Healthy Academy of Family _1 (Q133794): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to enhance the ability to overcome difficulties in fulfilling the care and educational function of 12-40 people who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion from families living in the area of the Gm.Sorbecze by allowing them access to family support services. the project will help improve the functioning of families and increase the quality of care and children’s upbringing in the natural family environment and pre...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to enhance the ability to overcome difficulties in fulfilling the care and educational function of 12-40 people who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion from families living in the area of the Gm.Sorbecze by allowing them access to family support services. the project will help improve the functioning of families and increase the quality of care and children’s upbringing in the natural family environment and prevent the placement of children in lieu of care. the target group for the project is 12 people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, benefiting from GOPS benefits in Soria, due to caretaking care. the project will be implemented within the period March 2019-February 2020 and will include tasks: • Academy of good parent (s) — family support in the resolution of nursing homes — 80 hours • Support group and support to self-help groups for families at risk of social exclusion — 80 hours • The Academy of Good Life — Services to support the good functioning of the family and contributing to the quality of daily life — 80 hours • Expert support for families showing difficulties in solving a problem of life (350 h) • Academy for the long-term care service for children between 0-6 years and 590 hr. educational services for children and young people aged 7-14 60h hours for summer holidays with a development programme for 8 Participants. • Academy of Integration, aimed at strengthening family links, while developing knowledge and attitudes for the 40 Participants, with a 3-day family trip, a family trip to a leisure centre, family going to the theatre• Family support services in the form of family assistants and social work for 12a. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to enhance the ability to overcome difficulties in fulfilling the care and educational function of 12-40 people who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion from families living in the area of the Gm.Sorbecze by allowing them access to family support services. the project will help improve the functioning of families and increase the quality of care and children’s upbringing in the natural family environment and prevent the placement of children in lieu of care. the target group for the project is 12 people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, benefiting from GOPS benefits in Soria, due to caretaking care. the project will be implemented within the period March 2019-February 2020 and will include tasks: • Academy of good parent (s) — family support in the resolution of nursing homes — 80 hours • Support group and support to self-help groups for families at risk of social exclusion — 80 hours • The Academy of Good Life — Services to support the good functioning of the family and contributing to the quality of daily life — 80 hours • Expert support for families showing difficulties in solving a problem of life (350 h) • Academy for the long-term care service for children between 0-6 years and 590 hr. educational services for children and young people aged 7-14 60h hours for summer holidays with a development programme for 8 Participants. • Academy of Integration, aimed at strengthening family links, while developing knowledge and attitudes for the 40 Participants, with a 3-day family trip, a family trip to a leisure centre, family going to the theatre• Family support services in the form of family assistants and social work for 12a. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 18:51, 21 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Healthy Academy of Family _1
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    336,557.5 zloty
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    80,773.8 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    395,950.0 zloty
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    95,028.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 March 2019
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    29 February 2020
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    53°50'40.9"N, 21°8'36.6"E
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    Celem projektu jest podniesienie zdolności do przezwyciężania trudności w wypełnianiu funkcji opiekuńczo-wychowawczych przez 12 rodzin-40 os.zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społecznym z rodzin zamieszkałych na terenie Gm.Sorkwity poprzez umożliwienie im dostępu do usług wsparcia rodziny.Rezultatem wsparcia projektu będzie poprawa funkcjonowania rodzin i wzrost jakości opieki i wychowania dzieci w naturalnym środowisku rodzinnym oraz zapobieganie umieszczania dzieci w pieczy zastępczej.Grupę docelową projektu stanowi 12 rodzin-40 osób zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społecznym, korzystających ze świadczeń GOPS w Sorkwitach z powodu bezradności opiekuńczo-wychowawczej.Projekt będzie realizowany w terminie marzec 2019-luty 2020 i obejmować będzie zadania: • Akademia dobrego rodzica-wparcie rodzin w rozwiązywaniu problemów opiekuńczo-wychowawczych–80 godz. • Grupa wsparcia-Organizacja i wsparcie grup samopomocowych dla rodzin zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym-80 godz. • Akademia dobrego życia-Usługi wspierające prawidłowe funkcjonowanie rodziny i przyczyniające się do podniesienia jakości codziennego życia–80 godz. • Poradnictwo specjalistyczne dla rodzin wykazujących trudności w rozwiązywaniu problemów życiowych–350 godz. • Akademia Szczęśliwego Dziecka-usługi opiekuńcze dla dzieci w wieku 0-6 lat-590 godz.. usługi wychowawcze dla dzieci i młodzieży w wieku 7-14 lat 60 godz. organizacja wypoczynku letniego z programem rozwoju dla 8 Uczestników proj. • Akademia Integracji rodzin-Usługi mające na celu wzmocnienie więzi rodzinnych przy jednoczesnym kształtowaniu wiedzy i postaw dla 40 Uczestników proj.-trzydniowy wyjazd rodzinny,wyjazd rodzinny do parku rozrywki,wyjazd rodzinny do teatru • Usługi wsparcia rodziny w formie Asystenta Rodziny i pracy socjalnej dla 12rodz. (Polish)
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