No label defined (Q3096527)
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Project Q3096527 in Romania
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English | No label defined |
Project Q3096527 in Romania |
16,456,154.75 Romanian Leu
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19,360,182.05 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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12 September 2017
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11 March 2021
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Proiectul se adreseaza unei comunitati marginalizate în care există populație aparținând minorității rome din municipiul Sighetu Marmatiei, in care 2/3 din grupul tinta propus se va suprapune pe o comunitate nominalizata in Atlasul Zonelor Urbane Marginalizate (pagina 196), care este la o saracie extrema, de tip getou, dar si strazile invecinate sunt locuite de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, astfel ca propunem extinderea zonei, pornind de la cea nominalizata in atlas.Ideea proiectului a pornit de la prioritatile stabilite de Romania prin Acordul de Parteneriat 2014-2020, prin care urmarim la nivel global diminuarea discrepantelor de dezvoltare economica si sociala intre Romania si statele membre. Acest deziderat se va realiza prin furnizarea de masuri eficiente celor aflati in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, risc in care se afla 20% din populatia totala a Romaniei. Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020 raspunde acestor nevoi prin Obiectivul specific 4.1.Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii rome, prin implementarea de masuri integrate. Urmarind prevederile acestui obiectiv, ne-am propus pentru proiect urmatorul OBIECTIV GENERAL: cresterea calitatii vietii la nivelul unei comunitati marginalizate în care există populație aparținând minorității rome din Sighetu Marmatiei, prin furnizarea de interventie integrata in corespondenta cu nevoile individuale si ale gospodariei din care fac parte, pentru 550 de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, adulti si copii, cu o pondere de 50% persoane de etnie roma si 50% de gen feminin. La nivelul unei comunitati marginalizate in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii rome careia ne adresam locuiesc 3.233 persoane, din care 468 sunt persoane de etnie roma. Propunem pentru proiect un grup tinta de 550 persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, o pondere realista pentru a asigura identificarea beneficiarilor pentru activitatile proiectului, si semnificativ pentru a genera schimbare la nivel de comunitate marginalizata. Propunem o structura eterogena a grupului tinta, fiind reprezentate toate structurile sociale ale comunitatii: copii, adulti, varstnici, persoane apte de munca dar si persoane a caror activitati le sunt limitate (persoane cu dizabilitati, persoane varstnice, femei insarcinate). Pentru a asigura rezultate semnificative in combaterea discriminarii si promovarea egalitatii de sanse s-a stabilit ca 50% din grupul tinta vor fi de etnie roma si tot 50% sa fie femei. Structura grupului tinta a fost stabilita ca urmare a recomandarii Ghidului Solicitantului Conditii Specifice OS 4.1. de a privi propunerile de finantare intr-un mod integrat, la nivel de gospodarie/familie. Nevoile unei astfel de comunitati sunt variate, interdependente, furnizarea de masuri unidirectionate diminueaza sansele de obtinere a unui (Romanian)
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The project addresses a marginalised community in which there is a population belonging to the Roma minority in the municipality of Sighetu Marmatiei, in which 2/3 of the proposed target group will overlap on a community nominated in the Atlas of Marginalised Urban Areas (page 196), which is in extreme poverty, such as getou, but also neighbouring streets are inhabited by people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. thus, we propose to expand the area, starting from the one nominated in atlas. The idea of the project started from the priorities set by Romania through the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, through which we aim at global level to reduce disparities in economic and social development between Romania and the Member States. This will be achieved by providing effective measures to those at risk of poverty and social exclusion, in which there are 20 % of the total population of Romania. The Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 responds to these needs through the Specific Objective 4.1.Reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in marginalised communities in which there is a population belonging to the Roma minority, by implementing integrated measures. Following the provisions of this objective, we proposed for the project the following GENERAL OBIECTIV: increasing the quality of life at the level of a marginalised community in which there is a population belonging to the Roma minority in Sighetu Marmatiei, by providing integrated intervention in line with the individual and household needs of which they belong, for 550 people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, adults and children, with a share of 50 % Roma and 50 % female. At the level of a marginalised community in which there is a population belonging to the Roma minority we address, there are 3,333 people, of whom 468 are Roma people. We propose for the project a target group of 550 people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, a realistic weight to ensure the identification of beneficiaries for the project activities, and significant to generate change at the level of marginalised community. We propose a heterogeneous structure of the target group, representing all social structures of the community: children, adults, elderly people, persons capable of working but also persons whose activities are limited (persons with disabilities, elderly people, pregnant women). In order to ensure significant results in combating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities, it has been established that 50 % of the target group will be Roma and still 50 % to be women. The structure of the target group was established following the recommendation of the Applicant’s Guide Specific Conditions OS 4.1. to look at the financing proposals in an integrated way, at household/family level. The needs of such a community are varied, interdependent, the provision of unidirected measures reduces the chances of obtaining a (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania
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