No label defined (Q3097262)
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Project Q3097262 in Romania
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English | No label defined |
Project Q3097262 in Romania |
2,611,556.16 Romanian Leu
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3,072,419.0 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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26 November 2019
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25 October 2021
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Obiectiv general (OG): Imbunatatirea nivelului de cunostinte/ competente/ aptitudini pentru un numar de 327 persoane angajate in sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate conform SNC si SNCDI din regiunile de dezvoltare Nord Est (RD NE), Nord Vest (RD NV) si Sud-Est (RD SE) pe parcursul a 18 luni de implementare a proiectului. Tinand cont de indicatorii specifici de program, prin prezentul proiect ne propunem urmatoarele tinte: indicator de realizare 4S36 -un nr. de 327 persoane din grupul tinta (GT)- angajati cu contract individual de munca (cu norma întreaga sau cu timp parþial) ce provin din întreprinderi din sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate conform SNC si SNCDI vor beneficia de programe de formare; indicator de realizare 4S17-un nr de 37 IMM-uri sprijinite. Ca si indicatori de rezultat imediat, proiectul prevede pentru indicatorul 4S34 o valoare de 95% din indicatorul 4S36, adica, in valoare absoluta, un nr de 311 persoane care dobandesc o calificare/care si-au validat competentele in sectoarele ec/domeniile cu specializare inteligenta aferente SNC/SNCDI la incetarea calitatii de participant, iar pentru indicatorul 4S35 ne propunem un nr de 9 IMM-uri din cele 37 sprijinite care introduc programe de invatare la locul de munca la 6 luni dupa finalizarea sprijinului, ce reprezinta comparativ cu tintele minime solicitate in GS-Cond Gen AP3/PI10.iii/OS3.12,pg.16, o valoare absoluta de trei ori mai mare, iar procentual 24%, dublu fata de 12%-min.din 4S35*100/min. din 4S17. Astfel, indicatorii de rezultat imediat sunt corelati cu obiectivele proiectului si conduc la indeplinirea obiectivului 3.8 din POCU, AP 3 –Locuri de munca pentru toti, obiectiv tematic 8-Promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca si sprijinirea mobilitatii fortei de munca, realizarile imediate, rezultatele (natura si tinte) si obiectivele de program sunt corelate, proiectul propus contribuind la sustinerea adaptarii lucratorilor si intreprinderilor la schimbarea determinata de adaptarea la nevoile clientilor, cresterea competitiei si retehnologizarile implementate sau planificate,prin programe de formare profesionala continua. Rezultatele proiectului contribuie la realizarea obiectivelor de program aferente domeniului, respectiv a prioritatii de investitii 10.iii: Imbunatatirea accesului egal la invatarea pe tot parcursul vietii pentru toate grupurile de varsta într-un cadru formal, non-formal sau informal, actualizarea cunostintelor, a aptitudinilor si a competentelor fortei de munca si promovarea unor cai de invatare flexibile, inclusiv prin orientare profesionala si prin validarea competentelor dobandite, precum si la atingerea obiectivului specific 3.12, prin faptul ca sprijina imbunatatirea nivelului de cunostinte/competente/aptitudini pentru un nr. de 327 persoane din grupul tinta (GT)- angajaþi cu contract individual de munca ce provin din intreprinderi din sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate conform SNC si SNCDI(indica (Romanian)
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General objective (GO): Improving the level of knowledge/skills/skills for 327 persons employed in economic sectors/areas identified according to SNC and SNCDI in the development regions North East (RD NE), North West (RD NV) and South-East (RD SE) during 18 months of project implementation. Taking into account the specific programme indicators, through this project we propose the following targets: output indicator 4S36 – a number of 327 persons from the target group (GT) – employees with an individual work contract (full-time or part time) from enterprises from economic sectors/areas identified according to SNC and SNCDI will benefit from training programmes; output indicator 4S17-one 37 SMEs supported. As immediate result indicators, the project foresees for indicator 4S34 a value of 95 % of the 4S36 indicator, i.e., in absolute value, a number of 311 persons who acquire a qualification/who validated their skills in the ec sectors/the areas with smart specialisation related to SNC/SNCDI at the end of the participant’s quality, and for indicator 4S35 we propose a number of 9 SMEs out of the 37 supported that introduce work-based learning programmes 6 months after the end of the support. what is compared to the minimum targets required in GS-Cond Gen AP3/PI10.iii/OS3.12,pg.16, an absolute value three times higher, and 24 %, double the 12 %-min. of 4S35*100/min. of 4S17. Thus, the immediate result indicators are correlated with the project’s objectives and lead to the achievement of objective 3.8 of POCU, PA 3 – Jobs for all, thematic objective 8-Promoting a sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility, immediate achievements, results (nature and targets) and programme objectives are correlated, the proposed project contributing to supporting the adaptation of workers and enterprises to the change caused by adaptation to customer needs, increased competition and implemented or planned retrofitting through continuous training programs. The results of the project contribute to the achievement of the programme objectives related to the field, i.e. the investment priority 10.iii: Improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in a formal, non-formal or informal setting, updating the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce and promoting flexible learning pathways, including through professional guidance and validation of acquired competences, as well as to achieving specific objective 3.12, by supporting the improvement of the level of knowledge/competences/skills for a number of 327 people from the target group (GT) – employed with an individual contract of work from enterprises in the economic sectors/areas identified according to SNC and SNCDI (individually (English)
16 September 2021
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