o dezvoltare durabila asa cum este inteleasa in cadrul tuturor documentelor programatice in domeniul educatiei in context European, premisa a competitivitatii economice si dezvoltarii durabile. Cererea pentru servicii in domeniul educatiei va exista permanent, accentul se va pune din ce in ce mai mult pe calitate, pe o concurenta reala intre servicii publice si servicii private, toate in beneficiul participantilor la procesul de educatie din Romania, in mod specific din municipiul Ploiesti. Lucrarile propuse se vor realiza cu respectarea standardelor si normativelor în vigoare, fiind similare cu cele din tarile cu bogata traditie în domeniul economic. Elementul principal al acestui proiect este legat de faptul ca va permite crearea si dezvoltarea unui sistem educational modern, bazat pe o infrastructura de educatie care sa permita participarea la toate proiectele nationale si internationale de educatie. Perspectiva integrarii în aceste tipuri de retele va avea si un impact semnificativ din punct de vedere economic, atât la nivelul localitatii, cât si la nivelul întregii societatii. (Romanian)
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    Increase the quality of educational infrastructure at the level of Ploiesti in order to ensure increased access to early education and support parents’ participation in the labour market, modern infrastructure which, in the long term, thus ensuring the prerequisites of economic competitiveness and sustainable development since the first educational link. Romanian consumers are becoming more and more attentive to the price-quality ratio, more selective in choosing the right location for children and more educated in terms of the services offered. In this way, the competition becomes more intense among the kindergartens, the quality of the services offered to fully meet the needs of the consumer – in this case, of the parents who want to return to the labor market, being essential given that they pay special attention to all the details when it comes to their children, being willing to invest priority in the development of children, even sometimes at the expense of their own people. Therefore, only a synergistic approach between creating/maintaining places and ensuring an adequate quality of the preschool education process can be the key to success for sustainable development as is understood in all programmatic documents in the field of education in the European context, the premise of economic competitiveness and sustainable development. The demand for services in the field of education will exist permanently, the focus will increasingly be on quality, on a real competition between public services and private services, all for the benefit of the participants in the education process in Romania, specifically in the municipality of Ploiesti. The proposed works will be carried out in compliance with the standards and norms in force, being similar to those in the countries with a rich tradition in the economic field. The main element of this project is related to the fact that it will allow the creation and development of a modern educational system, based on an education infrastructure that allows participation in all national and international education projects. The perspective of integration into these types of networks will also have a significant impact from an economic point of view, both at the level of the locality and at the level of society as a whole. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Ploieşti, Romania
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