Advanced functional nanobots (Q19824): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: financed by (P890): Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (Q8361), Removing unnecessary financed by statement)
(‎Changed claim: summary (P836): The project aims to set up and equip an excellent research team with international participation in top research in the field of development of a new category of nanotechnology: autonomous nano robots that can be used especially in medicine and environmental remediation. Seven-year research of an excellent team will unequivocally contribute to the development of international cooperation in the field of nanotechnology and building links with for...)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
The project aims to set up and equip an excellent research team with international participation in top research in the field of development of a new category of nanotechnology: autonomous nanorobots that can be used especially in medicine and environmental remediation. Seven-year research of an excellent team will unequivocally contribute to the development of international cooperation in the field of nanotechnology and building links with foreign research partners with the intention to participate in prestigious international grant competitions. a. (English)
The project aims to set up and equip an excellent research team with international participation in top research in the field of development of a new category of nanotechnology: autonomous nano robots that can be used especially in medicine and environmental remediation. Seven-year research of an excellent team will unequivocally contribute to the development of international cooperation in the field of nanotechnology and building links with foreign research partners with the intention to participate in prestigious international grant competitions. a. (English)

Revision as of 16:52, 24 November 2020

Project Q19824 in Czech Republic co-funded by the EU
Language Label Description Also known as
Advanced functional nanobots
Project Q19824 in Czech Republic co-funded by the EU


    0 references
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    156,579,562.5 Czech koruna
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    6,263,182.5 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    219,452,785.44 Czech koruna
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    8,778,111.42 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    71.35 percent
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    15 December 2016
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    31 October 2022
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    Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze
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    50°5'39.41"N, 14°20'3.98"E
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    50°6'17.86"N, 14°22'51.35"E
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    Projekt má za cíl vytvořit a vybavit excelentní výzkumný tým s mezinárodní účastí zabývající se špičkovým výzkumem v oblasti vývoje nové kategorie nanotechnologií: autonomními nanoroboty využitelnými zejména v medicíně a sanaci životního prostředí. Sedmiletý výzkum excelentního týmu jednoznačně přispěje k rozvoji mezinárodní spolupráce v oboru nanotechnologií a budování vazeb se zahraničními výzkumnými partnery se záměrem zapojovat se společně do prestižních mezinárodních grantových soutěží. a. (Czech)
    0 references
    The project aims to set up and equip an excellent research team with international participation in top research in the field of development of a new category of nanotechnology: autonomous nano robots that can be used especially in medicine and environmental remediation. Seven-year research of an excellent team will unequivocally contribute to the development of international cooperation in the field of nanotechnology and building links with foreign research partners with the intention to participate in prestigious international grant competitions. a. (English)
    22 October 2020
    0 references


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