Construction and equipment of the rural community in Strąpiu (Q139056)

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Revision as of 10:13, 11 March 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Project the construction of a rural centre together with the management of the site and the necessary equipment. The centre of the day-care centre will have an individual exit from the municipal road. As part of the development of the site, a playground will be located in the day-care centre (previously demolished, refurbished and moved to a place where it will not clash with the day-care centre). The building will be equipped with a hot and col...)
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Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction and equipment of the rural community in Strąpiu
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    387,684.65 zloty
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    93,044.316 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    713,821.2 zloty
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    171,317.088 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    55.0 percent
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    5 December 2018
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    31 December 2019
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    Przedmiotem projektu budowa świetlicy wiejskiej wraz z zagospodarowaniem terenu i niezbędnym wyposażeniem. Do budynku świetlicy będzie prowadził indywidualny zjazd z drogi gminnej. W ramach zagospodarowania terenu przy budynku świetlicy zostanie usytuowany plac zabaw (uprzednio rozebrany, odnowiony i przeniesiony w miejsce gdzie nie będzie kolidował z budynkiem świetlicy). Budynek będzie wyposażony w instalację ciepłej i zimnej wody,kanalizacji sanitarnej, instalację oświetleniową oraz gniazdkową. Instalacja wodna i elektryczna zostaną włączone dosieci miejskiej, a kanalizacji sanitarnej do szczelnego, ekologicznego zbiornika. Teren zostanie ogrodzony. Na terenie nieruchomości wykonane zostaną nasadzenia i trawniki. Ponadto na terenie nieruchomości zaplanowano 5 miejsc postojowych, w tym jedno dla osoby niepełnosprawnej. (Polish)
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    Project the construction of a rural centre together with the management of the site and the necessary equipment. The centre of the day-care centre will have an individual exit from the municipal road. As part of the development of the site, a playground will be located in the day-care centre (previously demolished, refurbished and moved to a place where it will not clash with the day-care centre). The building will be equipped with a hot and cold water installation, a sanitary sewage system, a lighting installation and a socket. The water and electrical installations will be integrated into the urban network and the sanitary sewage system to be sealed green. The site is fenced off. Planting and lawns shall be carried out on the property. In addition, 5 parking spaces are planned for the property, including one for a person with a disability. (English)
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