From training to employment — support unemployed jobseekers and economically inactive people from Opolskie Province (Q115192): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The project involves implementing measures to increase the employment, skills, qualifications and professional experience of 100 unemployed, job seekers and inactive PA (including: 53 women, 10 persons with disabilities, 23 people. 50 +) who are resident in the area of the Opolskie region within the meaning of the provisions of the CC in the territory of the Prędnicki, Brest, Nyski, deafness and reflection districts, which are in a particularl...)
Property / summary
The project involves implementing measures to increase the employment, skills, qualifications and professional experience of 100 unemployed, job seekers and inactive PA (including: 53 women, 10 persons with disabilities, 23 people. 50 +) who are resident in the area of the Opolskie region within the meaning of the provisions of the CC in the territory of the Prędnicki, Brest, Nyski, deafness and reflection districts, which are in a particularly difficult situation on the labour market (i.e. those belonging to one of the disadvantaged groups: women, the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, people with a disability, over the age of 50, persons with at least one child under 6 years of age or one or more children with disabilities up to 18 years, return migrants and immigrants), at least 20 % of those from rural areas. The design activities are: create an individual Action Plan for each Participant providing further support, professional guidance identifying strengths and weaknesses, and a professional sector compatible with competences, professional placements, workshops with effective mobility after the labour market, language and ICT training, which is closely linked to courses and vocational training (adapted to the needs of the local labour market), professional placements for all of the PAs, increasing the professional experience of those wishing to find a job. All courses and trainings will be completed in the tests for which the UP certificates/certificates will be obtained/increased by the UP of the competences or professional qualifications, including qualifications. 60 % OF THE UP). Active forms of combating unemployment will be applied. The complexity of the support foreseen under the project is foreseen for 100 % of the participants. P implemented in the period from 1.06.2017 to 30.09.2018 and the requested level of support is in line with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. (English)
Property / summary: The project involves implementing measures to increase the employment, skills, qualifications and professional experience of 100 unemployed, job seekers and inactive PA (including: 53 women, 10 persons with disabilities, 23 people. 50 +) who are resident in the area of the Opolskie region within the meaning of the provisions of the CC in the territory of the Prędnicki, Brest, Nyski, deafness and reflection districts, which are in a particularly difficult situation on the labour market (i.e. those belonging to one of the disadvantaged groups: women, the long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, people with a disability, over the age of 50, persons with at least one child under 6 years of age or one or more children with disabilities up to 18 years, return migrants and immigrants), at least 20 % of those from rural areas. The design activities are: create an individual Action Plan for each Participant providing further support, professional guidance identifying strengths and weaknesses, and a professional sector compatible with competences, professional placements, workshops with effective mobility after the labour market, language and ICT training, which is closely linked to courses and vocational training (adapted to the needs of the local labour market), professional placements for all of the PAs, increasing the professional experience of those wishing to find a job. All courses and trainings will be completed in the tests for which the UP certificates/certificates will be obtained/increased by the UP of the competences or professional qualifications, including qualifications. 60 % OF THE UP). Active forms of combating unemployment will be applied. The complexity of the support foreseen under the project is foreseen for 100 % of the participants. P implemented in the period from 1.06.2017 to 30.09.2018 and the requested level of support is in line with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 16:30, 20 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
From training to employment — support unemployed jobseekers and economically inactive people from Opolskie Province
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    Projekt zakłada realizację działań mających na celu zwiększenie zatrudnienia, kompetencji, kwalifikacji oraz doświadczeń zawodowych wśród 100 osób bezrobotnych, poszukujących pracy i nieaktywnych zawodowo UP (w tym min: 53 kobiety,10 osób niepełnosprawnych, 23 os. 50+), którzy zamieszkują na obszarze województwa opolskiego w rozumieniu przepisów KC na terenie powiatów prudnickiego, brzeskiego, nyskiego, głubczyckiego i namysłowskiego, znajdujących się w szczególnie trudnej sytuacji na rynku pracy (tj. należących do jednej z gr. defaworyzowanych: kobiety, długotrwale bezrobotni, o niskich kwalifikacjach, osoby niepełnosprawne, powyżej 50 roku życia, osoby posiadające co najmniej jedno dziecko do 6 roku życia lub co najmniej jedno dziecko niepełnosprawne do 18 roku życia, migranci powrotni i imigranci), co najmniej 20% osób z terenów wiejskich ww. powiatów. Działania projektowe to: stworzenie dla każdego Uczestnika Projektu Indywidualnego Planu Działań, określającego dalszą ścieżkę wsparcia, doradztwo zawodowe określające mocne i słabe strony oraz branżę zawodową zgodną z kompetencjami, profesjonalne pośrednictwo zawodowe, warsztaty z efektywnego poruszania się po rynku pracy, szkolenia językowe i ICT będące ściśle powiązane z kursami i szkoleniami zawodowymi (dostosowane do potrzeb lokalnego rynku pracy), staże zawodowe dla wszystkich UP zwiększające doświadczenie zawodowe osób pragnących znaleźć zatrudnienie. Wszystkie kursy i szkolenia zakończą się egzaminami, po których UP otrzymają certyfikaty/zaświadczenia potwierdzające zdobycie/podniesienie przez UP kompetencji lub kwalifikacji zawodowych (kwalifikacje uzyska 60%UP). Zostaną zastosowane aktywne formy przeciwdziałania bezrobociu. Kompleksowość wsparcia przewidzianego w ramach projektu przewidziana jest w odniesieniu do 100% uczestników. P realizowany w okresie od 1.06.2017 r. do 30.09.2018 r., a wnioskowany poziom wsparcia jest zgodny z zapisami Regulaminu Konkursu. (Polish)
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