BSSM supports you and your environment to improve life (Q115274): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): The project [would] continue to improve accessibility to high quality health and social services provided to disabled persons and/or dependent persons [ONN] within the framework of a partnership carried out by the Brzeg Association of Croat [BSSM] and the District Centre for Family Assistance from the Bank BSSM since 2015. but it has been engaged in social exclusion of persons at risk of social exclusion (No. KIS-Z/01/15 of Opolskie Province),...) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The object of the project [further to the project] will be to improve accessibility to high quality health and social services provided to disabled and/or dependent people [ONN] within the framework of the partnership implemented by Brzeskie Association of Sickness [BSSM] and Poviat Family Assistance Centre from Brzeg [PCPR] BSSM, since 2015, runs the Club of Social Integration (Nr KIS-Z/01/15 Voivodeship of Opolskie) but it is directed to peopl...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The object of the project [further to the project] will be to improve accessibility to high quality health and social services provided to disabled and/or dependent people [ONN] within the framework of the partnership implemented by Brzeskie Association of Sickness [BSSM] and Poviat Family Assistance Centre from Brzeg [PCPR] BSSM, since 2015, runs the Club of Social Integration (Nr KIS-Z/01/15 Voivodeship of Opolskie) but it is directed to people at risk of social exclusion. Preference for ONNs living in single-person households, at least 70 % targeting ONNs with low incomes The project will complement the project with the tools planned under the programme BSSM Special Demo Zone, being an actor of social economy, has been implementing various projects for the benefit of ON participants for years. [UP] will receive such forms of support: care services (help in meeting everyday life needs, hygiene, care and providing contacts with the environment), assistance services provided to ON, modern information and communication technologies, activities supporting their educational/social/cultural activities, removal of architectural barriers in the place of residence, provision of practical services for the provision of childcare equipment (increasing independence of persons), caring equipment and caring facilities (non-care facilities) (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The object of the project [further to the project] will be to improve accessibility to high quality health and social services provided to disabled and/or dependent people [ONN] within the framework of the partnership implemented by Brzeskie Association of Sickness [BSSM] and Poviat Family Assistance Centre from Brzeg [PCPR] BSSM, since 2015, runs the Club of Social Integration (Nr KIS-Z/01/15 Voivodeship of Opolskie) but it is directed to people at risk of social exclusion. Preference for ONNs living in single-person households, at least 70 % targeting ONNs with low incomes The project will complement the project with the tools planned under the programme BSSM Special Demo Zone, being an actor of social economy, has been implementing various projects for the benefit of ON participants for years. [UP] will receive such forms of support: care services (help in meeting everyday life needs, hygiene, care and providing contacts with the environment), assistance services provided to ON, modern information and communication technologies, activities supporting their educational/social/cultural activities, removal of architectural barriers in the place of residence, provision of practical services for the provision of childcare equipment (increasing independence of persons), caring equipment and caring facilities (non-care facilities) (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The object of the project [further to the project] will be to improve accessibility to high quality health and social services provided to disabled and/or dependent people [ONN] within the framework of the partnership implemented by Brzeskie Association of Sickness [BSSM] and Poviat Family Assistance Centre from Brzeg [PCPR] BSSM, since 2015, runs the Club of Social Integration (Nr KIS-Z/01/15 Voivodeship of Opolskie) but it is directed to people at risk of social exclusion. Preference for ONNs living in single-person households, at least 70 % targeting ONNs with low incomes The project will complement the project with the tools planned under the programme BSSM Special Demo Zone, being an actor of social economy, has been implementing various projects for the benefit of ON participants for years. [UP] will receive such forms of support: care services (help in meeting everyday life needs, hygiene, care and providing contacts with the environment), assistance services provided to ON, modern information and communication technologies, activities supporting their educational/social/cultural activities, removal of architectural barriers in the place of residence, provision of practical services for the provision of childcare equipment (increasing independence of persons), caring equipment and caring facilities (non-care facilities) (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 20 October 2020
Revision as of 16:49, 20 October 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | BSSM supports you and your environment to improve life |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
1,699,485.23 zloty
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1,999,394.4 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 August 2017
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31 December 2019
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Przedmiotem projektu [dalej proj] będzie poprawa dostępności do wysokiej jakości usług zdrowotnych i społecznych świadczonych na rzecz osób niepełnosprawnych lub/i niesamodzielnych [ONN] w ramach partnerstwa realizowanego przez Brzeskie Stowarzyszenie Chorych na SM [BSSM] i Powiatowe Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie z Brzegu [PCPR] BSSM od 2015 prowadzi Klub Integracji Społecznej (nr KIS-Z/01/15 woj. opolski) ale jest on kierowany do osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym i ON Proj. zapewni objęciem usługami opiekuńczymi i rozwojem działań pozostanie w społeczności lokalnej 55 ONN (28K+27M) w tym 5 dzieci >3r.ż. oraz 15 opiekunów faktycznych tych osób (10K+5M) z terenu powiatu brzeskiego. Preferencja w naborze będzie dla ONN żyjących w jednoosobowych gospodarstwach domowych, w co najmniej 70% skierowany jest do ONN osiągających niskie dochody W ramach realizowanego projektu zostanie zapewniona komplementarność projektu z narzędziami zaplanowanymi w ramach programu Specjalna Strefa Demograficzna BSSM będąc podmiotem ekonomii społecznej od lat realizuje różne przedsięwzięcia na rzecz ONN Uczestnicy proj. [UP] otrzymają takie formy wsparcia: usługi opiekuńcze (pomoc w zaspokajaniu codziennych potrzeb życiowych, opiekę higieniczną, pielęgnację oraz zapewnienie kontaktów z otoczeniem), usługi asystenckie świadczone na rzecz ONN, nowoczesne technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne, działania wspierające ich aktywność edukacyjno/społeczno/kulturalną, likwidowanie barier architektonicznych w miejscu zamieszkania, korzystanie z wypożyczalni sprzętu wspomagającego (zwiększającego samodzielność osób), sprzętu pielęgnacyjnego (niezbędnego do opieki nad ONN), możliwości dowożenia posiłków, przewozu do ośrodka wsparcia a dla opiekunów faktycznych działania wspierające w opiece nad ONN (szkolenia, zajęcia praktyczne, wymiana doświadczeń), poradnictwo psychologiczne, uzyskanie informacji w celu poruszania się po różnych systemach wsparcia, udzielenie usługi asystenckiej/opiekuńczej dla ONN. (Polish)
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The object of the project [further to the project] will be to improve accessibility to high quality health and social services provided to disabled and/or dependent people [ONN] within the framework of the partnership implemented by Brzeskie Association of Sickness [BSSM] and Poviat Family Assistance Centre from Brzeg [PCPR] BSSM, since 2015, runs the Club of Social Integration (Nr KIS-Z/01/15 Voivodeship of Opolskie) but it is directed to people at risk of social exclusion. Preference for ONNs living in single-person households, at least 70 % targeting ONNs with low incomes The project will complement the project with the tools planned under the programme BSSM Special Demo Zone, being an actor of social economy, has been implementing various projects for the benefit of ON participants for years. [UP] will receive such forms of support: care services (help in meeting everyday life needs, hygiene, care and providing contacts with the environment), assistance services provided to ON, modern information and communication technologies, activities supporting their educational/social/cultural activities, removal of architectural barriers in the place of residence, provision of practical services for the provision of childcare equipment (increasing independence of persons), caring equipment and caring facilities (non-care facilities) (English)
20 October 2020
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