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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The project involves the thermal modernisation of the ten public buildings forming part of the museum complex: 1. palace — main plant of the palace/park team, which includes, inter alia, the library and office of the Museum, 2. Owocin, 3. stony, 4. from Siemion, 5. on the exhibition, 6th moulder, 7th moulder, 8th procession from Dresden, 9. chata, Radziszeńczech, 10. The thermal modernisation does not include the insulation of partitions or th...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project includes the thermal modernisation of ten public buildings included in the museum complex: 1. Palace – the main building of the palace-park complex, which houses, among others, the library and offices of the Museum, the 2nd outbuilding, the 3rd stable, the 4th manor house from Siemion, the 5th exhibition pavilion, 6. foresters, 7. guard houses, 8. cottages from Woodow Lipski, 9. cottages from Radziszew Sieńczuch, 10th manor house fro...)
Property / summary
The project includes the thermal modernisation of ten public buildings included in the museum complex: 1. Palace – the main building of the palace-park complex, which houses, among others, the library and offices of the Museum, the 2nd outbuilding, the 3rd stable, the 4th manor house from Siemion, the 5th exhibition pavilion, 6. foresters, 7. guard houses, 8. cottages from Woodow Lipski, 9. cottages from Radziszew Sieńczuch, 10th manor house from Kiersnow. The thermal modernisation does not include warming of partitions or replacement of window joinery and has been limited to the exchange of heat sources (the boiler room supplying buildings 1-5, which uses mainly coal with a small proportion of biomass will be replaced by a heat pump assisted by an oil boiler, boiler in the boiler room of buildings 8-10 will be replaced by a device with much higher efficiency), replacement of lighting fittings for energy-efficient and construction of photovoltaic power plants of 22 kW. This scope of the project results from actual needs, and omission of warming of partitions and replacement of woodwork is related to two aspects: * Most of the buildings are monuments for which such activities would be unacceptable because they would destroy their original character, * non-religious objects are relatively new, warmed up and taking further action in this respect is not economically justified, as reflected in the energy audit records. According to the estimates contained in the energy audits each year, 2.537 GJ of final energy is used for heating the building and preparing hot water and lighting. Carrying out the above-mentioned works will reduce consumption by about 1.481 GJ, i.e. within 58 %. This will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions of 113 tonnes per year. (English)
Property / summary: The project includes the thermal modernisation of ten public buildings included in the museum complex: 1. Palace – the main building of the palace-park complex, which houses, among others, the library and offices of the Museum, the 2nd outbuilding, the 3rd stable, the 4th manor house from Siemion, the 5th exhibition pavilion, 6. foresters, 7. guard houses, 8. cottages from Woodow Lipski, 9. cottages from Radziszew Sieńczuch, 10th manor house from Kiersnow. The thermal modernisation does not include warming of partitions or replacement of window joinery and has been limited to the exchange of heat sources (the boiler room supplying buildings 1-5, which uses mainly coal with a small proportion of biomass will be replaced by a heat pump assisted by an oil boiler, boiler in the boiler room of buildings 8-10 will be replaced by a device with much higher efficiency), replacement of lighting fittings for energy-efficient and construction of photovoltaic power plants of 22 kW. This scope of the project results from actual needs, and omission of warming of partitions and replacement of woodwork is related to two aspects: * Most of the buildings are monuments for which such activities would be unacceptable because they would destroy their original character, * non-religious objects are relatively new, warmed up and taking further action in this respect is not economically justified, as reflected in the energy audit records. According to the estimates contained in the energy audits each year, 2.537 GJ of final energy is used for heating the building and preparing hot water and lighting. Carrying out the above-mentioned works will reduce consumption by about 1.481 GJ, i.e. within 58 %. This will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions of 113 tonnes per year. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project includes the thermal modernisation of ten public buildings included in the museum complex: 1. Palace – the main building of the palace-park complex, which houses, among others, the library and offices of the Museum, the 2nd outbuilding, the 3rd stable, the 4th manor house from Siemion, the 5th exhibition pavilion, 6. foresters, 7. guard houses, 8. cottages from Woodow Lipski, 9. cottages from Radziszew Sieńczuch, 10th manor house from Kiersnow. The thermal modernisation does not include warming of partitions or replacement of window joinery and has been limited to the exchange of heat sources (the boiler room supplying buildings 1-5, which uses mainly coal with a small proportion of biomass will be replaced by a heat pump assisted by an oil boiler, boiler in the boiler room of buildings 8-10 will be replaced by a device with much higher efficiency), replacement of lighting fittings for energy-efficient and construction of photovoltaic power plants of 22 kW. This scope of the project results from actual needs, and omission of warming of partitions and replacement of woodwork is related to two aspects: * Most of the buildings are monuments for which such activities would be unacceptable because they would destroy their original character, * non-religious objects are relatively new, warmed up and taking further action in this respect is not economically justified, as reflected in the energy audit records. According to the estimates contained in the energy audits each year, 2.537 GJ of final energy is used for heating the building and preparing hot water and lighting. Carrying out the above-mentioned works will reduce consumption by about 1.481 GJ, i.e. within 58 %. This will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions of 113 tonnes per year. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 20 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:20, 20 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,994,896.01 zloty
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    478,775.04 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,346,936.53 zloty
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    563,264.77 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2017
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    31 July 2020
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    52°40'43.7"N, 22°29'56.8"E
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    Projekt obejmuje termomodernizację dziesięciu budynków użyteczności publicznej wchodzących w skład kompleksu muzealnego: 1. pałacu – głównego obiektu zespołu pałacowo-parkowego, mieszczącego bibliotekę i biura Muzeum, 2. oficyny, 3. stajni, 4. dworu z Siemion, 5. pawilonu wystawienniczego, 6. leśniczówki, 7. stróżówki, 8. chaty z Drewnowa Lipskiego, 9. chaty z Radziszewa Sieńczuch, 10. dworku z Kiersnowa. Termomodernizacja nie obejmuje docieplenia przegród czy wymiany stolarki okiennej i ograniczona została do wymiany źródeł ciepła (kotłownia zasilająca budynki 1-5, wykorzysująca głównie węgiel z niewielkim udziałem biomasy zastąpiona zostanie pompą ciepła wspomaganą kotłem olejowym, kocioł w kotłowni zasilającej obiekty 8-10 zostanie zastąpiony urządzeniem o znacznie wyższej sprawności), wymiany opraw oświetleniowych na energooszczędne i budowy elektrowni fotowoltaicznej 22 kW. Taki zakres projektu wynika z faktycznych potrzeb, a pominięcie docieplenia przegród i wymiany stolarki związane jest z dwoma aspektami: * większość obiektów to zabytki, w przypadku których tego rodzaju działania byłyby niedopuszczalne, gdyż zniszczyłyby ich oryginalny charakter, * obiekty niezabytkowe są stosunkowo nowe, docieplone i podejmowanie kolejnych działań w tym zakresie nie znajduje uzasadnienia ekonomicznego, co znajduje odzwierciedlenie w zapisach audytów energetycznych. Zgodnie z szacunkami zawartymi w audytach ergetycznych każdego roku na ogrzewanie budynku i przygotowanie ciepłej wody oraz oświetlenie zużywanych jest 2.537 GJ energii końcowej. Przeprowadzenie wymienionych wyżej robót pozwoli na ograniczenie zużycia o około 1.481 GJ, tj. w granicach 58%. Wiązać się to będzie ze zmniejszeniem emisji CO2 rzędu 113 ton rocznie. (Polish)
    0 references
    The project includes the thermal modernisation of ten public buildings included in the museum complex: 1. Palace – the main building of the palace-park complex, which houses, among others, the library and offices of the Museum, the 2nd outbuilding, the 3rd stable, the 4th manor house from Siemion, the 5th exhibition pavilion, 6. foresters, 7. guard houses, 8. cottages from Woodow Lipski, 9. cottages from Radziszew Sieńczuch, 10th manor house from Kiersnow. The thermal modernisation does not include warming of partitions or replacement of window joinery and has been limited to the exchange of heat sources (the boiler room supplying buildings 1-5, which uses mainly coal with a small proportion of biomass will be replaced by a heat pump assisted by an oil boiler, boiler in the boiler room of buildings 8-10 will be replaced by a device with much higher efficiency), replacement of lighting fittings for energy-efficient and construction of photovoltaic power plants of 22 kW. This scope of the project results from actual needs, and omission of warming of partitions and replacement of woodwork is related to two aspects: * Most of the buildings are monuments for which such activities would be unacceptable because they would destroy their original character, * non-religious objects are relatively new, warmed up and taking further action in this respect is not economically justified, as reflected in the energy audit records. According to the estimates contained in the energy audits each year, 2.537 GJ of final energy is used for heating the building and preparing hot water and lighting. Carrying out the above-mentioned works will reduce consumption by about 1.481 GJ, i.e. within 58 %. This will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions of 113 tonnes per year. (English)
    20 October 2020
    0 references


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