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| 60.0 percent
Revision as of 12:23, 3 December 2024
Project ARA000049 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | 2022 Learning Passport |
Project ARA000049 in France |
71,724.83 Euro
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60.0 percent
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1 January 2022
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31 December 2022
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Mission Locale Espace Jeunes de Vichy et sa Région
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La Mission Locale Espace Jeunes de Vichy et sa Région propose une action qui doit permettre de renforcer l'accompagnement des jeunes en recherche d'apprentissage. (French)
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Η αποστολή Locale Espace Jeunes του Vichy και η περιοχή της προτείνει μια δράση που θα ενισχύσει τη συνοδεία των νέων στην αναζήτηση της μάθησης. (Greek)
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The Mission Locale Espace Jeunes of Vichy and its Region proposes an action that should strengthen the accompaniment of young people in search of learning. (English)
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De Missie Locale Espace Jeunes van Vichy en zijn regio stelt een actie voor die de begeleiding van jongeren die op zoek zijn naar leren moet versterken. (Dutch)
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Misiunea Locale Espace Jeunes din Vichy și regiunea sa propune o acțiune care ar trebui să consolideze însoțirea tinerilor în căutarea învățării. (Romanian)
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Mission Locale Espace Jeunes i Vichy og dens region foreslår en aktion, der skal styrke ledsagelsen af unge, der søger læring. (Danish)
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La Misión Local Espace Jeunes de Vichy y su Región propone una acción que debe fortalecer el acompañamiento de los jóvenes en busca de aprendizaje. (Spanish)
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Misia Locale Espace Jeunes z Vichy a jej regiónu navrhuje opatrenie, ktoré by malo posilniť sprevádzanie mladých ľudí pri hľadaní vzdelávania. (Slovak)
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Molann Mission Locale Espace Jeunes ó Vichy agus a Réigiún gníomhaíocht lenar cheart tionlacan daoine óga atá ar thóir na foghlama a neartú. (Irish)
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Мисията Local Espace Jeunes of Vichy и нейният регион предлагат действие, което следва да засили придружаването на младите хора в търсене на учене. (Bulgarian)
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Mise Locale Espace Jeunes of Vichy and its Region navrhuje opatření, které by mělo posílit doprovod mladých lidí při hledání vzdělání. (Czech)
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Mission Locale Espace Jeunes i Vichy och dess region föreslår en åtgärd som bör stärka ungdomars ackompanjemang i sökandet efter lärande. (Swedish)
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Die Mission Locale Espace Jeunes de Vichy et sa Région schlägt eine Aktion vor, die es ermöglichen soll, die Begleitung junger Menschen auf der Suche nach einer Lehrstelle zu verstärken. (German)
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La Missione Locale Espace Jeunes di Vichy e della sua Regione propone un'azione che dovrebbe rafforzare l'accompagnamento dei giovani in cerca di apprendimento. (Italian)
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A Missão Local Espace Jeunes de Vichy e da sua Região propõe uma acção que deve reforçar o acompanhamento dos jovens em busca de aprendizagem. (Portuguese)
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A Vichyben és régiójában működő „Locale Espace Jeunes” misszió olyan fellépést javasol, amely megerősíti a tanulást kereső fiatalok kíséretét. (Hungarian)
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Misija Locale Espace Jeunes iz Vichyja in njegove regije predlaga ukrep, ki bi moral okrepiti spremljanje mladih pri iskanju učenja. (Slovenian)
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Misija Locale Espace Jeunes of Vichy un tās reģions ierosina darbību, kurai būtu jāstiprina jauniešu atbalsts mācību meklējumos. (Latvian)
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Il-Missjoni Locale Espace Jeunes ta’ Vichy u r-Reġjun tagħha tipproponi azzjoni li għandha ssaħħaħ l-akkumpanjament taż-żgħażagħ li qed ifittxu t-tagħlim. (Maltese)
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Vichyn ja sen alueen Mission Locale Espace Jeunes ehdottaa toimea, jolla olisi vahvistettava oppimista etsivien nuorten mukanaoloa. (Finnish)
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Misija Locale Espace Jeunes Vichy ir jo regione siūlo veiksmus, kurie turėtų sustiprinti jaunų žmonių, ieškančių mokymosi, palydą. (Lithuanian)
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Vichy ja selle piirkonna missioonipaik Espace Jeunes pakub välja meetme, mis peaks tugevdama noorte õppimist otsivate inimeste abistamist. (Estonian)
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Misija Locale Espace Jeunes iz Vichyja i njezine regije predlaže djelovanje kojim bi se trebala ojačati pratnja mladih u potrazi za učenjem. (Croatian)
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27 November 2024
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