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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to implement the technology for the production of innovative compound fertilisers in compound fertilisers based on highly pure and reactive calcium carbonate derived from their own deposits of the Racizyn mines on the basis of the results of the R & D work carried out by the Company R & R. energy, construction and feed. With the implementation of the project, the JMC will be able to expand its product offer also to th...)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to implement Wkg’s operations of innovative multi-component fertilisers based on highly clean and reactive calcium carbonate obtained from its own deposit of the Raciszyn mine based on the results of R & D works carried out by the Company. Currently, Wkg offers products intended primarily for the following markets: energy, construction and feed. Thanks to the implementation of the project, Wkg will be able to expand its...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to implement Wkg’s operations of innovative multi-component fertilisers based on highly clean and reactive calcium carbonate obtained from its own deposit of the Raciszyn mine based on the results of R & D works carried out by the Company. Currently, Wkg offers products intended primarily for the following markets: energy, construction and feed. Thanks to the implementation of the project, Wkg will be able to expand its product range to the agricultural market (fertilisation and remineralisation of soils) which will affect the diversification of its activities and will significantly improve the balance of limestone production and manage waste materials that do not meet the quality parameters of current industrial customers. The technological solutions implemented will enable the production of innovative limestone fertilisers with mineral admixtures, the use of which and beneficial effects on soil quality have already been positively defined in the literature of the subject – such as basalt, zeolite and perlite. Thanks to this, it is possible to administer many minerals to the soil once, while maintaining the basic role of fertilising lime, which is deacidification. Application of fertiliser will ensure effective mineralisation and nourishment of the soil, sorption of heavy metals and improved water retention while at the same time prolonged duration of operation. Thus, it will improve soil quality, prevent degradation and enable the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the protection of agricultural land. Direct implementation of the project will consist of purchasing installations (authorised technological solutions), necessary to implement innovative technology and start the production of a new product. The results of the investment will be reflected in project indicators, including employment growth in Wkg (by 5 people), product innovation (eco-product) will be implemented based on innovative technological solutions (innovation) (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to implement Wkg’s operations of innovative multi-component fertilisers based on highly clean and reactive calcium carbonate obtained from its own deposit of the Raciszyn mine based on the results of R & D works carried out by the Company. Currently, Wkg offers products intended primarily for the following markets: energy, construction and feed. Thanks to the implementation of the project, Wkg will be able to expand its product range to the agricultural market (fertilisation and remineralisation of soils) which will affect the diversification of its activities and will significantly improve the balance of limestone production and manage waste materials that do not meet the quality parameters of current industrial customers. The technological solutions implemented will enable the production of innovative limestone fertilisers with mineral admixtures, the use of which and beneficial effects on soil quality have already been positively defined in the literature of the subject – such as basalt, zeolite and perlite. Thanks to this, it is possible to administer many minerals to the soil once, while maintaining the basic role of fertilising lime, which is deacidification. Application of fertiliser will ensure effective mineralisation and nourishment of the soil, sorption of heavy metals and improved water retention while at the same time prolonged duration of operation. Thus, it will improve soil quality, prevent degradation and enable the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the protection of agricultural land. Direct implementation of the project will consist of purchasing installations (authorised technological solutions), necessary to implement innovative technology and start the production of a new product. The results of the investment will be reflected in project indicators, including employment growth in Wkg (by 5 people), product innovation (eco-product) will be implemented based on innovative technological solutions (innovation) (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to implement Wkg’s operations of innovative multi-component fertilisers based on highly clean and reactive calcium carbonate obtained from its own deposit of the Raciszyn mine based on the results of R & D works carried out by the Company. Currently, Wkg offers products intended primarily for the following markets: energy, construction and feed. Thanks to the implementation of the project, Wkg will be able to expand its product range to the agricultural market (fertilisation and remineralisation of soils) which will affect the diversification of its activities and will significantly improve the balance of limestone production and manage waste materials that do not meet the quality parameters of current industrial customers. The technological solutions implemented will enable the production of innovative limestone fertilisers with mineral admixtures, the use of which and beneficial effects on soil quality have already been positively defined in the literature of the subject – such as basalt, zeolite and perlite. Thanks to this, it is possible to administer many minerals to the soil once, while maintaining the basic role of fertilising lime, which is deacidification. Application of fertiliser will ensure effective mineralisation and nourishment of the soil, sorption of heavy metals and improved water retention while at the same time prolonged duration of operation. Thus, it will improve soil quality, prevent degradation and enable the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the protection of agricultural land. Direct implementation of the project will consist of purchasing installations (authorised technological solutions), necessary to implement innovative technology and start the production of a new product. The results of the investment will be reflected in project indicators, including employment growth in Wkg (by 5 people), product innovation (eco-product) will be implemented based on innovative technological solutions (innovation) (English) / qualifier
point in time: 17 October 2020
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:12, 17 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    3,444,000.0 zloty
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    826,560.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    8,200,000.0 zloty
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    1,968,000.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    42.0 percent
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    1 April 2017
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    31 July 2018
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    51°7'0.5"N, 18°51'54.7"E
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    Celem projektu jest wdrożenie do działalności WKG technologii produkcji innowacyjnych nawozów wieloskładnikowych na bazie wysoce czystego i reaktywnego węglanu wapnia pozyskiwanego z własnego złoża kopalni Raciszyn w oparciu o wyniki przeprowadzonych przez Spółkę prac B+R. Aktualnie w ofercie WKG znajdują się produkty przeznaczone przede wszystkim na rynki: energetyczny, budowlany i paszowy. Dzięki realizacji projektu WKG będzie w stanie rozszerzyć swoją ofertę produktową również na rynek rolniczy (nawożenie i remineralizacja gleb) co wpłynie na dywersyfikację prowadzonej działalności i pozwoli znacząco poprawić bilans produkcji kamienia wapiennego oraz zagospodarować surowce odpadowe nie odpowiadające parametrom jakościowym stawianym przez aktualnych odbiorców przemysłowych. Wdrażane rozwiązania technologiczne umożliwią produkcję innowacyjnych nawozów na bazie wapienia z domieszkami surowców mineralnych, których stosowanie i korzystny wpływ na jakość gleby został już pozytywnie określony w literaturze przedmiotu - takich jak bazalt, zeolit i perlit. Dzięki temu możliwe jednorazowe podanie do gleby wielu składników mineralnych, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu podstawowej roli wapna nawozowego jakim jest odkwaszanie. Zastosowanie nawozu zapewni skuteczną mineralizację i odżywienie gleby, sorpcję metali ciężkich i poprawę retencji wody przy jednocześnie wydłużonym czasie działania. Tym samym poprawi jakość gleby, będzie przeciwdziałać degradacji i umożliwi rekultywację gleb zdegradowanych oraz ochronę użytków rolnych. Bezpośrednia realizacja projektu polegać będzie na zakupie instalacji (autorskich rozwiązań technologicznych), niezbędnych do wdrożenia innowacyjnej technologii oraz rozpoczęcia produkcji nowego produktu. Rezultaty realizacji inwestycji znajdą odzwierciedlenie we wskaźnikach projektu, w tym nastąpi wzrost zatrudnienia w WKG (o 5 osób), wdrożona zostanie innowacja produktowa (eko-produkt) w oparciu o nowatorskie rozwiązania technologiczne (innowacja (Polish)
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    The aim of the project is to implement Wkg’s operations of innovative multi-component fertilisers based on highly clean and reactive calcium carbonate obtained from its own deposit of the Raciszyn mine based on the results of R & D works carried out by the Company. Currently, Wkg offers products intended primarily for the following markets: energy, construction and feed. Thanks to the implementation of the project, Wkg will be able to expand its product range to the agricultural market (fertilisation and remineralisation of soils) which will affect the diversification of its activities and will significantly improve the balance of limestone production and manage waste materials that do not meet the quality parameters of current industrial customers. The technological solutions implemented will enable the production of innovative limestone fertilisers with mineral admixtures, the use of which and beneficial effects on soil quality have already been positively defined in the literature of the subject – such as basalt, zeolite and perlite. Thanks to this, it is possible to administer many minerals to the soil once, while maintaining the basic role of fertilising lime, which is deacidification. Application of fertiliser will ensure effective mineralisation and nourishment of the soil, sorption of heavy metals and improved water retention while at the same time prolonged duration of operation. Thus, it will improve soil quality, prevent degradation and enable the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the protection of agricultural land. Direct implementation of the project will consist of purchasing installations (authorised technological solutions), necessary to implement innovative technology and start the production of a new product. The results of the investment will be reflected in project indicators, including employment growth in Wkg (by 5 people), product innovation (eco-product) will be implemented based on innovative technological solutions (innovation) (English)
    17 October 2020
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