No label defined (Q3098207)

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Revision as of 10:42, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to facilitate participation in workplace learning programs for 110 students from secondary and/or non-university non-university education in the territory of the Danube Delta ITI, Tulcea County and the north of Constanta County, by creating partnerships between educational units/institutions and the private sector, but also by organising internships focused on the training and development of professional a...)
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Project Q3098207 in Romania
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Project Q3098207 in Romania


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    2,004,754.62 Romanian Leu
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    400,950.92400000006 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,358,534.86 Romanian Leu
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    471,706.972 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    17 July 2020
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    16 July 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta facilitarea participarii la programe de invatare la locul de munca pentru 110 elevi din invatamantul secundar si / sau tertiar non-universitar din teritoriul ITI Delta Dunarii, Judetul Tulcea si nordul Judetului Constanta, prin crearea de parteneriate intre unitatile/institutiile de invatamant si sectorul privat dar si prin organizarea de stagii de practica centrate pe formarea si dezvoltarea de competente profesionale si transversale cerute pe piata muncii, inclusiv pentru categoriile de persoane dezavantajate, pe domenii de pregatire profesionala care pun accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate in SNC si in SNCDI, corelate cu programe specifice de consiliere si orientare in cariera in vederea facilitarii insertiei pe piata muncii a viitorilor absolventii de invatamant gimnazial, liceal, profesional si postliceal (ISCED 2 – 4 ,nivel de calificare 3 - 5). Astfel, obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivului general POCU, prin promovarea unor masuri de corelare a sistemului de invatamant si piata muncii prin activitati de consiliere si orientare profesionala in vederea pregatirii pentru insertie pe piata muncii a 110 elevi cu predilectie din liceele tehnologice, scolilor profesionale si postliceale, apartinand teritoriului ITI Delta Dunarii, Judetul Tulcea si nordul Judetului Constanta, in vederea cresterii gradului de ocupare in randul absolventilor unitatilor de invatamant. Efectul pe termen lung al proiectului este reprezentat de cresterea numarului absolventilor de invatamant din regiunea vizata de proiect, care isi gasesc un loc de munca prin facilitarea accesului la activitati de invatare la un potential loc de munca din sectoare economice cu potential competitiv dar si mentinerea parteneriatelor relevante dintre unitatile de invatamant si sectorul privat astfel incat generatiile viitoare de elevi sa poata beneficia de avantajele create prin intermediul proiectului si sa poata intra mai facil pe piata muncii dupa absolvirea studiilor. Proiectul genereaza un efect pozitiv pe termen lung, prin armonizarea studiilor teoretice cu cerintele pietei muncii, contribuind astfel la cresterea sanselor de incadrare pe piata muncii a viitorilor absolventi. Strategia POCU urmareste integrarea nevoilor de dezvoltare a resurselor umane in ansamblul programelor si politicilor publice ale Romaniei, ca SM al UE si are in vedere valorizarea capitalului uman, ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor. Performantele Romaniei in domeniul educatiei raman nesatisfacatoare, inregistrand rezultate sub mediile europene in invatamantul obligatoriu avand rate ridicate de nefrecventare a invatamantului obligatoriu si a abandonului scolar, in special in randul categoriilor vulnerabile, o participare scazuta la invatamantul tertiar si la IPV, fiind caracterizat de necorelare cu nevoile pietei muncii. Performantele reduse ale sistemului de educatie includ nu (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to facilitate participation in workplace learning programs for 110 students from secondary and/or non-university non-university education in the territory of the Danube Delta ITI, Tulcea County and the north of Constanta County, by creating partnerships between educational units/institutions and the private sector, but also by organising internships focused on the training and development of professional and transversal skills required on the labour market, including for disadvantaged categories, on areas of vocational training that focus on the economic sectors with competitive potential identified in the NCS and in SNCDI, correlated with specific career counseling and guidance programs in order to facilitate the insertion on the labour market of future graduates of secondary, secondary, vocational and post-secondary education (ISCED 2-4, qualification level 3-5). Thus, the general objective of the project contributes to the achievement of the general objective POCU, by promoting measures to correlate the education system and the labour market through professional counselling and guidance activities in order to prepare for the insertion on the labour market of 110 students with predilection from technological high schools, vocational and post-secondary schools, belonging to the territory of the Danube Delta ITI, Tulcea County and the north of Constanta County, in order to increase the employment rate among the graduates of the educational units. The long-term effect of the project is to increase the number of graduates in the target region of the project, who find a job by facilitating access to learning activities to a potential job in economic sectors with competitive potential, but also to maintain relevant partnerships between education units and the private sector so that future generations of students can benefit from the benefits created through the project and can enter the labour market more easily after graduating. The project generates a long-term positive effect, by harmonising theoretical studies with labour market requirements, thus contributing to increasing the chances of future graduates in the labour market. The POCU strategy aims to integrate human resources development needs into all Romanian public policies and programmes, as the EU MS and envisages the valorisation of human capital, as a resource for sustainable development in the future. Romania’s performance in the field of education remains unsatisfactory, with results below the European environments in compulsory education with high rates of non-frequency of compulsory education and school drop-out, especially among vulnerable groups, low participation in third-party education and IPV, being characterised by a mismatch with the needs of the labour market. Low performance of the education system includes no (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Ceamurlia de Jos, Romania
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    C.A. Rosetti, Romania
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    Bestepe, Romania
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    Baia, Romania
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    Oraş Sulina, Romania
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    Oraş Măcin, Romania
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    Oraş Isaccea, Romania
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    Oraş Babadag, Romania
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    Săcele, Romania
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    Mihai Viteazu, Romania
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    Istria, Romania
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    Corbu, Romania
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    Văcăreni, Romania
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    Valea Nucarilor, Romania
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    Somova, Romania
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    Smârdan, Romania
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    Slava Cercheză, Romania
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    Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania
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    Sarichioi, Romania
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    Pardina, Romania
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    Nufăru, Romania
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    Niculiţel, Romania
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    Murighiol, Romania
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    Mihail Kogălniceanu, Romania
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    Mihai Bravu, Romania
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    Maliuc, Romania
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    Mahmudia, Romania
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    Luncaviţa, Romania
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    Jurilovca, Romania
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    Jijila, Romania
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    I.C.Brătianu, Romania
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    Grindu, Romania
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    Greci, Romania
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    Frecăţei, Romania
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    Crişan, Romania
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    Chilia Veche, Romania
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    Municipiul Tulcea, Romania
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    Ceatalchioi, Romania
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