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(‎Removed claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the project is to increase the availability and development of the cultural resources of Skierniewice as a result of the conversion of the CKit in Skierniewice. The main objective of the project is in line with the specific objective of the enhanced participation in the culture of the inhabitants of Łódzkie through the use of cultural institutions. The project is, by its very nature, intended for a wide range of persons....)
Property / summary
The main objective of the project is to increase the availability and development of the cultural resources of Skierniewice as a result of the conversion of the CKit in Skierniewice. The main objective of the project is in line with the specific objective of the enhanced participation in the culture of the inhabitants of Łódzkie through the use of cultural institutions. The project is, by its very nature, intended for a wide range of persons. The beneficiaries of the project will be indirectly the inhabitants of the Łódzkie region, including mainly the district of Skierniewicki, and the project’s results will also benefit the inhabitants of other regions or countries. The project will consist of the redevelopment of the cultural institution, which will allow the cultural offer to be extended. The activities related to the conversion of the CSE together with its partial superstructure and resulting from this construction and the planned execution of the roof over the atrium — to be developed, are foreseen. The equipment of parts of the premises is also planned to be purchased. Construction work will include, inter alia, the drying of the basement, the development of a rainwater drainage system from the building and the installation of the rain water system into the storm-water system. The project will follow the principles of universal planning. As a result of the work in the CKS, the first concert Hall in Skierniewice, the inhabitants will also be able to use the atrium, so far the hatchlings will be made available. ‘Artists’ as a result of the project, the project will increase the number of users of the project. According to the demand analysis, the current demand (beneficiaries/visitors to the CKS) was set at 8 187 persons/year. The projected demand in 2020 is expected to increase the users of the infrastructure by 12 020 people per year. (English)
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to increase the availability and development of the cultural resources of Skierniewice as a result of the conversion of the CKit in Skierniewice. The main objective of the project is in line with the specific objective of the enhanced participation in the culture of the inhabitants of Łódzkie through the use of cultural institutions. The project is, by its very nature, intended for a wide range of persons. The beneficiaries of the project will be indirectly the inhabitants of the Łódzkie region, including mainly the district of Skierniewicki, and the project’s results will also benefit the inhabitants of other regions or countries. The project will consist of the redevelopment of the cultural institution, which will allow the cultural offer to be extended. The activities related to the conversion of the CSE together with its partial superstructure and resulting from this construction and the planned execution of the roof over the atrium — to be developed, are foreseen. The equipment of parts of the premises is also planned to be purchased. Construction work will include, inter alia, the drying of the basement, the development of a rainwater drainage system from the building and the installation of the rain water system into the storm-water system. The project will follow the principles of universal planning. As a result of the work in the CKS, the first concert Hall in Skierniewice, the inhabitants will also be able to use the atrium, so far the hatchlings will be made available. ‘Artists’ as a result of the project, the project will increase the number of users of the project. According to the demand analysis, the current demand (beneficiaries/visitors to the CKS) was set at 8 187 persons/year. The projected demand in 2020 is expected to increase the users of the infrastructure by 12 020 people per year. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 00:24, 16 October 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    4,648,439.06 zloty
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    1,115,625.37 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    6,197,918.75 zloty
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    1,487,500.5 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    75.0 percent
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    1 May 2019
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    31 December 2020
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    51°57'29.2"N, 20°8'41.6"E
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    Celem głównym projektu jest zwiększenie dostępności oraz rozwój zasobów kulturowych Skierniewic w wyniku przebudowy CKiS w Skierniewicach. Cel główny projektu jest zgodny z celem szczegółowym działania jakim jest zwiększona partycypacja w kulturze mieszkańców województwa łódzkiego poprzez wykorzystanie instytucji kultury. Projekt ze względu na swój charakter jest skierowany do szerokiej grupy osób. Pośrednio odbiorcami projektu będą mieszkańcy regionu łódzkiego, w tym głównie powiatu skierniewickiego, z efektów projektu będą mogli skorzystać wszyscy również mieszkańcy innych województw czy krajów. Planowane przedsięwzięcie będzie polegało na przebudowie budynku instytucji kultury, która to przebudowa pozwoli na poszerzenie oferty kulturalnej. Przewidziano działania związane z przebudową CKiS połączone z jego częściową nadbudową i wynikającą z tej nadbudowy oraz planowanym wykonaniem dachu nad atrium – rozbudową. Zaplanowano również zakup wyposażenia części pomieszczeń. W ramach prac budowlanych zostanie wykonanie osuszenie piwnic, stworzenie systemu odprowadzania wód deszczowych z budynku wraz z wykonaniem opaski i przyłącza tego systemu do sieci kanalizacji deszczowej. Projekt będzie zgodny z zasadami uniwersalnego planowania. W wyniku prac w CKiS powstanie pierwsza sala koncertowa w Skierniewicach, mieszkańcy będą mogli również korzystać z atrium, do tej pory wyłączonego z użytku udostępnione zostaną pomieszczenia klubowe w piwnicach „Piwnica u Artystów” W wyniku realizacji projektu wzrośnie liczba użytkowników korzystających z produktów projektu. Zgodnie z przeprowadzoną analizą popytu, popyt bieżący (osoby korzystające/odwiedzające CKiS) określono na 8 187 osób/rok. Prognozowany popyt w 2020 r. zakłada wzrost osób korzystających z infrastruktury o 12 020 osób na rok. (Polish)
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