No label defined (Q3098742)
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Project Q3098742 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3098742 in Romania |
5,513,808.405 Romanian Leu
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6,486,833.41 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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8 September 2016
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7 September 2018
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Obiectiv general al proiectului este: Creşterea gradului de inovare în cadrul S. PROCESS INNOVATION NUCLEUS S.R.L. prin desfăşurarea unor activităţi de cercetare, dezvoltare tehnologică şi inovare în vederea valorificării unei cereri de brevet european existente în domeniul metodelor de producţie a nanopulberilor şi prin introducerea in producţie a rezultatelor cercetăriilor întreprinse. Îndeplinirea obiectivului general va contribui la realizarea obiectivului tematic 01 al Programului Operational Competitivitate – Consolidarea cercetării, dezvoltării tehnologice şi inovării. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is: Increase the degree of innovation within S. PROCESS INNOVATION NUCLEUS S.R.L. by carrying out research, technological development and innovation activities in order to capitalise on an existing European patent application in the field of nanopowder production methods and by introducing the results of the research undertaken into production. The achievement of the general objective will contribute to the achievement of thematic objective 01 of the Competitiveness Operational Programme – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation. (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Mihăileşti, Romania
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